So we can’t upgrade season 1 items anymore…

I finally got a Champion cloak and I now cant upgrade it to 8/8 for the last transmog I need for my Heroic gear set. Thanks a lot.


Best solution, Any Season 1 Gear is max upgraded. problem solved.


Functionally we are still in season 1. You can still do all season 1 content, you can still get all season 1 titles, mounts, achievements, etc.

The only way this season has “ended” is that you can’t upgrade anything. So no, it really hasn’t.


This really does sound like an elegant and simple solution, although I may be treading into armchair dev territory here. But in any case, this is Blizzard working on their own game. Posts like the one Kaivax left here make it sound like they’re subject to the ‘rules’ just as much as we are even though they’re the ones writing them. I’m not sure what sort of circumstances would lead a group of game developers to say something ‘isn’t technically possible’ in their own game. Actual skill issue, I guess?

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We’re in the limbo phase between seasons which should really just be eliminated.


There definitely shouldn’t be a dead week.

The next season should start with the patch even if certain content isn’t available yet so you can do things like buy S2 honor gear, farm heroics or M0 for catch up gear on alts or for returning players etc.


Just change the currency to Resonance Crystals.


Let people upgrade S1 gear if they want to there no reason to just turn it off really.


This really needs to be communicated well in advance to players via an in game message. Most players like myself don’t read the Blizzard forums. I had been saving up my crests…and now they’re all gone.

Blizzard’s business is making a fun game for players. Having an in-game currency that you’ve worked to collect suddenly gone without warning? Definitely not having fun.


So basically chump change for each unit of currency they strip us of? Honestly doesn’t surprise me but I guess if it was a gold per it might be a bit more noticeable but Blizz is never that kind

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I read these forums so I know they are going away but it’s wild that there is no indication at all in-game that a massive reset to many currencies was going to happen and that upgrading of S1 gear would be disabled.

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