So, Void Elves

I’d be okay with that.
Thing that vexes me the most with Void Elves, is how it spits on the lore of Blood Elves.

How so? Thanks to Rommath and his comment “Anyone who treats with the void is a threat to Quel’Thalas and to be exiled!” / deeming all Blood Elf shadowpriests as non-canon :upside_down_face: There’s a few other things, but that’s one of the larger parts lol

Honestly wouldn’t mind if they used ‘The Eye of Aman’Thul’ to pop on the Sunwell as a cap, both enhancing it and protecting it from all corrupting forces. Then just conjoin the races into one, and have an NPC to talk towards to switch between racials (with a large CD on doing such, like the Zandalari have with Loa shrines) — along with a RP character to ‘discuss’ telling them who you identify as, to decide whether you want to be called a Blood elf or a Void elf for the mouse-over.

You could add in a plethora of racials without either side bickering, it’d be way better. lol

I’m mostly curious how they’re going to explain Void Elves helping defend the Sunwell.

When the books established that the Void Elves mere presence near the Sunwell is enough to rip open Void Portals unintentionally.

“In our dire times of need we must band together.”
“Only united we are the [united]'dorei!”

It’s Blizzard-writing, everyone knows what we’re getting.

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I mean, they sought the powers of the void in the first place to aid protecting Quel’Thalas. Since the Sunwell is a source of enlightenment & importance to their people; former home & kingdom of Quel’Thalas, them protecting it would be a good way to prove that despite their banishment – Those of them who aren’t corrupted, are true to their words.

Except they’ve already established Void Elves can’t go near the Sunwell - something Alleria agreed to after almost causing its destruction with her visit.

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I don’t think the Sin’dorei won’t give a hoot about this, if something-something voidy attacks them in the Midnight-expansion. The Void Elves will be the solution to the problem, everyone learns about having balance (Light/Void) and so on.

The plot writes itself.

It is relevant, though. Night Elves have never been apart of the Horde and if anything have always been used as iconography to represent the Horde v Alliance faction conflict. Putting a clone on Horde is a lot different than giving Alliance playable High Elves after they’ve had them as NPC factions for years and years. In my opinion at least

I think they might do something like that in Midnight

I recommend Shadow Priest.

Really feels good to blast em with void.


I could argue that Night Elves disconnected from Tyrande & Malfurion have never been part of the Alliance. :person_shrugging:

Yeah, honestly despite our disagreeances here & there — I really do hope so. lol
Remove a lot of the elf arguments, indifferences etc :joy:

Would put 90% + of angry elf threads upon the forums to rest. :rofl:

its blizzard at its finest, op.
i find it funny that they got the red eye option xD

I also think that the Midnight expansion could be an opportunity for the Thalassian people (HE, BE and VE) to be a united people and become neutral like the pandaren/Dracthyr/earthen. :people_hugging:

I really hope they unified some races like elfs in the future. Same goes for Tauren and HM Tauren, Draenei and LF, and all of the dwarves.

It’s a blizzard problem.

They were always fully capable of implementing High Elves while differentiating then enough be were insisted they couldn’t do it.

“The High Elves are basically just blood elves, they’re too similar in appearance and all that.”

Look at the Kul Tiran humans. There was never anything special about them compared to other humans except they were apparently good sailors. Suuuure did a good job making them look different from my guy here.

“Their population is entirely too small in comparison.”

Void Elves have a population of maybe a small 5 to 7 hut village.

What’s next? Someone is going to claim people could get confused between which is a Blood Elf and a High Elf? That hasn’t been an issue with the Pandaren and they’re exactly the same.

The point is, they had ZERO reason not to do it but they for whatever reason remained stubborn and insistent that they couldn’t do it, rather they just simply didn’t want to. Then they gave us Void Elves instead, practically spitting people in the face with the same vibe of “We’d rather you didn’t play demonology” and of course, got mixed reception at the least.

Only after recent controversies and bad rep did they finally cave to damage control mostly.


It was a mistake and they felt the avalanche coming their way. Almost every community around the globe was upset about the insult and the US forums, hilariously, fought for four years daily (!) on the forums.

I still find it so funny that they won in the end. But it took a lawsuit and a very bad expansion to bring High Elves to the Alliance.

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Even then it was still half assed.

Are you serious? Have you looked at how many customizations blood elves get vs. void elves? You all have a lot more options, particularly female/body 2 belfs.

Blood elf body 2:

  • 12 eye colors in shades of green, gold, blue, purple, and red
  • 15 skin colors
  • 25 hair styles
  • 20 hair colors
  • 14 earring options
  • 4 necklace options
  • 7 bracelet options
  • 4 armband options

Now let’s look at void elf body 2:

  • 9 eye colors in shades of blue, purple, and red
  • 24 skin colors (including their void tones)
  • 11 hair styles
  • 16 hair colors
  • 5 earring options
  • 0 necklace options
  • 0 bracelet options
  • 0 armband options

See the difference? The only thing void elves have more of is skin colors due to having void-tinged options. Otherwise, body 2 blood elves have more options in every other category.

TLDR: Stop complaining.

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If you say so, I’ve seen a lot of people say it and I agree because all we got is hairier Tauren with moose antlers instead of horns, brown Orcs instead of green Orcs, a fur suit for Goblins with awful customizations, straight backed Trolls and a botched Night Elf that actually shares nothing with Night Elves so not really sure how we got the better choices of Allied Races but whatever.

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Versus what? Fat humans? Glitter goats? Diaper gnomes? Blueberry elves? Literally the only AR on Alliance side that Horde seemed remotely jealous of is DID, and even then, they’re dwarves, no one but no one plays that race.

Everyone makes hay of ‘but KT got a unique skeleton and rig and everything’ and no one seems to understand that it doesn’t matter. The race isn’t popular at all. Meanwhile, Vulpera are really only held back from the top by Void Elves who were a monkey-paw wish for High Elves.


I made this for a more serious High Elf thread along the lines of my Void and Blood Elf ones.

Assumes mostly it’s just added to Void Elves and copied to Blood Elves but with Midnight it adds on some stuff about them as their own AR.

The idea that the alliance got the better allied races is by far a minority take.
Its very very rare that i see someone say the alliance got the better deal.

However… i do think the alliance got the better deal.

Nightborne are cool, but void elves are so much better.
Lightforged look way better than normal draenei, whereas Highmountain are as lame as the tauren they come from.
Dark irons are on fire. Theyre way cooler than orcs without green skin.
And kul tirans would be one of the best races in the game if blizzard ever gave them some customisation options.

The only one horde won hands down on is vulpera.
Theyre not an allied race. Theyre a brand new race masquerading as a goblin spinoff.
Mechagnomes are cool and all but how could they ever compare to that?

So yeah, alliance rules :stuck_out_tongue:

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