So, Void Elves

Adding races that were identical to existing races, just with slightly different or themed customization was always a terrible idea.

The void elf/high elf/blood elf are just the most vocal example.

Lol, the day Horde players sit wanting everything Alliance has on Horde side just because we don’t want to play Alliance side will be the day.

Shame we can’t say the same about Alliance players though because they want lots of stuff from Horde just on the blue side.

Why would the Horde want anything the Alliance has when what Blizz gave the Horde is just objectively better? This doesn’t prove that Horde is more virtuous for not wanting things, it just proves that Horde is Blizzard’s fave and gets all the best stuff

There are no good-looking dudes on Alliance except void elves, who have a model that Horde got 12 years earlier. When they had an opportunity to give the Alliance more hot guys in BfA they gave Alliance fat humans and Horde tall attractive trolls (and data shows that male zandalari trolls were about as popular as female zandalari trolls, male Kul Tirans, and female Kul Tirans PUT TOGETHER)

According to who, you?

I mean honestly the general consensus from what I’ve seen on a lot of threads is Horde has been screwed over multiple times whether it’s in the case of Allied Races, customizations, bonuses, racials, etc.

Also lol, this is also an opinion since I have never cared for Blood Elf males so I really don’t care for Void Elf ones, Human males or Kul Tiran males that’s another story so.


Man, all this Velf talk makes me want to create a Velf alt.
Maybe i will make a priest

I love how Blood Elves spout this without paying attention to the fact they still have VASTLY more customization than Void Elves, on top of the fact Blood Elves stole Blue Eyes and Purple Eyes from Void Elves in the same patch Void Elves got regular skin/hair colors.

And no offense, but there’s a 1000% chance Void Elves were given regular skin/hair tones ENTIRELY to avoid backlash of giving Blood Elves blue eyes.

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Why not , the high elf crowd thiinks they should get it all and even then I honestly don’t think they will be happy and want even more .


Lol I just noticed you @ this @ me and honestly you get no hate from me for that it’s your character slots so if you wanna do that, do that.

Oh snap, sorry, my bad , sometimes i forget the @ thing lel

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Void Elves and Blood Elves are both High Elves. They are the same people.

Let’s be fair here, and I have also posted this in another topic, you can’t expect people with a mary stu-complex to be like Pandaren or Drak’thyr players, who literally share 1:1 everything with both sides.

You already have all three races on Alliance: High Elf, Blood Elf and Void Elf. The Void Elves are the absolute superior Thalassian player race in every possible regard. I never understood the argument to begin with, because this can be easily fixed with a few options, otherwise we need also to unpack the Hinterland Dwarves on Alliances and Man’aari and give them their own race slot. And yes, I know, this is an unfair Alliance-problem and it’s Ion Hazzikostas’ team fault for this mess.

You can dress as all three elves without any issues, while the Blood Elf-player cannot this easily. I have seen several inGame transmog set links from players, trying to find a good transmog for the Quel’dorei Magister set but guess what, only the Alliance truly can make it look good - because it is intended to be an Alliance-set. You have access to the flying mount with Blood Elf heritage design. You are the only side with access to Quel’dorei items and also visit the Alliance-cities to RP the “old school feeling”, which many do on RP-servers. The Horde can only wear the old High Elf shield. They don’t even have access to suitable, blueish armor designs which let them RP as a Silver Covenant users. It’s not possible. The only thing you’re missing are customization options, a race title and new voice actor options. Otherwise the Void Elf-race is clearly the winner here.


No more elves!

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/target Kiekö

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Look, is it so wrong to want to see the world burn :fire:? I just want to spread the hate of all void elves.

There’s a few things to say here:

  • The reasons you provided @ why they’re not comparible isn’t really relevant to what I wrote out.
  • Also, there wasn’t too many ‘High Elven factions’ that you earned rep with. The largest faction comprised of Alliance-alligned High Elves were the Silver Covenant — Which was after the majority of their kind had renamed themselves ‘Blood Elves’ to honour the blood spilled and already allied themselves with the Horde.
  • As for being a part of Alliance questing etc, again there wasn’t too many High Elves – They were quite rare, save except for a few here & there.
  • On the part of them being ‘part of the Alliance’ — as a kingdom & people, the lore addressed that. The Alliance pretty much shafted them when the invasion of the Scourge happened & left a sour taste in their mouths after over 90% of their population was wiped out, their most sacred location was defiled & forced to be destroyed – and their kingdom left torn asunder, and even after the scourge had came & gone, the Alliance still didn’t make too much effort into providing aid. There were a few other reasons too @ why they joined the Horde, but that was one of the larger points.

At the time of the races being provided, the Alliance would’ve had one additional ‘X faction only’ race if Nightborne were made neutral instead of Horde only — So without popping another Alliance race to become neutral, or removing one of the ones provided: There’d be an outrage of people protesting about lack of equality for the factions (Alliance having access to 1 more race than the Horde).

Hence my suggestion earlier (before the comment you replied at) to making Blood Elves neutral with velf customisations, and applying the same to Nightelves with the Nightborne (and suggest the Horde Nightelves were those that were disconnected from Tyrande & Malfurion’s people, such as the Moonguard).


Wait, you’re serious?


Did you not see the fallout of when Horde got Vulpera instead of Gilgoblins? Alliance damn near imploded that day. None, and I mean none of the ARs on Alliance are remotely comparable to Horde’s gains AR-wise.

Also, Stoneform is literally the only racial keeping Alliance afloat, though maybe Shadowmeld is worth a damn at times. Otherwise, Horde has Alliance beat racial-wise hands down.

“Alliance got better ARs” is not something I thought I’d hear someone actually say in earnest.

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I remember this. The infamous Brewfestival changes datamine, with the leaked AR artworks from wowhead.

It was so awful.

To be fair, they’re rather miniscule in noticeability in those additional customisations though … You can walk through a neutral city like Valdrakken, and barely tell the difference between a Void Elf and a Blood Elf – Until you do a mouse over.

Blood Elves: One of the ‘unique’ customisations that allows you to tell it’s obviously a blood elf is –

  • ‘gold’ eyes (use to be good when they shined more, now it just looks like an infection from someone peeing in their eyes too much)
  • or fel-green eyes.

As for Void Elves:

  • SIX more additional shades of blue-berry skin tones.
  • Void-animated hair

The void elves can make themselves much more noticeable as ‘Void Elves’ than blood elves can make themselves noticeable as ‘Blood Elves’.

… However, to provide benefit of the doubt – Yeah, given they’ve got the same skin tones as Blood elves now; they may as well take the full plunge & provide all the other customisations, save except the pee-infected eyes (and maybe the fel). lol

But as I said earlier —


Here’s hoping eh? :beers:
Put all this indifference between the elves to bed. :joy: lol

I 100% expect Midnight to turn Blood Elves and Void Elves into neutral races that can choose their faction at creation. Or even an option in-game to change.


If you think about it, when you want more options, asking for something that is already in the game is the least demanding type of demand you could possibly make. Alliance players know they are Blizzard’s red-headed stepchildren so they are actually being considerate of Blizzard’s lack of interest in giving them any cool new stuff when they ask for blood elf hairstyles

Also why would we ask Blizz to do something new when we already know what perfection looks like (because it looks like a male blood elf) and Blizzard’s other recent attempts to reinvent the wheel have been such a disaster? Just ctrl-c and ctrl-v that male belf hair plz