So Upset I Have To Play A Human Warrior

Stoneform > weapon skills.

Also, you can duck over Rogues hardcore as a Dwarf. Immune to bleeds and poisons and it removes Blind, gg.

Don’t pay attention to those min/max videos about Classic. Any individual advantage you might have as a result of your race is mitigated by the 40 man raid environment. It’s not worth getting upset about, play what race you want.

For PvP, I agree, but I’d rather a Gnome than a Dwarf if we’re talking about PvP. Warriors already have an easy time with Rogues. It’s ranged DPS that a Warrior struggles with, like Mages.

That doesn’t make any sense.

The 40 man raid environment is just a collection of 40 individual performances working together.

Omegalul. Rogues are one of the hardest match ups for Warriors.

omg that’s amazing. Thanks for sharing that. Do you know who and what guild?

Haha, how so?

Heck no. For one thing, humans are fugly and boring. For another thing, no one, not even a raid boss, tosses a dwarf. Lastly, play what you want regardless of racials.
Also, humans are really, really, really fugly. Did we go over that already?

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Evasion, a ton of CC, high burst damage. Not to mention Warriors are already the worst 1v1 class, and only become decent with really good gear.

Overpower, plate armor, shield, Intimidating Shout.

True, but Rogues are one of the few classes Warriors don’t really struggle against. Their kit is practically designed to beat Rogues.

Do I need to link World of Roguecraft?

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Did you actually watch those videos?

play what you want to play not what somebody else thinks you should play to min/max

The human weapon skill bonus isnt going to make you 500% more powerful, if you want to be a dwarf warrior go for it. Just being a warrior period will land you raid spot, dwarf or human

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Don’t forget stoneform removes blind!

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Aethestics matter more to me than whatever the best is. If you don’t end up liking your character, regardless if you’re ‘the best choice’, then you’re going to be less motivated and probably not do as well as if you were playing what you want to.

If I were Alliance in vanilla and was told to play a human if I wanted to be a warrior I’d probably just go horde and never look back because humans are the absolute most boring race in this entire game. Sure, I’d have better racials for the job but I’d hate my character and wouldn’t care nearly as much about improving myself compared to if I were playing something I’d like.


NEs are the best avoidance tanks if we’re talking min/max.

Play what you want. Go dwarf.

Only 100% parser or World First will play Human to min/max their DPS if they were “forced” to play Alliance, otherwise they’d roll Horde.

Swifty was a Nelf , arguably the worst race for a warrior, poor guy never beaten anyone

Great job on the switch! Edgemaster’s will be a huge boost overall for your Dwarf if you plan on DPSing until you gear the rest of the way out, so just consider this as one of those items you wanna seriously look for ASAP.

Awesome… but my point was that it was a job for many people in raiding guilds. For my part, I was in charge of farming herbs and making flasks (2 for every raider). I spent nearly 35 hours each week farming and making consumables, and then another 2 to 6 hours in a raid. It started as fun… but over time, it sort of morphed into a job that wasn’t very fun.