So Upset I Have To Play A Human Warrior

Do you like pvp? cuz human has the worst racials for that.

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If you’re playing Alliance and your class has the option to play Dwarf, it’s your duty to pick Female Dwarf.


Aaaannd nobody has mentioned Glancing Blows
 Weapon skill is the only way to counter glancing blows. ie reduced damage swings because of level difference. They happen on white swings only, and reduce your damage output significantly. Do some reading peeps

Also, play dwarf and get edgemasters/maladath. You’ll enjoy it more.

FYI weapon skill doesn’t reduce the chance of Glancing Blows, but the damage reduction on them. Still huge. Along with the 1% hit negation.


You’re letting elitist min/maxers control your life. They don’t pay your sub. If you want to roll a dwarf, then roll a dwarf. You’ll have to buy an edgemaster to compete for DPS, but it’s not the end of the world. Once you have the glove, your skill is actually higher than human/orc, and you can use any weapons. Humans/orcs get to save money on an edgemaster, but they are restricted on weapon options. Btw, buy your glove as early as possible, because it’ll only get more expensive over time. If you can get it for <500 a few months after launch, that’s a steal because a year down the road, it’ll be 1,000-1,500. It’ll never get any cheaper because every raiding warrior that isn’t human/orc needs one, and no where near enough of them will drop.


This is far more important than a little extra weapon skill. Dwarf all the way.

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Unless you’re pushing server first or in a min/max hardcore guild
go dwarf. Stop letting these videos/guides dissuade you from the class/spec you want to play. If you’re not 100% happy with your race/spec then don’t play!


If you believe that it makes that much of a difference
 how does horde function without it

The Dwarf is exceptionally good for tanking. 8 Sec immunity to various debuffs with their racial. In addition to that they have a base 10% frost resistance, which is pretty great for naxx.

The stone form skill is the best racial ability in the game IMO. Not only for PvE but for PvP.


I bet if you came prepared for raids with consumables, you would have a bigger advantage over 90% of the basic b**** human warriors that wont.

Mighty rage, Juju, dragonsbreath chili, agility, mongoose, ect ect
 an average melee might have 1 or 2 of those.

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Another thing to keep in mind. There are 39 other people in the raid with you. I bet there’s at least one dwarf priest for fear ward.

You will be okay my friend. :slight_smile:

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Skipping to the end of the thread.

If you are human you are able to equip whatever gloves you want

If you are any other race you need edgemaster’s handguards

Thats the difference. You lose like 50 ap and 1% crit (if the human gets THE best gloves in the game, less for everyone else) if you go dwarf for the first 3 phases, I don’t know if there are better gloves.

Everything you see its cherry picked to inflate the human racial. The comparision shouldn’t be the difference between 305 weapon skill vs 300 weapon skill, but 307 weapon skill vs any other gloves.

You could compare to wotlk racial every man for himself and say “yes, but humans can remove any CC, you cant do it on any other race” when you had an item that did that, but it costed an item slot

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Uh, sure? But playing a race you hate because “but my marginal gains
!” is just dumb. If you’re aiming for a top tier raiding guild, then it might matter. But otherwise, roll what you’ll have fun playing.

Right. You don’t have to pick between being a good raider and picking the best race. You can be a good raider and not pick the “best” race. Also, outside of top guilds (which is what? 1-2% of the playerbase?) you’d be surprised how much what I mentioned will stand out.

It depends on what’s important to you. The OP seems to be conflicted, so some insight into how to make the decision as to which is more important is appropriate, I think.

And as far as the Human racial goes for Warrior, it’s not exactly marginal gains.

Indeed, and all combinations thereof. Bad raider, best race; good raider, best race, and so on.

I was making a point that those things you described aren’t going to change depending on your race. You can do all of that stuff regardless of what race you pick, so pointing it out as an alternative doesn’t make much sense way to stand out doesn’t make much sense.

They’re not mutually exclusive, so why not both? Why not be a good raider AND pick the best race for your spec?

No need to put best in quotes, by the way. It’s objectively quantified.

You still have to get geared and play well. People way overrate the value of Human/Orc.

Also realize (I am inferring from your post) that as a DPS Warrior you have to be good in the first place to get a raid spot with people who are going places. Bad, poorly geared and uneducated Warriors will never see a raid spot in these guilds no matter your race.

At the casual level that most people will be playing at, it won’t matter. Also, some of the top parses from the very people who insist it’s Human or nothing on Alliance have Night Elves and Dwarfs on their top parses. You still have to be a good player, know what you are doing and have the gear

You have a choice. Play what you don’t want to because some private server nerds said that is all the top guilds take. Play what you like and do what it takes to reach the level you want to be at.

I am going to assume you didn’t play wow in 2004-2006? If you didn’t spend 12+ hours a day in the game, you were a casual and the chances of being on a guild raid group were very low. I don’t imagine classic will be the same, but that is how it was in vanilla.

So another point I want to make is that although many people are saying that it wont matter outside of top guilds which is a small % of the player base, everyone watches these videos and is well informed on what is optimal. Even when you are not in a top raiding guild you still have all they try hard guilds that feel they can be nitpicky even when they are not achieving what"top guilds" are.

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Right. And the point I was making was that regardless of what race you pick, you can make yourself stand out in a way that will help ensure your spots in raids and that you don’t get excluded from gear upgrades as the OP was fearing. You don’t have to min/max to the maximum degree for that. That is literally all I was trying to point out. :smile:

at the end of the day, put min/maxxing aside, play what you want
seriously, theres nothing more important than doing what feels right to you and makes the experience memorable, youll still ge tinto raids, youll still do work
race matters a lot in minor ways
but race/class combinations are in no way game breaking, so follow your heart bruh bruh

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Alright, yeah. I agree.

There’s varying degrees to which you can min/max. I think picking the best race is among the easiest, though.

It just gives you a better starting position in terms of performance. In the event you aren’t as good, it picks up the slack a little. In the event you are good, it allows you to reach higher peaks.

+2 for Dwarf

You assume wrong, but that’s ok. I did raid in vanilla, but I did play a lot also. But I wasn’t trying to be better than anyone else. I just played the best I could for everything I did. I’m a cooperative player. Not a competitive player.