If minmaxing brings you joy then this shouldnt be a problem. But what if i told you minmaxing is negligible and shouldn’t even be considered. Roll dwarf, become a renowned main tank, and shame people for telling you otherwise. Yeah that human will hit a bit more, but everyone will know he only picked it because he needed a handicap to be good.
May want to adjust your Title to reflect your solution.
Personally, I think that having a character that you’re happy to log in and play > being min/maxed. If they’re one and the same, more power to you.
I’ve known that I was rolling a warlock since classic was announced. And while orc is considered the “better” option, I enjoy being undead too much to make the switch. It really comes down to what you want to get out of the game.
You are always right oh god of the wow forums. PRAISE BE U TO HIM OH KNOWLWEGE BRINGER!!! For without him…we would still down naxx anyway. Hmm, guess all this drama is pointless…S T F U man.
Play what you want, but the best reason to go human is diplomacy, 10% more rep means every human player has to spend that much less time rep grinding.
Dude just be a Dwarf. Wtf?
Enjoy your ban.
I had a similar concern, until I considered that as a rogue, the best DPS output I can do past BWL is with daggers. That sword spec isn’t gonna help with daggers. This is pretty much the case for everyone. At a certain point, the racials get outshined by the gear you’re equipping.
It’s fine, Dwarves make the best Paladins anyway.
It doesn’t matter that much.
amazing how back in the day, Swifty was considered one of the best warriors despite being night elf. Pat was also one of the best despite being a Tauren. Its a game. You’ll have a lot more fun playing the race you want.
You clearly didn’t play in Classic.
Just trust me on this. Your race doesn’t matter except in PvP and even there, gear and skill are far more important.
Let’s be real. Min-Maxing makes the game easier. Easier is not hardcore.
Back in my day, “hardcore” was a more difficult game mode for any game.
In WoW, people have it backwards. They say that setting the game to the easiest mode (by min-maxing) is hardcore. What nonsense.
Any guild that requires you to min-max, to where you can’t play a dwarf warrior, is an easy mode guild. They want to do everything on the easiest difficulty level. That’s not a hardcore guild.
And in my experience DKP was horribly abused, so since we are throwing around anecdotes then we should scrap DKP.
You think that since you played in a corrupt guild that DKP would stop that? Hilarious.
HAHA your joking right?
If I had a nickel for everytime I popped retaliation in classic and sent a rogue to the graveyard in vanilla i’d still have enough to pay my sub today.
Plate in vanilla meant you could sit in a stun and /lol at the rogue 9 times out of 10 because they could wail on you and it barely even move your health bar.
I didn’t play in a corrupt guild. Our guild never had loot issues of any kind, and almost everyone got along really well.
In addition, I would never even consider playing with people I couldn’t trust. Once leadership did something shady, I’d be out.
You don’t have to use DKP. I simply said it seemed like an easier way to stop arbitrary/unfair practice. Distribute loot however you want to.
?? Pretty sure I said like only two posts down from my original one (haven’t been on this thread in a hot minute, so I’m not positive which one this is)…that corrupt GM’s would abuse any system.
I really don’t understand where this response is coming from. I distrust loot council setups. I prefer a DKP system with a set of public rules people can depend on. In my personal experience of a DKP system in practice, it kept everything transparent.
Of course other people had different experiences. Like I said, handle loot however you like…but when the subject comes up, I will always offer DKP as a solution with my two cents.
So you liked punishing hybrid specs for supporting the raid, price inflation, hoarding and watching upgrades get sharded because people didnt want to bid dkp?
Cool because we used loot council and made sure our raid was prepared based on need and didn’t penalize new players
This hostility is totally unwarranted. I’m not your girl, and I neither said nor thought anything of the kind when posting about DKP upthread.
We never penalized new players, either, and DKP could be earned prior to even being raid-ready by participating in guild activities and donating mats/profession skills, etc. It was entirely possible (and kind of expected) that by the time you got your FR gear and were ready to go in with us after 60, that you’d have enough DKP accumulated from participating with the guild in things…that you’d be guaranteed first drop for your class.
So I don’t know who defiled your Cheerios, but it wasn’t me and it wasn’t my Vanilla guild’s DKP system from 2005/6.
We had Druids off-tanking our raids. Our priests were all humans and Night Elves. We had a pally who OT’d sometimes. We didn’t penalize anybody and we never–not ever, even once–sharded anyone’s upgrade.
Edited to Add: We never “bid” DKP. Highest DKP for the drop got it if it was an upgrade. The only acceptable “pass” was if the item was only a side-grade or a downgrade. If it was an upgrade, you had to take it. Nothing ever got sharded unless literally no one needed it. If only one person in the raid needed it, but they didn’t have any DKP built up…they got the item.
Like I said, it was transparent, we all got along, and everyone knew going in what number they were in the list for a drop based on DKP totals for the class and then armor/weapon class. There were no surprises, which is why I liked it. It was totally transparent, and our GM never broke the rules for anyone when it came to loot.
Any loot system depends on being able to trust your guild leadership, so the solution is this:
Pick the system your guild is most comfortable with.
Leave if the leadership plays favorites or does mean things to people.
But again, I prefer DKP because it was a system that you could look at and see–no matter what dropped–who was 1st in line, 2nd, etc. No surprises.
Wut? Maybe if the rogue is in greens and the warrior is in t3.
In relatively equal gear, by the time you exit a stun long enough to do anything, you get to start fighting at 50% health if the rogue got unlucky with a lack of crits.
But as an arms warrior I only need maybe 3 good solid hits and it’s over for the rogue. Him getting me to 50% would just be leveling the playing field a bit for the rogue.
Armor used to mean something back then, and it will be fun seeing people learn this lesson in a few days.