I have wanted to play a dwarf warrior for classic since I found out we were getting classic back. I thought I was ready to go, I reserved my name for my dwarf warrior and everything. But just yesterday I came across a video on Youtube explaining how impactful weapon skill is for raiding. I did not realize how much of a disadvantage i was putting myself in by playing a dwarf. I was wondering what you guys thought about this, do you think I would end up losing a raid spot over being a dwarf? If I join a loot counsel guild I am setting myself up to get gear last because I wont be performing as well as the other warriors in the group. Another thing is that even if I did end up raiding I know i would be looking at the damage and threat meters just imagining how much better I would be doing if I was a human. Thanks Everyone.
Update: Thank you for your help everyone! I have decided to go back to being a mighty Dwarf! The main reason for this is because I really love to pvp and Stoneform is something I don’t think I can live without. To hell with the naysayers! I will take pride beating out all the human warriors! FOR KHAZ MODAN!!!
Play a Dwarf. It’s not that much of a disadvantage.
I think you are looking at this like a job instead of just for fun.
Only matters to world first guilds. Literally no one else cares
Play what you want if you’re good people will take you regardless.
Our MT for all of MC, Ony, and Nef was a dwarf. The MT of the guilds I worked on AQ and Naxx with were both Night Elves. Play what you want.
Also I’d never join a loot counsel raid guild, too much drama and corruption.
I’ll be real with you - I see the forest from the trees and I need Warriors. You want to be a Dwarf Warrior, you can join my guild. We don’t do Loot Council and Edgemasters is not a reserved item (if you even want it) so you have a good chance if it drops during guild activities. You interested Pylopunch? I need Warriors badly, and I invite the player not the race in that regard.
I am having such a hard time finding guilds that don’t use loot counsel.
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But every warrior knows the bigger beard has the right of way.
Of course you want to play a dwarf, who wouldn’t? I know I will be. 
You will totally lose the fun if you min/max. In Vanilla it was much more about skill than the current game. A Good Tank is so much more important than what race. I don’t remember race ever being an issue! Do what sounds fun and don’t let some min/maxer ruin it for you!
As a tank dwarf is superior to human. Stoneform is god. Boss has a nasty bleed, disease, or poison? Thats cute, im immune. Oh big damage spike coming in? Let me just up my armor by 10% real quick.
Like I said in that other thread, the world-first Atiesh was a Night Elf Priest. You don’t have to min-max that much.
Depending on how “hardcore” the guild is, yes.
Warrior is the most popular class, by far. There’s a LOT of warriors to choose from. There will be no shortage of Fury Warriors, so you’ll have the most competition. Giving yourself every advantage will be helpful.
Disagree. +5 weapon skill is pretty significant.
The best weapons are almost all Swords and Maces, and +5 weapon skill is a lot of extra DPS.
Some people have more fun being the best they can be.
Not always true.
This is nonsense. Your opinion is based on some bad experiences with a bad guild.
That or you were the player never being given guild and just assumed it was corruption when it was actually you.
If you really don’t want to be in one, form your own.
Totally disagree. Min/maxing is a huge prat of the fun for a lot of people.
Min/maxing is part of that skill.
No. The weapon skill is far more important for a tank who is far less likely to have +Hit.
The part about bleeds is a good point,but that’s where tank swaps and healers come in. The added DPS/TPS gains from being Human are far more important than a tank being able to go slightly longer before swapping with the second tank.
As for diseases and poisons, those can both be dispelled for very cheap.
You’re like the lamest troll on this forum. Just stop, you look ridiculous
Play what you want, but why would you want to make your life tougher? I mean hey if you have reasons to go dwarf cool go for it. But I was rolling an alliance warrior, and my only concern was raiding there is no way in hell id go anything but human. Now if you wanna PVP, Dwarf is a great choice! Play what you want just understand your limitations…
What it means is Human vs. Dwarf with equal buffs, player skill (mastering the proper rotation and timing), and gear, the Human will win. You can overcome that by being a more skilled and geared player. Taking the initiative to farm for flasks, elixirs, food buffs, etc. show a lot to raid leaders. Plus, what if you look at the meters and see you are beating Human Warriors? Would you really look at it and say “Man… if I were a Human I would be way higher!”? For my example, I am going Undead Mage, if I wanted pure best damage, I would go Troll Mage, but I prefer Undead, so that is what I am going. No guild is going to tell me I can’t join because I am not a Troll, if they do, they wouldn’t be a guild I would want to join in the first place. Play what you want, just know your limitations and don’t let those limitations be an excuse for you.
I was able to MT for a server first guild from MC to Naxx in Vanilla as a Dwarf. Roll the Dwarf, you’ll be happier.