As someone who is rolling a night elf warrior … who cares. It doesn’t make that much of a difference to warrant rolling a race you won’t enjoy.
aside from all the “play what you want” feelgood posts, i agree with the original post. human weapon skills is better than the dwarven gun skills. idk the percent bonus to hit and ect but every 1% is worth it.
And even that isn’t going to matter here because this content was already accomplished a long time ago.
why would it matter do you think people picked human back in 2004 cause of 5 points? just play the darn game the way you want its not that hard people.
If your guild is requiring you to play a mandatory race/class combo it might be best to find a new guild…or for them to lighten up
Play a dwarf. If you go human you wont like your own character, if you dont like your own character, you wont play for long (nevermind raid).
Sincerely, a nelf warrior
You want that spot in the raid don’t you OP? You know you do, so it better be human.
Not that serious, play dwarf
I’d again point out that actual elitists are really rare. Few people think they actually deserve special treatment by virtue of their superiority. Rather, they treat everyone equally based on merit, and simply view being the right race/class/spec as part of that merit.
As for the part about making people feel like there is only one way to play the game, I totally disagree. Obviously if there were only way to play the game, everyone would be on equal footing and the whole discussion would never happen.
No one could ever be “no good” unless there is more than one way to play the game and one of those ways is inferior to the other.
The question is how to compare those ways of playing. By what metric do you compare them? If you’re going for performance, it can be quantified objectively. If you’re going for what’s “fun,” that’s entirely subjective, and there’s never a “right way to play.”
I absolutely agree, with the caveat that you shouldn’t be all that surprised when you were warned that picking something less than optimal might cause issues for you, and then it does.
If you happily play what you want and NEVER complain that other people don’t invite you because of your choices, I’m all for it.
However, people feeling entitled to being in groups with others despite their choices receive no sympathy from me.
I’m not sure how having a discussion is “bait,” but okay. Do you have anything actually contribute to the discussion, or are you just here to troll?
I don’t agree that is necessarily the case.
If you’re content to play what you’re told to, then go for it. You have to weight what is more important to you.
Most likely not. More likely is the better performer will be awarded the gear.
It’s only when the performance or contribution to the group is the same that the race would be considered.
For example, “both Priests are pretty good. Who gets the gear?” “Well, Johnny picked Dwarf because we wanted Fear Ward. He seems more dedicated to the guild than Timmy the Night Elf.”
That’s not how it works. Look up the attack tables.
I’d say picking the race that is best instead of what you prefer aesthetically is a form of dedication, no?
These are all things a person would do regardless of their race choice. You don’t have to pick between being a good raider and picking the best race.
Yes, but more is better, and if you reach the “soft cap” for it, you can instead pick other pieces of gear that will improve your DPS.
Uh, not quite.
Agreed, but Human is still better, anyway. You can be an amazeballs tank +1!
I’d actually reverse the argument, but essentially, yeah, you should choose which is more important to you: PvP or PvE. Depending on your answer, the best race for you will change.
Oh, look. A man made of straw! Oh no, they’re burning it…
What a ridiculous false dichotomy. You can have fun min/maxing.
Not BiS forever, and +5 weapon skill is still useful with them equipped.
Not quite.
Some did, yes, but this isn’t 2004, so who cares?
We know a lot more about the game now, so there’s more weight behind your decision.
imagine being told how to have fun
never said you couldn’t, but if the OP was the type of person who found that to be the best way to have fun, he wouldn’t be questioning his choice.
You sort of implied it by asking if you’d rather have fun. If that wasn’t your intent, fine.
Fair point.
Alas, I think even the OP can still have fun as a Human, but also be upset they couldn’t be Dwarf.
Just like I’m upset that all my healers in retail are Blood Elves if they can be, because their racial is so strong, but I still have fun min/maxing.
Play a Dwarf.
Servers are way bigger now so finding a guild that allows for any race/class combo should be cake.
Min/Maxers are making it seem like unless you pick the perfect race/class you aren’t good enough to raid. Raiding in Vanilla/Classic is nothing like retail where min/maxing is definitely a thing. There are no mythic difficulty raids. Gearing up is the most difficult part of Vanilla/Classic which just involves doing the content many many times.
Play what you find fun/enjoyable first and foremost. After all its a game. My as well enjoy it as much as possible.
Actually, the +5 is significant due to how miss chance is calculated. If the opponents defense skill is >10 points higher than your weapon skill, you have a 9% chance to miss. If the difference is 10 or less, you have a 6% chance to miss. So 3% hit from a racial is pretty radical. But you shouldn’t worry about that unless you are striving to be the best of the best. And really, who has time for that?
Compensate with gear.
If you want to play a dwarf, play a dwarf. If you want to play human, play human.
Raiding is such a small part of Classic. Play what you want. If someone doesn’t want to bring you because you’re a dwarf, well… that’s just racist.
You want to raid play a human. You want to sit outside the raid you play dwarf.
If you lose a raid sport because of your race your guild is a bunch of try-hards. Any competent guild will have no problem clearing the content no matter the race of it’s members.
Dude. Bring the player not the Class/Race. Don’t worry about Min/Maxing unless your trying to be a world first Content clearing leader. Play what makes you happy. Back in vanilla most of us had no idea about the concept of min maxing and we all still had fun with whatever race/class combos we liked. Don’t fret my friend, be a bearded, beer loving, stout, plate wearing, Dwarf Warrior. You have to enjoy the animations, voice and look of your toon more than anything, after all your going to be spending a crap ton of time looking at him/her.
You’ll be fine as a dwarf roll what you want.