So Upset I Have To Play A Human Warrior

DKP is open to abuse as well. Too many times I have seen an item DEd that was an upgrade for players who didn’t want to spend the DKP on it because they were saving for something else.

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I wouldn’t really call that abuse since no one got the item.

I’m rolling a NE :slight_smile: you should roll a dwarf. I like NE animations better … I played a human pally in legion and really missed being a NE so I know it would bother me.

Then that YouTube video was wrong. Weapon skill is certainly important, but it isn’t anything you cannot gear for.

The amount of hit you need to play any melee class is easily attainable.

Personally, I was in the same boat (only with Night elf) and in the end, it doesn’t really matter.
the +5 expertise equals to like 0.2% extra hit and whatnot.
After looking at “how impactful” it is, I went with Night elf again.

but that’s just me


Call it whatever you want. A LC guild will gear it’s members up quicker because they aren’t throwing away upgrades.

Like with the dwarf priest thing, this isn’t that big a deal. Our MT in all of Vanilla was a dwarf–because he liked dwarves–warrior.

We cleared up to four horsemen before BC came and everyone decided to stop and prep for the new xpansion.

There is no raid in Classic that will prevent you from being an amazeballs tank because you rolled dwarf instead of a human. Not one.


maybe they will, maybe they won’t, in the two loot counsel guilds I played in I watched them give priority to officer alts over raider mains because they felt keeping the officer happy was more important then gearing some mains.

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I can guarantee it won’t ever matter for you.

We ran straight DKP. Everyone was geared. The core/active people got geared faster because they were there for every fight and on time for every raid night every time.

Nobody got special treatment. Everyone knew going in because of the DKP chart who was gonna get the next drop. There were no surprises and no hurt feelings. We had no issues gearing out the raid.

Loot council is a very, very slippery thing. If you have a good one, it works. If you have even one self-interested jerk, it can blow up your entire guild.


Dwarfs ROCK!!!

Sadly after all these years I will be playing the counterpart. .

Tauren baby!!

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Then you were in a poor guild that did not have rules for it’s LC. Had that guild used DKP it would have been just as corrupt.


Accurate. Jerks can abuse anything. I just think a DKP chart makes it harder.

It is true that Human is the best Alliance character for PVE - DPS, however it is debatably the worst/second worst choice for PVP.

Gnome has Escape Artist
Dwarf has Stone Form / 10 Frost resist

If you PVP at all, go gnome or dwarf. The Top alliance pvp & pve private server guild on the last large private server was all gnomes and dwarves.

I’m not saying jerks won’t be jerks or any system is perfect, but it’s much harder to abuse a system that’s out in the open for the entire raid to see then it is a system where people get together in a different chat channel and then announce who gets the gear that dropped.

How do you think Horde raids, then? They don’t have the human racial.

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ask yourself one question.

do you want to play as a die hard hardcore ‘this is a job’ player, or would you rather have fun while playing?

There’s your answer.


Two words… Edgemaster’s Handguards

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Don’t care about that. The difference is microscopic at best. Play what you want!

Like I’ve suggested on similar threads, play what you like the best. Having fear ward or weapon expertise or other racial advantages is not necessary, yes they are neat bonuses but far from mandatory. It’s much better to pick a class/race combo that you enjoy than picking the absolute best for min/max raiding.

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