So Upset I Have To Play A Human Warrior

So reading through the above, yes there are going to be these people that care about the tiny bits. You don’t want to play with people who take every little thing so seriously. Trust me. They will treat it as a job, not a game you are playing for fun! They suck the fun right out of things. It also leads Blizzard to “Normalizing” so that every race is the same. I still say, play what you want and do it well and the good fun loving supportive guilds will take you in a heartbeat.


Play whatever race/class combination you want and dont worry about what other people think


HUMAN warrior? Yeah I’d be upset too. Gross.

At least the females look pretty good?

Good luck, may all your kills be world firsts.

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I raided in 2 loot counsel guilds and 3 dkp guilds. The DKP guilds never had any issues because it was all straight forward and out in the open, with no room for interpretation. Both loot counsel guilds ran into multiple issues of people feeling they had been screwed over or actually screwing people over.

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A mathematician would, at this point, start talking about an “envy free” system. But you outline the problem with loot councils well. Because of the lack of a well defined and transparent system, someone is going to feel cheated (even if they aren’t). I’ve pre-joined a guild for classic and they’re considering a loot council/dkp hybrid approach which I’m not looking forward to.

To say only world first guilds care about min/maxing is objectively wrong.

How does pointing that out make me look ridiculous? Get over yourself.

Okay, so you were in two bad guilds, or the people complaining were just bad players who felt they were being screwed over when they actually rightfully deserved to have a lower priority?

Without the full context, I can’t really say for certain. I’ll agree that Loot Council is subject to corruption, but so is any loot system. You have to trust the people in charge of distributing loot. A good guild will care more about what is good for the group than just feeding themselves or their friends all the loot.

Our guild plans to use a Loot Council system where random raiders are selected to be part of the council each week to ensure there are fresh perspectives and less chance of corruption.

There can be no such thing.

You envy the person with the DKP to outbid you.
You envy the person picked by the Council.
You envy the person who rolled higher than you.

There can only be envy free raiders. Players who put aside their personal greed for gear in favor of the good of the guild. Players who patiently wait their turn for gear knowing that they’ll get it after the people who need it more have it first.


This is the crap I was talking about in the min/max thread.

Elitists look down on players and make others feel like there is only one way to play the game or else you’re no good. Especially newer players. You shouldn’t feel bad because you chose something you like, but may be like .01% less effective than something else.


Play your dwarf OP. The difference is hardly noticeable. Nobody is perfect anyway, even min/maxers can’t maximize their DPS no matter how much they want and try to.


Look its this guy again trying to bait people haha


If you choose a race to play because someone else tells you that you have to, then you shouldn’t play. If you join a good guild, they won’t hand out gear via loot council based on the fact that someone chose X race.

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Get an item with the appropriate +weapon skill of at least 5 points and you’ll be fine.

PVE is easy you can have everyone playing the objective worse race and still kill every boss in your sleep.

If you aren’t tanking don’t worry about it.

lol just go night elf and get quickness

loot counsel is superior to dkp though lol

If you are on Herod than ya expect to min/max since it’s the pserver community there.

It’s part of the flavor. If you want to min/max, then min/max by sacrificing some of the fun. If you want to play a dorf warrior, play a dorf warrior. No, you will not be optimal, but you can do the job. These fights are not going to be razor thin margins. Find a good guild that isn’t evaluating people on spreadsheets, but as players and you’ll be fine.

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2nd place is the 1st loser!

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Think of it this way:

Will +5 weapon skill make a difference if you play the game less (or quit)?

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Except it’s really not. DKP is a straight up currency that you spend, there’s nothing hidden about it. Loot counsel is way to subjective and open to corruption.


From personal experience over many years, minor advantages are nice but what will really set you apart from other people is dedication. Show up to every raid. Be prepared. Help other people farm gear they need. Farm the gear you need. Know how to tank well. If you do all those things, people won’t really care if you have marginal benefits from your racial or not. Of all those, being reliable is probably the most important aspect of a MT. This is a huge reason why the GM of a guild will pretty often end up being one of the tanks – most people aren’t reliable and will come and go.


You “can’t” play the race you want?

I don’t think I can deal with this nonsense anymore…

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