So umm...what is going on with Thrall and Jaina?

Other adult things they introduced into WoW:

  1. Implied gay relations of several super minor background NPCs.
  2. Literal prostitutes in Suramar.
  3. Drugs, alcohol, and sex.
  4. Surprise sex.
  5. Patricide.
  6. Genocide.

Adultery would just be another on the list.


Iā€™ve had relatives do that for me when things were going bad in my life. Iā€™ve had female friends do that for me as well. A way of saying ā€œIf you need a shoulder. If you need someone to talk to. Iā€™m here.ā€

Exactly, Iā€™ve had the same happen for me, by both female relatives and female friends. Ones whom there was never any indication of sexual tension between us.

Itā€™s basically Blizzard pandering to the audience, making us think there is something going on that their history doesnā€™t support.

Also, she was never doing anything with Arthas. She respected him before he went Lich King. Perhaps there was a certain amount of love, but you can have a platonic love. Then he made bad choices, went Lich King and all that. The things she did in regards to him afterwards was based on her memories of the man who she loved.

You CAN have platonic love for a member of the opposite sex. You can also have a platonic love for a member of the same sex without being considered gay/lesbian.

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In reality, arm touching is CLASSIC flirting behaviour. By comparison, a hug is much more likely to be platonic. I mean, how often has that happened to you, and it was just platonic? How often have you seen it happen to people you know, and it was just platonic? In my experience, it would be VANISHINGLY RARE.

In a piece of fiction like WoW, overt actions or interactions of this sort are what is known as narrative signalling. They always MEAN something. They never mean NOTHING.


Itā€™s not happening. If thrall cheated on Aggra itā€™d literally ruin his ā€œGreen jesusā€ vibe that blizzard is so desperate to maintain. Personally, Iā€™m annoyed they even brought him back. I despise thrall.

We havenā€™t seen Aggra in awhile, perhaps there will be some upcoming lore development that will allow a romance to happen.

Also possible that they will go for a bit more realism and just show some sexual tension and/or possible affair (emotional or otherwise). An emotional affair would make sense, would Aggra understand the emotional burden of leadership?


Iā€™m not sure they are. In fact, Iā€™m pretty sure that Blizzard are pretty keen to humanize their characters. Although, in Thrallā€™s case, I suppose that should be ā€˜orcizeā€™.

Janina and Thrall?

I just threw up in my mouth a little

Please no

It looks like it!


Oh, lighten up. People secretly ship characters all the time. This is just a bit more out in the open. Just have fun with it. :smile:


Thrall and Jaina shipping, it happened in WC3 and it is happening now :smiley:


Thrall is human-raised though, maybe he identifies as a human male and jaina sees that in him. kek.

Ok-I canā€™t be the only one getting 5th grader girl sleepover vibes from this forum, talking about crushes like,
ā€œEww-Jake is so ugly!!ā€
ā€œI know right, Becky-have you seen the way he looks at her.ā€


Wellā€¦Blizz was the one who put a close-up shot of Jaina touching Thrallā€™s arm. They clearly wanted some discussion/hype :stuck_out_tongue:


I was under the impression they were an ā€œold flameā€ kind of situation. You know, theyā€™d known each other as teenagers, when they were both still training for their respective positions, and they had a thing for each otherā€¦ and now that theyā€™re adults, they have to decide if itā€™s right for them to start that back up.

And then Arthas went nuts, of course, but thatā€™s a whole other story.

Plus, with all the boats getting sunk at the start of this last patch, everyone is in the mood to build ships :wink:

It was nice character development though, recounting all the crazy crap that brought them through to that point. Its been a long time (Since early MoP) when we lost Theramore.

My prediction is that somehow before the end of this, Thrall somehow gets caught up by the KT police, and they know its a chance to take out someone who helped kill off Daelin, since Thralls pretty famous.

Jaina will have to find some way to either engineer some really convincing faux-execution or some other thing to keep KT from turning on her, since everyone will be expecting her to try and step in somehow.

Its easy to imagine Sylvanaā€™s 4D chess coming into play in creating this. Either a ā€˜winā€™ or a ā€˜lossā€™ would directly benefit herā€“either in getting rid of Thrall or destabilizing Jaina.


Arthas is rolling in his grave

Shame on you

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As others have said, I HIGHLY doubt theyā€™d have Thrall ā€˜cheatā€™ on Aggra. I think the looks/touch was just to lay some narrative groundwork so anything that happens between them later out doesnā€™t just ā€˜appear out of nowhereā€™. If they did go the Thrall X Jaina route at all, 100% Aggra would be killed off first (which frankly wouldnā€™t be a huge loss since sheā€™s so boring a character). Also the gnome, Iā€™m not a dude :stuck_out_tongue: Strange as it may seem, women play this game too.

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Iā€™ve seen that arm touch before. Itā€™s usually right before the back rub.


Back in high school Iā€™d have agreed with you. Now Iā€™d just say it meant literally nothing.

I think its funny how people say its just a friendly touch. Try to explain that to his wife if she was standing there. Even if it was with friendly intent she will not assume that at all.