So uh what now

Sure. It is just a number anyway and doesn’t matter, so why are you so upset about playing against them?

Do you not think there is no room to improve you own gameplay?

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well at least you have the first part down, the next step is to thoroughly understand how and why you lost, I promise promise promise you can win

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You are the king of making up arguments. I don’t think we can be any clearer that we want to fight players of similar skill.

Never said that, it’s just not fun to constantly go against players of significantly better skill. Let me play in the mud with the rest of my ilk until I improve. A regular season has a slower progression you dont just jump into the pit of glads while you are a noob.

If you’re experiencing this then your MMR will decrease until you’re where you can win roughly 50% of games.


in your ideal world what would you realistically do about glad xp players qing at ur mmr

abuse nongameplay rewards to force more people to play and dilute the player pool, i think

Well uncap mmr so the glads arent held down near my rating to start.
The biggest issue seems to be a dwindling playerbase but all you regular forum glads care about is dunking on lows and just push everyone away.

I’ll answer your question straight up. Of course there are many things I can be doing to improve.

However, how much do you think I’ll improve facing triple glads playing with 3x 1600 players?

How much do you think 3 random people would learn being thrown in a professional UFC match in a 3v3? Do you think “oh they can win they just need to sprinkle some fairy dust and believe”. I’m sure they will wake up in the morning and discuss what went wrong and how they could have magically won it.

People don’t putter around at low-mid mmr just for the fun of it unless it’s helping a friend.

I don’t care about dunking on anyone (other than amatox cuz cringe warlock main now) I just q the game cuz I enjoy qing the game. Uncapping mmr isn’t just what you want, it’s what everyone wants, but secondly even when that does happen, people are still gonna play with their friends or gear an alt, so you’ll still q into them lol

I’m talking about forum pvp there, all it seems to be is you guys just trying to show off how little you play while getting glad’s on your 4th account.

I dont think many glads are purposefully sitting low ratings, that’s more on blizz playing with mmr and a lack of actual people playing.

I can’t wait to q into combatants today to feed my ego bro

If I came across like I was trying to show off glad I sincerely apologize

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Ken has made two posts so far to this point.

Placement games
Actual mmr for that character

Stop being mad that Jonny is better on his 25th alt than you are on your main. Improve, or accept that wow is a dying game with a dying population. Nothing Blizzard does is going to change that fact. They cater to the most popular part of the game.

pvp isn’t that. This whole argument is a decade late.

alright i’ll cop to it. every single person who has ever disagreed with you is me. i log into each of my alt subscriptions on a separate computer so multiple of my accounts appear to be typing.

Huh? :dracthyr_a1: I’m just trying to help people understand why they’re queuing into 2900 exp multiglads at 1500 or whatever. This has more or less always been the case to some extent, and it may be a bit higher now as people are kind of in maintenance mode and just 50-50ing caps for ault.

h ttps://

100% of our matches are glads.

Placements. :dracthyr_nervous_animated:


Take the BG rat pill. Never bother with an arena again.

The first truthful thing you’ve said, sadly. I want the game to be better and become popular like it used to be. It was once just as popular as raiding, now not so much.

Literally who is arguing or even insinuating this? Why are you guys making up completely random arguments constantly?

Yeah and at the same time completely dismiss the actual argument about the frequency and act like it’s a normal and good thing. You do this kind of thing a lot, explaining common issues in a way that implies that its normal or correct. Kind of like bloomsday but a bit more subtle.

Thats the way I took it but I can kind of see why you argue it.
I just don’t think it should be so often to be fighting these players.