So uh what now

Bloomsday and Kennie are definitely the same person. Kennie turns blue, sheds his fur, and becomes lanky every full moon.

Even a few r1’s sprinkled in. Placements or not, if it’s 100% of games facing tripple glads/r1s for the entire season, then all non glads will quit. If this is really what you guys want then enjoy your empty game.

That’s what I usually do, though. Explain. :dracthyr_shrug: If somebody asks why they couldn’t use their abilities as a Rogue killed them and I ask if they were stunned they’ll tell go on some tangent about how CC shouldn’t exist.

It has gone on for too long, ye. Everybody AFKing and waiting for full gear and the ladder to move.

why not? you aren’t bothering to read the real ones


Your argument about experience never mattering is just lunacy.


Omg you shouldn’t have. :dracthyr_love_animated:


The hilarious thing is the whole conversation started with me saying I’m losing to ex glads and being called a liar saying that I’m not in fact losing to ex glads. When I have provided tons of screenshots and other evidence. But somehow all the elitest on here keep twisting it and coming up with excuses.

Durr it’s placements, durr it’s alts, durr you aren’t playing 100% perfectly, durr it’s inflation, durr it’s completely fine the way it is.

Everything else I said was true. Just gotta accept that fact to see it.

I can casually pull a glad title out of an inflated season and most agree that I’m terrible. If I can do it, anyone can.

pvp is the only game mode where you can take weeks/months off from the game and still get titles. pve and raiding requires commitment to a group. RBGs probably require twice as much as that.

I push my highest rating after a couple adult beverages, yolo, and the wife is asleep. Laughing with a few friends while we ‘push’. Fair to say everything after my first BFA Glad was an accident.

Only time I try harded was to get others their first glad. A common trend you see at that point is people stop playing the bracket once they get the carrot.

It may feel bad for the carrot to be out of reach, but its a whole lot more active when you’re still chasing said carrot.

What do you want bro? What spec do you play?

Crap, I bet even Adroi could get higher than you on a healer.

The only reason you catch crap for what you say is because you blame xyz instead of rising to the occasion.

Why do you cry constantly for 10,000 players like you so you can get welfare titles? Improve and try to be better. You’re in the rare minority where if you got Glad this season it might mean something to you as far as an achievement goes. Don’t rob yourself of this.

LOL I love “good” photoshops

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Once again another made up argument no one is making.

No one with 5 active wow subscriptions is casual

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You’re thinking of the other guy. I have three accounts one active at any given time. One was the OG, The second was a recruit a friend for leveling benefits, and the last was the account I made due to social contract reports.

It’s entirely more fun to play games casually without anyone having the “you got this at this point. You should do better.” most of the time I play I’ve had a few adult beverages.

Could still make an argument for a casual pvper even with five accounts. pvp is a minigame. Nevertheless.

it’s crazy how willing people are in 2023 to brag about disbelieving things that are just obviously true. these dudes probably drive cars

Oh my bad, I still stand by anyone with 3 accounts is far from casual though. You also fail to see how different the experience is for people not already of glad exp. To you it’s just a regular match, to people actually around that rating it’s almost a different game.

You also completely disregard the amount of time invested to get to glad skill level, now maybe you can maintain it at a ‘casual’ level but you didn’t get there in the first place like this.

Once again I will repeat myself, the issue is how frequently these glads are being matched with low exp players. Let the difficulty increase gradually, don’t just throw them into the fire and expect it to be fun. You argue to make/keep the game in a worse state to sate your ego, why not attempt to bring in more players?

You’ve really gone off the deep end just because people disagree with you.

didn’t get there until it was 50 wins above 2400 which is the point I made???

Is that meant to be bad? What is this weird dismissal about every single gladiator achievement?
Nothing is ever good apparantly, why even have mmr or rating then? Experience is all fake and meaningless anyway just ask bathrobe when he comes out of his self-induced schizophrenic episode.

Isn’t the second point what I just said?

Are you just being ugly for the sake of it, or am I missing something?

What point? The made-up argument that we are trying to get massive inflation to snipe glad? The insane argument that glad exp isnt real and experience is fake?

This is the last time I will say that I just want to fight people of similar skill and improve like most other seasons prior.

You’ve come in here and made up so many arguments trying to disprove points noone is making.

If you are playing, its most likely the people you are fighting are the same skill level at you. Take away inflated glad titles. If they are that much better than you, then good job! you’re queing against them and they are stuck there too! Means you’re on par with those people and you’re as good as them.

Don’t discredit yourself because you don’t have a meaningless ugly mount. You’re doing good. You’re playing at a high level. Deflation means that number is lower than what it is, but you’re still there. If they were arms and legs better they wouldn’t que into you.

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It doesn’t feel that way at all.