So uh what now

5 accounts lmao yes it does. Why else would you buy subscription for accounts you don’t play?


So outside of working 10 hour shifts 5 days a week, sleeping for 10, having other hobbies that interest me moreso than WoW does due to the dog balancing this season, means I’m spending A LARGE PORTION OF MY TIME playing WoW?

Do tell me more about mine, or others’, lives. Quite interested.

Who are you trying to lie to lmao?!

The high rated pvpers on this forum are actually the most toxic twisted players on this game.


So why do you have 5 accounts without apparently playing them?

I do play them. I don’t spend all my time playing this game. I’m much more interested in my 40k hobby, considering I’ve been into it for 17 years.

And best part about that? It’s my money to do with what I want to. I earned it, and feel that 5 accounts is worth spending the $75 a month on.

I’m sorry that I’m not a 16 y/o Visions anymore who has the ego to skip school and play 18+ hours a day anymore (:

This thread is depressing.


I’ve never once said anything to do with this don’t make up arguments in your head. Spend your money how you like.

But you trying to gaslight me as if you are a normal player that barely comes into the season to snipe their goals is crazy.

Bro I barely play this game. I only have 3 hours a day on 5 accounts.

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Placements. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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Oh placements means they aren’t glads. Roger.

Diminished losses, though, so that’s nice.

They’re on alts doing placement games

Oh ok thank god what a relief. I was afraid they were glad players. I’m relieved to know they are in fact 1400 players.

What do you want done about it? Make it to where they have to go to max mmr without being fully geared? Lol?

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It needs to be less often, once in a while is fine and fun.

What needs to be less often

Not 95% of games?

jfc cmon man. Fighting glads at low ratings is the theme of the whole thread.

I cba to read all of it, there’s no avoiding fighting “glads” at any mmr, if they’re on an alt and gearing through shuffle or something you’re just going to q into them, there’s nothing you can do ab it. There’s nothing blizzard can do about it either.

I’m appreciating the flavor text of the souleater’s because they do indeed unnerve people.