So uh what now

what shape does it feel like the earth is

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This is all I needed to read to give up.

The experience matters. The goal is to have fun, if it’s not a good environment people wont play like what we are seeing now. I’m sure you will hallucinate another argument that no one is making soon.

The multiglads/glads are significantly better than me and it both feels and plays out that way, you can dismiss past experience but that doesn’t make sense at all. It happens too often at these ratings and is just taking away from the whole experience.

Bathrobe can act like he’s spitting facts but arguing that experience isn’t real is just crazy old man ramblings.

How are you going to get the exp of playing good games against bad ops?

I guess I’m just hallucinating your whole argument being dog water.

You get exp by fighting players slightly better over time and eventually beating them. Thats the whole point of mmr, it’s strange to suddenly spike in difficulty out of nowhere and be facing glad players so often.
Obviously you can improve by fighting better players.

Yet again another made up point, I’ve never said I want to only fight bads worse than me.

The pvp population is dwindling, do you think what we have now is good for the game?

All I’ve asked for is to fight people of a similar skill level and you guys act like im asking for free glad or rewards.
Is it really that crazy to want to fight people around my skill level? I genuinely want to know why this is so offensive to you.

Typical, the American thinks that there isn’t anyone outside of California and New York.

We call that confirmation bias.

Yeah, the top players in the world, virtually everyone on the forums, everyone I’ve been in a Discord with–all sharing similar opinions, definitely confirmation bias.

Don’t you have an EBG premade you need to go keyboard turn in, Snowcrest?

Take out of context if gay.

Brancia making up arguments that aren’t even happening. That is a sure sign that he know’s he’s completely wrong. Deflecting to something else.


you are from the same group of inflated shadowlands players. stop being toxic.

This is a pretty ugly read.

Rekt so hard

Nah I got all my glad(not bfa)in the first 25% of every season(including dragonflight) not at the end

Where? Telling someone who went 0-6 at 1600 that they lost because of mistakes in their own gameplay and not to blame other people is toxic? That’s called having a winners attitude u soft teddie bear.

Yeah I think what you are failing to understand is that the OP is likely a few UI adjustments and a couple peer vod reviewed sessions from being the same skill level as the shadowlands glad alts he is fighting at 1600

an nth part of this that’s pathetic is that you don’t know which of the stars of gaslight(1944) actually does the gaslighting

Well, hopefully the mmr increase is enough to separate the glads and 1600 players. No problem with them meeting at high ratings when the 1600 player has presumably improved.
Thats all I’ve been asking for is to have games against people of similar skill.

Brother, there is no need to be so petty.

Played 5 matches today. All 5 were vs triple glads. Screenshots to prove them.