So, this new trading post

I pointed out how blizzard likes monetizing. You brought up a paywall. I pointed out how Blizzard will monetizing something if they can. Case in point: They saw they could monetize leveling and did. There’s still a free path that takes time and a premium paid path to instant max level.

The exact same can be applied to this new system.


For what? If they are such a flex why does nobody use them? Anybody that uses a ingame item as a dick measuring contest should really reevaluate their lifes.

It’s just a login reward system that many many other mmo’s have

they always start free and wait if people like it or not, then they start selling it for big $$$

There it is. The Fomo system of the expac that will pigeonhole you into content you don’t wanna do. I can feel it already. I know this expac was too good to be true.

You can tell people have barely played any games outside of WoW to not immediately see TESO’s Endeavour system.

There is nothing wrong with a battle pass so long as it has no premium version on top of a the sub I already pay. IF it just a battle pass that we all get access to because we sub. Cool do it. Put what ever you want on there, I will run that wheel.


I can already see it during content drought
“Log in this month and get the spectral tiger, don’t miss this opportunity”
I want to log in because the game is fun and I like playing it not because this month I will get a mount.

Its worse just reread the post they stole swtors monthly coin shop and runescapes yak track event lol.

Why get a mount if you dont find a game fun then?

I mean, it seems a lot less predatory than you are making it out to sound. They are literally making shop items accessible through this system; it says that in the post.

This also will cost a raid tier most likely.

Because of FOMO, it’s always FOMO

How many people farmed gold to get the brutosaur back and BfA and quitted the game after that?

How many people got back into the game because blizzard said the mage tower cosmetic stuff was going to be removed after legion? (and then they quitted in bfa lmao)

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It’s a battle pass that you don’t have to pay for, and you make progress on by playing the game.

I said its good as it is but can be abused. That’s all. I love how it sounds right now but Blizz can easily monetize it which is why I’m wary.

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Difference should be that said Trading Post items are revolving, not being removed fully. Again, that doesnt equivalate the same.

But lets focus on the topic: at what point is “I have to remain subbed to a game I dislike in order to get this mount” on the player rather than the company?

It’s just “quit”. That word doesn’t need a conjugational suffix.


I mean that’s fair, but I don’t think there is any reason to fear that this will become monetized more than renown. Just seems like fun content to keep people engaged.


It’s Galactic Seasons and Cartel Coins from SWTOR.

It’s a pretty bad rip off of it.

(Edit: by “bad” I mean they’re not even trying to make it different, not that it’s a bad thing. I think this will be great.)

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I got your joke even if others overlooked it.