Lol push less and buttons and not have to heal. So do nothing?
This is quite likely why folks aren’t moving. We have had years where these event dungeons are jokes and people do them simply because “it is the daily chance at X thing I want from there” and that’s all there is to it. But… with them now being more dangerous, folks haven’t changed their mind to it as of yet.
Give it a few years with them remaining dangerous and folks might actually move out of 'em.
I must have gotten lucky so far. maybe because I’m only doing the dungeon on my main so once a day. I’ve not had any trouble with the few groups I’ve been in, even when some of the characters are extremely low level. I figured everyone knew to use the potions or at the very least NOT stand in the aoe. I try very hard to be a conscientious dps when I do group things, have ppl really devolved so badly?
The auras have always been there. But in the past, they didn’t do much of anything. It’s been ages since we’ve felt that DoT from them.
But now that Blizz decided to make this a “Heroic difficulty,” we’re getting back to some serious damage. Which none of us are used to.
They work. But keep in mind that the damage is coming from four places:
- melee damage if the tanks don’t pick up the second boss
- puddles on the ground
- sprays
- perfume DoT auras and volatile concoctions
So even if you’ve got one of the perfume buffs, you’re still getting the other DoT, volatile concoctions, sprays and puddles and any melee damage.
I am a terrible player, I admit it. Now that that’s out of the way–could someone who doesn’t mind stupid questions clarify which potion is for which puddle (purple or green)? If I remember right you can only have one potion buff on at a time.
Not saying it’s always the case, but some people may have graphics turned down and don’t see the colors on the ground.
That happened to me years ago in the throne of tides dungeon during that trash that puts greens puddles on the floor. I died several times and couldn’t figure out why. Husband had to help me and there was so much I wasn’t seeing at all but had no idea.
colors should match the potion. green to green. just loot the table before the fight and stand in whichever color u consumed. ranged could choose to move out of any color at all, but I realize that might not be easy for melee that has to stand on top of him.
The puddles and the neutralizers are irrelevant unless people are too stupid to avoid bad on the ground - just move out of them.
The thing that kills the tank and most other players are the auras used by the first two bosses that spawn (Hummel & Baxter).
Hummel uses a perfume aura (use the perfume neutralizer to avoid damage), Baxter uses a cologne aura (use the cologne neutralizer to avoid damage) - both hit players standing in front within melee range.
And this is only new to so many because this fight has been such a joke previously that with the scaling changes, the damage can now kill off the tank and melee / ranged with aggro if they aren’t super low levels or geared 80s.
Also the scaling changes mean that groups with mid-level or fresh 80s are going to have all three bosses active at once as they will not be able to just zerg them down as they spawn, so avoiding all the auras and the puddles becomes impossible.
Sadly this & and sadly you are probably right on the years to learn. I admit stepped in on my first toon expecting to just be a 15 second fight and done. Figured out the puddles hit like a brick sh×t house, moved out of them lived. Next time i did it took the potion now they hardly do any damage.
I just put on the green one and stand in the green puddles really. Prevents me from getting a purple puddle 9/10 times.
A lot of newer DPS don’t understand the mechanics of their toon. They are unaware and that leads them to stand in .
I recommend alerting the group to the potions on the table and politely reminding them to not stand in .
I’ve had to do this while tanking. Usually, if they are standing still…I aggro everything away from the group to force them to move.
I cannot imagine anyone getting through the game without ever having stood in something which caused damage and learning that they should probably step out of it.
That people are dying in it just says that they dont care and arent paying attention - assuming the healer will keep them up.
I would be happy to let them die. The boss is so easy to kill you can 4 man it no problem.
I have an addon that alerts me because I’m paying attention to so much that sometimes I don’t realize I’m standing in stuff.
If someone isn’t moving, I fully agree that they should not be healed.
Unfortunately, there is a subsection of players that are unaware and don’t know about add-ons. These are our noobs and they are still learning.
Hopefully they learn quickly. I know I had to. However, I had a great mentor and that ages ago.
You dont need an addon to see your health drop and notice green/purple pools under your feet.
This is sort of true, Guthild. And getting killed by the stuff is a big alert.
At least you rez immediately, and dont have to wait until combat ends. That’s a nice touch.
To be fair, those puddles do look comfy and inviting.
Same here. The run I did yesterday had a tank that went offline immediately and it was too early to kick so I just started the event as my healer and we 4 man’d it. Tank came back as the third mob went down.
Not sure how people are having issues lol.
It’s a funny thing, how life can be different for everyone. Your day may not be my day, and your game experience will almost certainly not be mine. Stuff happens.
And yet they are. So, there’s that.
Every single time I heal. Every. Single. Time.
And before anyone claims “you’re the common denominator,” don’t. I’m a darn good healer. But I can’t heal people past 50% when they don’t use potions to alleviate the damage from two auras, volatile concoctions, sprays, puddles and any melee damage going out… in a mode they turned into a Heroic difficulty.
The old saying “I can’t heal Stupid” is alive and appropriate atm