So... there's 5th Old God?

There are precisely the exact number of old gods and titans locked away in some interstellar prison that we do not yet need to know about until the story telling needs to release them, and than like with all big bad universe destroying enemies our plot armour will help us kill them.

There was always 5 old gods. They just left out 1 in WoW for some reason. Back in the RTS games there was explicitly said to be 5.

Could potentially be G’huun, who counts as an old god, but made by the titan. And sure enough, locked up and sealed like the book says.

Really, there is the potential for way more. We only knows of 5, 4 which were chunked from the void, but others could have been chunked and just landed on other planets. I’m pretty sure we stopped the bird people from setting one loose in BC that had landed in Orc Central Park.

And that already makes 6…

It really depends on what they considered “chained beneath the earth” to mean.

Y’Shaarj was killed by Aman’thul when he pulled the old god from the crust of Azeroth and it left a huge wound in Azeroth which became the Well of Eternity.

C’thun, N’zoth, and Yogg-Saron were all imprisoned by the Titans.

G’huun was created and also imprisoned.

High Keeper Ra found the remains of Y’Shaarj and placed its remains in the Vault of Y’Shaarj and had the Mogu guard it.

I don’t know if Y’Shaarj is considered “chained” as it was pretty much dead and destroyed.

So there could be a fifth we don’t 100% know about. It’s definitely not Xal’atath as she pre-dated the Titans arrival to Azeroth. She was consumed and imprisoned by her fellow old gods and used as a weapon.

So it’s either Y’Shaarj / G’huun or another we don’t know about.

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There is a whole backside of the planet we havent seen yet. 5th old god probably chillin there in a lawn chair waiting for us

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100% this. And the going assumption was xal’atath.

I think it would be cool if the next old god was an end boss and was so powerful that it would be intended that no one beat it. It would be the one raid boss that kills US instead of us killing it, at least for the time being. Then that launches us into the next expansion.

convoluted she says, heh. its like they took a pretzel, unraveled it, and then twisted it back

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We’ve been living in an old god’s dream. Obviously it’s Azeroth which if you slur your words you get Azathoth.

Which makes me wonder about Magni

Maybe Azeroth is neutral rather than evil

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Maybe the 5th Old God is the friends we made along the way?


Ever notice all the southern zones on Azeroth are very equatorial in climate? :stuck_out_tongue:
We’ve only seen the northern hemisphere.

Technically there could be a massive continent out there larger than (current) Kalimdor or the Eastern Kingdoms.

G’huun was created by the titans experimenting with the old gods after they imprisoned them. Judging by this neltharion journal there were 5 before G’huun existed. But it makes me wonder if the 5th one was blood themed since G’huun supposedly used blood magic and we haven’t seen any of the known old gods use blood magic. So maybe that’s how G’huun was able to use it

Yea, azeroth is a world soul that can become a powerful form of many things depending on it’s influence. Hence why the titans and void lords fight over it and why sarg had to flat out destroy other world souls that were already heavily influenced by the old gods. Apparently azeroth is the most powerful world soul or something else about it that makes it more special than others. I also wonder if world souls and Naaru are related somehow since both are sentient energy that formed in the great beyond during it’s creation and can become light or dark or maybe more in a world souls case

Blizzard has been… iffy with their Old God lore.

In vanilla, it said 5. But then they came out and said only 4 “survived” on Azeroth. Which with MoP, we assume to mean they aren’t counting Y’shaarj in that 4, because he was killed by the Titans.

However, it’s also been speculated the 5th one is G’huun, because it’s never been stated the 5th “Evil God” (the only way it’s ever referred to) was sent by the void. We don’t know When the Titans created G’huun, so it’s entirely possible he was the 5th “Evil God” they sealed. (As he is referred to as an Old God (linked the wowpedia page of the quest where a KEEPER refers to him as an Old God] just Titan Created)

There’s also theories that it’s Xal’atath, as she seems too powerful and cunning to be just a minion of N’zoth.

AFAIK, A 5th Old God’s name has never been uttered in any book or such, so we don’t know if they exist or not. We should have seen some influence of them in the living beings of Azeroth by now if they were still on Azeroth.

Which leads credence to it either being Xal’atath - who was imprisoned this entire time in the dagger Shadow Priests retrieve, or G’huun - who we slew after he was released, and DID affect beings on Zandalar like an Old God does.

Magni also states that there are no more Old Gods messing with Azeroth, so unless the 5th Old God is biding their time before doing ANYTHING - it was either G’huun or Xal’atath.

Well this journal entry cements that G’huun isn’t one of the original 5 since Its written before their creation. But then again, everything in azeroths history and most likely what the dragons thought they knew was ordained by the titans, so it may have been a lie all along hence the last excerpt by neltharion

We don’t know when G’huun was created though. We do, however, know they sealed him like the other Old Gods.

Neltharion said the titans defeated then imprisoned the 5 old gods. The titans make G’huun experimenting on the imprisoned old gods. So it had to be after the fact. But it’s alsoo the titans saying this is how it happened so it could all be a lie

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I’m almost positive the titans created G’huun well before they empowered the Dragon Aspects. They did it to try to learn about how the Old Gods worked, and by the time the aspects were empowered, the Old Gods were imprisoned, IIRC.

Dude I have been saying this for months.

Dragonflight is going underground.

This is ultimately a void-themed expansion.

We are fighting an old god as one of the next raid bosses.

I’m going to go find my post because I called this