So... there's 5th Old God?

Blood for G’hunn!

Makes sense, makes sense…

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Nat Pagel is the 5th old god


I can totally believe this :joy:

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G’hunn was a synth old god made by the titans for research. That wouldn’t be mentioned in something like this–it marked a failing of the titans and would be suppressed.

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Hemet. Look at all those souls we sacrificed to him. He is biding his time before transforming and consuming in mass the Walrus people! Soup for the soup god!


To be fair, there are as many Old Gods as Blizzard needs at any given moment. Lore does not have integrity in this game.

Well we know there are tons more out in the universe. This is more about how many they originally said there were on Azeroth and then seemed to change the number. And then we got the titan’s oops we kinda made one Old God.

It’s just fun to speculate who the original 5th one is/was.

All praise the 5th chao- I mean old god! May he be the wrath that consumes the world!

Seriously, as long as we don’t find out this is the Jailer again, I’m fine with it.

I wanted to see the whole picture rather than this corner and something I noticed is pretty interesting. Y’Saarj is next to some cloud serpent looking art. Yogg some generic rocks. Nzoth water. Cthun AQ looking stuff. But this one… leaves, vines, and skulls. Tie in to what is going on with the Night Elves, Ardenweald, and green dragons right now? :thinking:

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Could be tied to what N’zoth said, “Deeper, deeper its roots will reach. Welcoming our embrace.” It’s possible this new old god could have some connection to what we assume is the new World Tree.

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Nomi fifth Old God. Confirmed.


Oh, man. I should’ve known. He’s been poisoning not only our food, but our minds as well.


After the bs they pulled with Mal’Ganis? Sure why not.


Y’shaarj, C’thun, Yogg-Saron, and N’zoth.

Xal’atath could potentially be number five, but from what we know it seems she was turned into a ritual object before the Titans showed up. So that would mean a sixth potentially if she was one.

I agree that G’huun doesn’t count. It was more of a lab experiment gone very wrong, after the others were defeated.

I don’t think Deathwing is the author of the annotations. The wording in the other documents implies a first hand knowledge of the Old God/Titan conflict. The Aspects are old, but not that old. The tone seems very much like Xal’atath.

The 5th Old God is Chromie, guys. Think about it… she’s constantly sending adventurers to different timelines. She’s looking for a way to free her true self and she knows the adventurer is dumb enough to unknowingly help the bad guy all. the. time.

Harken, chat, for I shall teach you the secret of World of Warcraft lore! Here it is:

They will always retcon in however many Titans, Old Gods, and HIDDEN VILLAINS that they need to keep the same story beats as every expansion since Wrath of the Lich King because the production team doesn’t see the financial benefit to making a gamble on a new story that some players might not enjoy.

It’s us. We’re the old god. We can’t die, we don’t age, we’ve existed forever and we can read the minds of everyone we interact with. We can see their thoughts and have the power to resurrect them against their will to fight us for eternity. We’re the final raid boss.

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G’huun was created by the Titan keepers.

I love the old god stuff, so I’m all for there being more.
I liked the old god themed chest in the horde at the end of Neltharus.
There’s an unknowable number of them cast out into the cosmos, so the could always have more find there way to Azeroth too.
Plus the people suggesting Azeroth is one…does share a name very similar to a Lovecraft old god.

I’m curious to see how things play out. Also looking foward to finding out more about this underground zone and race of dwarves. I’m wondering if they’re gonna be more skins added for customization since they’re just dwarves but rocky.