So... there's 5th Old God?

This is what I found doing a google search (and then pulling out my manual to get a page number lol).

In the WCIII manual it says there are 5 Old Gods. Page 135

“The Pantheon shattered the Old Gods’ citadels and chained the five evil beings far beneath the surface of the world.”

I think that’s where they were first referenced, but not positive. And as someone else said they may have retconned them to 4 - or forgotten they had previously said there were five. Or maybe they do remember there were 5 and we just haven’t seen the 5th original one yet :slight_smile:

She also mentioned its been a long while that she had a body.

I like old gods still, I completely skipped the end of bfa so that’s probably why.

Only the ore. And it still had a blue, shadowy quality about it. Besides look at all the things made from Saronite. e.g. current Orgrimmar, ICC. Black metal.

What if Azeroth and Xal’atath are one and the same? Like Xal’atath is just Azeroth’s avatar to see what’s happening on her surface?

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That’s true. There was also Garrosh’s weapon, Xal’atoh or whatever it was called, that behaved likewise. Gotta wonder if these are separate things, or the same thing.

he didnt even tip me :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Could be.

That would also mean we should all collectively punch Magni in the face for not picking up on that, since he can talk to her.

Or maybe he’s just been talking to someone else the whole time about Woonz


Yeah, those boomer old gods are lameo.

Millenial gods on the other hand…

That why i strongly believe that N’Zoth is alive and well in Xal’s dagger.

Xal’atath IS an Old god, she was just imprisoned by the rest. Then Y’shaarj got taken out by Aman’thul causing the Well of Eternity and the remaining three were imprisoned instead of ripped out cause a Titan tearing anymore Old gods out would destroy and or irreversibly damage the planet’s structure.

Then the Titans messed around and made G’huun making 4.

g’huun is artificial old god created by titans to eat other old gods without destroying the planet. But it didn’t work, he would eat the rest of the world too


6 Old gods: Xal’atath (pre knifing), N’zoth, C’thun, Y’ogg Saron, Y’shaarj, and G’huun.

:rofl: This game is nothing without old gods! And Ragnaros of course :crazy_face:

And nobody got tired of listening to blood trolls screaming G’huun constantly :rofl:

We’ve always know there are 5.

B’ill from Accoun-ting


the 5th Old god is underneath the Darkmoon Faire

The unreliable narrator is a powerful tool I guess. I don’t know what to tell you buddy, and knowing blizzard they might say “well the lore only says 4 Old Gods landed on Azeroth” or some other horse-youknowwhat.

Nah, it’s D’ude the Slacker. He’s peeved at the other four for wrapping Tyr’s body in his favorite rug. It really tied the room together…

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I went and got that squid on my head back in BFA and it totally wasn’t worth it. No more!

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