So... there's 5th Old God?

Well have you seen the old god-looking creature from the Chronicle? There’s an illustration for all 4 and this extra one that may be the 5th one.


puts on Michael Bubble


The second part of that post is worth remembering. I’m going with the theory that Xal’atath was ambushed and ‘imprisoned’ inside the Black Blade by minions of another Old God, or an Old God itself.

It’s very important to keep in mind: While the Old Gods may very well have a common interest, they are not friends. It seems they were in direct and indirect competition with one another from various pieces of evidence.

Yet, she seems to have a close relationship with N’zoth, which leaves me to wonder if she’s one of N’zoth’s many pawns, or the two formed an allegiance. N’zoth is the weakest known Old God, but is easily the most cunning.

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All I see is two threads from Mortis speculating based on one chronicle picture, and an old reddit thread again suggesting there was one under Tirisfal.


If what is posted on Wowhead is legit, then that seems to me to be the first positive indication that there were actually five, not just speculation.

I can’t find the exact sources right now, but, if memory serves me correctly, there’s been quotes in the game from different old-god sources speaking of 5. I could be completely wrong though, so take it with a grain of salt.

All the other old gods hid him in the basement. His name is cletus.

Fifth old god is Azeroth.

Titan project is maintaining purity of the world soul.

Think about it…


Well, the original book from pre-BC does state “five Old Gods”, but I’d always taken that to have been retconned to four.

I have to wonder how much of this is miscommunication between the people writing the lore. Left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing, and whatnot.


Xal’atath might be a candidate.

heh, ewww. I like this thought.

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I hope it’s Xal’atath.

That would mean the rest of us were talking around with our Legion artifacts thinking we’re all awesome, while the shadow priests were carrying a literal Old God.

We know Azeroth is likely not a Titan, since those are made in Zereth Mortis using marionettes and magical melodies (Argus re-made).

This world is a prison, people…

Bah…forget the old gods. I miss Mortis.

Also know that old gods are based on Lovecraft lore. And the most evil of all is Azathoth …

How is nobody else seeing this?

She was bound with the dagger and it appears that N’Zoth might be alive and well with the dagger.

Old Gods were feasting on Azeroth. “Consumed by the others”… I feel like I’m going mad here…

Maybe that what void lords wanted to happen.

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Either Xal something or Azeroth.

I dunno, I have a hard time believing it’s Azeroth. Mostly because “azerite” would have been less glowy/sparkly and more shadowy/tentacly.

The quote from Xal’atath saying “… after what they did to me” in reference to the other Old Gods suggests it’s her they’d been eating.

Saronite is sparkly and it’s the blood of Yogg-Saron.

But I think the big surprise is it is Azeroth.