So then what is the point of early access?

I’m still going to have my main up to 80 and perhaps alts before the “real” launch. I don’t see the disadvantage in that at all.

I don’t see the long term advantage in that either.

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It’s impatient people tax.

It’s less about what the realistic benefit it offers is and more about what it represents. I’ve also been around the block long enough to know that what tends to start off as small and seemingly innocent changes over time. I think offering benefits like this will continue to open up the door to other perks that continue to push the line.

I mean just look at how microtransactions as evolved over the years. I know lots of people are fine with dropping extra cash on the game for in-game goodies, but there is a legitimate argument that all the things companies have ever put in the cash shop could have been some form of content for the playerbase to consume (which would ultimately be good for their game), but because the initial reception of selling people things was successful that concept has flourished over time and it’s now a massive cash cow for companies to focus on because the profit margins are so huge.

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That happens when you’re shortsighted.


Your words

Are you saying YOU WORDS are less about being realistically accurate, and more about being hypothetical?

Does that mean anything you say should be regarded in the same?

How can I tell your words here about “what it represents” is what you actually mean?

You cant just make huge accusations then pretend they didnt matter.

Bro, I didn’t hide my original intentions. Not my fault you decided to cherrypick my post and demand clarification of a stance that I had further expanded upon within it.

People in a desperate need to find new things to pretend they’re angry about on the internet, every day?

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When did I say I was angry?

So to clarify.

You made a point, led off with that point in a very matter of fact and deterministic way.

Then immediately back tracked to the point that what you previously said was 100% contradicted and made useless by you?

Is it really cherry picking if I looked at your opening sentence/paragraph? And your response was “well, what I said wasnt actually real”

Its not about you realistically being angry. Its more about what it represented.


What I said was real; EA goes against a core concept of how MMOs have traditionally operated. I’m not naïve enough to think that EA is some sort of defining feature that will separate the haves and the have-nots though, but still at the end of the day technically speaking there are advantages being given to people who spend the extra money and I do not like that concept. It’s that simple.

To put in another perspective it’d be the same if Blizzard started to blatantly sell gear on the store, but capped it at normal mode raid gear. Again, I’m not naïve enough to think people can buy their way to normal mode gear that will get them into heroic or mythic raid guilds, but I’d still despise what the practice represents. Yet I’m sure there’d still be some people here on the forums arguing away about how skill triumphs over the ability to buy gear so it’s totes fine.

It’d be funnier if I didn’t see that coming from a mile away.

I feel that too many gamers value their pleasure in a video game purely based on what others achieve.

When I get to content at WOW nowadays, it´s often weeks or months after everyone else. It does not matter one bit to me.

There was a time when I wanted to be one of the first, like at Cata and the days when world first achievements did exist. Let me tell you this, it just does not make you more happy years later, just because you have an achievement like that.

Instead, you missed out on a lot of story, friendships you may could have made while leveling and gearing your char casually.

Therefore, my advice to you is to just calm down on both sides, those that want a headstart and those that try to deny it. You have more fun and opportunities, if you just let it go, that feeling of missing out 24/7.


I dont need an “advantage” its sooner, that equals good in my book. Im not competing with anyone. You cant “win” in WoW.

So are you saying that 3 days of early access is the same as buying normal raid gear?

3 days early access means you hit level cap and have nothing to do for 2 weeks sooner.

How is that the same?

Or is this something you don’t actually mean again?


My name is Mr. Frederick J. Blublublubluh. I own a mansion and a yacht :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello Mr. holds hand to mouth Flblblbllbbbl. Nice to meet you.

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I’m just going to say this one more time for the people in back:

DF Epic Edition was also $90 and didn’t come with early access or beta. It’s a choice to get a bunch of stuff. No one is forced to buy it.

Well that’s just false. Prelaunch is when the community comes together. Everyone is doing their own thing on launch days and many don’t even start playing until the weekend after launch due to life and work, etc.


My husband was one. Historically, he’s had to work on launch day. Back it up 3 days and those are his days off. He wasn’t too fussed about the M+ or loot from rares part. Did say a couple things I can’t repeat here about the professions only because our mains, that we typically level first and together, are LW/Skinners, then just said, “welp, guess our alts are getting the weekend love then.” and was back to his normal self LOL He’s still content with the mount, pet and beta.


Yeah, and I still want the extra cosmetic stuff. As do plenty of people. It’s always been enough, and doesn’t confer any in game advantages. A three day head start does, despite their restrictions. I don’t want it, but I don’t have a choice. So in effect they’ve made their premium edition less appealing for some people. Where the option for the cosmetics without the three days? I would rather buy that.

It usually takes me two weeks to get to max level, since i only play a bit each day. The extra three days for me will mean im one week behind some players instead of two weeks behind everyone.