So then what is the point of early access?

It’s not your burden to carry though. You’re not responsible for the actions of others and if nobody liked it they wouldn’t buy it and as a capitalist there would be no gain for them in the future.

Since we’re now part of a global economy the old rules don’t work anymore. Big companies don’t care about boycotts because a meager 1000 people not buying a product is paltry to the 1000000 that do.

If you don’t agree with it, that’s ok, don’t buy it. Live your life onward like you always would. And keep your pride with you knowing you did what was good for you.

That’s the best we can do in these situations. I can go on philosophically about when we should take a stand, but over pixels and entertainment, it is not it.

Yeah same. Just to be clear, I didn’t make this post because I’m mad that there are fewer advantages from the early access. I’m not mad. I think there should be fewer. Because I think there should be no advantages. I despise this early access as a preorder perk nonsense in the game industry. It’s not actually early access. It’s just you get punished with delayed access if you don’t pay their ransom. No, I made this post because as you said, Varlth, they are having to spin it as both a perk, but not a perk. I find that very funny and a good point of derision for the practice.

Also I am really shocked by the number of people who defend this or even say its no big deal. As though suddenly paying real money for an advantage in a game is just fine.

they get max level and access to all those things sooner, they also get to take advantage of day1 exploits which blizzard has repeatedly made available for people that gives unfair advantages, dragonflight has been extremely bad in that regard so don’t expect the next expansions to be any different.

Everyone still gets access when the season opens, not when they hit max.

No, but people’s actions impact how capitalism operates. If enough people legitimately threw a tizzyfit over this Blizzard would back off. That’s how capitalism works; money talks. But we’re not a hivemind and there is no agreement in how games should be designed, or what is best or not, etc. Some people are happy to throw their money away even if they know they are being ripped off simply because they have that level of disposable income.

At the end of the day I’d rather be vocal and say I’m not OK with this and attempt to convince others this isn’t the right way to do business than just being silent about it. Am I pissing into the wind? Pretty much guaranteed, but hey I’m entitled to expressing my opinion.

It’s another step towards P2W if you ask me, but that’s a taboo word around here. WoW is pay to advantage, pay to skip, pay to convenience, pay to anything but win. Will the day ever come when Blizzard starts selling gear? Who knows, but if it does happen it’s because of little steps like this that lets the playerbase acclimate to the idea that spending money for in-game benefits is just the norm and buying power is just the new kid on the block.

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To entice players to pay more for an unfinished product before they realize it’s unfinished again

They do sell you gear.

The 70 boost you get with the expansion purchase gives your toon a full set of 424 gear.

It’s because they know people will pay for it. There will be whales who cannot contain themselves.

This is the point. It’s the only reason to do it.

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Oh gosh, 424! You can get that as BoE trash drops in the new zone.

I would give my early access for an old blizzcon pet. Let me trade please.

3 extra days to know the layout of the world and dungeons is an advantage though.

You get to explore stuff three days early.

That’s enough for me, tbh. I don’t give a rat’s backside about M+ or endgame. I just want to get my grubby little RPer hands on all the new story and lore, and explore around the new areas - especially Hallowfall!

For people to feel special about spending an extra $40 to have the privilege of dealing with maintenance, bugs and addons being broken. They are paid testers, lol.

I play with Warmode on. It’s like that all the time lol. :slightly_frowning_face:

Specifically how is it impacting your ability to succeed?

And specifically, succeed at what?

I never understood people getting up in arms over it to begin with. The season would still unlock the same day regardless, meaning the only real advantage is getting to level up a little more freely. If someone has the chance to level 3 characters to max before other players join in… who cares since they cant advance in any meaningful way.
Besides, paying for early access just means you’re paying to beta test a game. (Not that it doesn’t feel that way sometimes on live)

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Heroic dungeons drop 428 gear even if one doesn’t skip right to mythic (they absolutely can). That is worthless gear lol.

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Shoot it’s enough to get me immediately into lfr new raid without anything else. Not complaining though. Was exactly what I wanted to do on my BM hunter.

I’d not say worthless. My 61 hunter gets to go right into the current LFR rather than needing to still run those heroics to then get into it like before so the boost definitely was worth it to get my alt right in the the base level