So then what is the point of early access?

  1. Then this fake outrage is entirely moot and your choice to buy it.
  2. There is no in game advantage.

No, it doesn’t give you any advantage. No one cares if you hit max level in greens during early access or the first day of launch. And you don’t have to play early access if you don’t want to.

… because they gave you something EXTRA that wouldn’t deter you from buying it anyway??

What the… I don’t even. :woman_facepalming:

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Bro if this is what you took out of my post then debating with you is kind of pointless.

As I quoted early on in the thread, I saw right away that Blizzard would black out professions during early access, just because of the shrill screaming from the players who do nothing else than sit at the AH running their bots all day, shrieking about how unless they had early access (which they can easily afford with their trillions of gold) they were going to be ruined for all time.

It’s really sad, but it was entirely predictable. They’re a pretty loud lobby.


While you aren’t obliged to go back and read through the entire thread, but you shouldn’t just assume I didn’t explain my position already.

If instead of early access the bonus being sold was a 50% exp increase for the first few days, or faster profession experience, you would call that an advantage.

Yes the early access makes it less appealing to me. Because it is a disgusting business practice that like so many other disgusting business practices in the gaming industry is a stepping stone to even worse things.

You explained it. And it’s nonsensical at best.

Nope. I don’t care. I won’t be playing it for a week anyway. Many I know are the same way.

You must have been full on outrage at the Blizzcon package then, eh? If not, you’re just full of hypocrisy.


Oh I wasn’t surprised at all. I could see right through the complaints about the early access and every excuse thrown in that they were just worried that others would beat them to the AH.
We don’t buy mats, nor sell them (we have too many alts to feed for that) until about 3 months in, so the AH never concerned us personally.


i will not be fighting the players on large mounts on the quest giver day 1

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I don’t get why people are surprised by this in any way, or don’t understand why it’s done…

The amount of money blizzard makes off of this is through the roof. Nearly every company does early release now if you pay more, and guess what people pay more for it making these companies a ton of money.

What is a companies primary purpose? To make money… what is blizzard doing with a paid early access? Making money, and a lot of it. You can’t fault them for achieving their goal, if anything blame the stupid people giving them money for it.

It’s honestly just there for people who want to be in a very funny part of the game. Everything is going to be broken basically, so a lot of bugs and glitches. A lot of them, hilarious.

I can only imagine dragon riding in WW XD More like Distorted riding XD