So then what is the point of early access?

In order to alleviate all the upset about the advantages three days early access would grant players who pony up the cash, Ion has stepped up to reassure us that no, you don’t get any advantages whatsoever. No M+, no good loot from rares, not even profession points or weekly profession cooldowns. Kinda making it seem like a really mediocre selling point to be honest. It seem like a questionable business move when you have to have to simultaneously make it seem like a cool head start, but also reassure everyone else they’re not actually getting any real head start at all.

Of course it doesn’t even address the other big issues people have with it, such as the blatant money grubbing of it all and how insulting that is to players. Or how it fragments the player base at the expansions launch, when historically that’s when the sense of community from the shared experience is at its highest.


The fine print was there the whole time. I kept saying it was just a 3day head start on leveling.


They said from the beginning that Mythic dungeons and weekly quests would be unavailable.

As for professions, I called that right away:


Early access to smell the roses

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as a whole, this is prob a absolute win even for the people who dont have early access.

all those first day patch bugs. hours of in accessible zones due to boats not showing up etc.

it could get sorted 3 days earlier.

the bottleneck in quest zones could also be less congested.

3 days of leveling at most gets you time to have a main Alt up and running before the first major reset when all the caps get blown off.


For one there will be less folks leveling those 3 days making it less crowded


I mean, I’m still pretty happy with it. However, let me reemphasize…I did not buy the epic edition for the early access. I bought it for the rest of the items, which made its value worth it to me.


I’m quite certain that both early access and standard launch will be overcrowded, as usual.

There will be fewer shards, but that’s not something we ever see anyway.


If anything it’s just an added bonus for buying the larger package and not the reason for buying the larger package. Why can’t anyone see it this way? Everyone is taking it so personally that some people will get a non-advantageous 3 day head start.

You players that play this game religiously know full well that it means nothing to you and you’ll either be ahead of some of them or paced right up to some of them regardless.

Why is this a contention for an argument? Why continuously bring this up like it has been some great misdeed done to you personally?

In what world do we live in where in this game you think that playing the game 3 days ahead of the other is giving some people god mode? The bots will farm for the market cartels like they always do and control the market like they always do. Nothing will change.

Do you think that because you’re not there 3 days in advance that you had some superior motive to end the mafia’s control in game on AH prices? Do you think that if you’re there 3 days ahead of time that you’ll get all the loot before everyone else?


Because this is the modern internet and everyone has to always be Outraged over what a Victim they are.


+1 mount is +1, I don’t care about the 3 day early access. Well, everyone else questing ahead so I can come moonwalking in on the weekend and quest in peace would be nice.


As will I when I get around to it. But that’s kind of the point, right? Historically the bonus cosmetics and whatnot have been enough for people to upgrade while those who aren’t fussed with them do not. Is there anyone who was swayed by the early access specifically? I would wager there aren’t many. If there are, I wonder how they would now feel learning all these restrictions on that access.

The restrictions were announced from the beginning on the pre-order web site.

The only new thing is the professions being blacked out, which should surprise no one.

This whole thing is really funny about how gutless Blizzard is being about this. "Here’s something we’re offering… PLEASE DON’T BUY IT!!!’

Explain more in detail of what you mean. I am not understanding the point of view.

Why should that surprise no one? The fact that they had to explicitly address it tells me that people were expecting a head start on their professions.

You could leave in the mythic dungeons (M0’s) and access to professions and everything and it really wouldn’t matter.

As somebody who used to take time off for expansion launches, I don’t even bother anymore because the stuff you CAN do at launch is completely pointless. The instant power jump when M+ unlocks a couple weeks after expansion launch is so overwhelming that NOTHING you did in the 2 weeks prior matters at all.

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Personally, I have the best deal in every expansion, which is starting off 3 or 4 days after the raging mob went ahead.

I get a sweet experience, I savour the storyline, I usually play when bug fixes are done, and I still get 2k+ IO in most seasons anyway.

This whole “gotta go” mentality is really lol when you think of the ammount of time it takes for a whole season to end. Makes zero sense to rush.

Ion explained that in the Q&A. They added additional value to the base addition by including DF and the level 70 boost, so they felt they should increase the value of all of the packages. I think for a lot of us, early access doesn’t matter…but I am sure that it added value for some.

Even with the restrictions, you still start out day 1 at max level while everyone is still going through the leveling process, so no matter what, we will still be ahead in every aspect of the game if we were so inclined.

The only reason I rush at expansion launch is that it’s the only time you can actually feel like an explorer. Open country in front of you, and nobody else around.

If you’re ahead of the pack in that initial 5 minutes, and can stay ahead, it’s an experience you’ll never be able to have again.

The main thing, probably, is the chance to start the new xpac on a weekend instead of a Tuesday… assuming release will be on a Tuesday. I mean, Tuesday is usually a workday for people.