So then what is the point of early access?

early access should be solely about seeing content early…not getting ANY advantages over other players.

As it should be. Just play the game when you can. Leave it at that, it’s a game not a job.

In all honesty, I am not taking time off for the 3 day launch, but I can bet you I am working regardless and if I am not, well then so be it.

Except that M+ resets everything 2 weeks later when season 1 starts, and nothing you did in those 2 weeks will matter.

Yeah I have friends who usually can’t even level until the weekend after an expansion releases; this will be really nice for them if they take the option.

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Oh, I agree. I was just stating why some would still find value in early access.

However, if TWW has strong gear locked behind rep at launch like DF, I am sure that some will appreciate the extra grind time. People were definitely grinding the cobalt assembly for the ring and Wraithion for the cloak as fast as they could before the season started.

Yes, the experience of “I must stay ahead or the mob will catch up to me and I’ll lose this experience”

Very stress-free. xD

Let me make sure I understand.

People are upset because people can pay to get early access. Isn’t there a reset before the actual release? So basically they’re getting the last two weeks of beta testing. They’ll get to try out their new skills for a while before all the people who didn’t get the early access.

I don’t get how people get any advantage. Sure they get nicer seats and to get off the plane before the rest of the passengers, but who cares? Well there is the champagne and warmed up bag of nuts.

I’ll pause a second while everyone chants deez nuts a few times.

Okay, great. If I understand this correct, there just seem like there are other, more interesting dead horses to beat. I mean, we could be arguing about old vs. new flying. So many topics to complain about, so little time.

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A bunch of addicts with major (and usually irrational) fomo play this game.


Everyone is a victim.

It was stated clearly from day one. People just don’t care to read.

Start leveling a bit sooner, see the content, possibly beat the rush.

Or go play Starfield because the servers are broken :dracthyr_shrug:

I dunno, I bought epic because I had the tokens for it.

Except notice they left out some key things. Honor for example and honor gear. While yes profession points might be locked away what isn’t is the ability to gather and level the profession cornering an early market.

Other than things people say about it in chat, I am fairly confident that I will notice zero difference in terms of the world ‘feeling full’ on day one of 11.0 vs. 10 or 9, etc. Absolutely zero difference.

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But haven’t the season perks always opened the same week the raid opens anyways?

Money :star_struck:

Because people will pay for it. The same thing happened with D4 and it was fine. I didn’t pay for early access and it didn’t affect anything that I noticed. I’m sure it’ll be fine here too.

I think it’s a gross cash grab that goes against a core value of how MMOs have traditionally operated; real world wealth not impacting your ability to succeed within the game.

And as the OP highlighted this EA perk is having to be spun as a perk while simultaneously being spun as not a big deal because they know how sounds on the surface.

I know at the end of the day it doesn’t matter. Even if they did give us everything in EA by the time the next raid launches everyone would even out, but that doesn’t change how I feel about what the actual concept of EA represents. I think it’s a line that shouldn’t be crossed and they could come up with other perks instead.

Also I loathe all the people who try to tell us it’s good for release day because it’ll spread the playerbase out. Imagine having to perform such ridiculous mental gymnastics to the point where find a way to justify why a company gets to profit off their inability to give their players a good launch day experience.

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I’m not paying because of 3 days. The other goodies actually. Toy, pet, game time.


yeah block professions too. blizz already scuffed alchemy right out the gate in df lol
i ain’t paying $100 to exploit early lol

Aside from the boat thing with DF launches have been pretty good lately honestly, so really the argument doesn’t make sense.

And the boat thing wasn’t even related to population

Yes, and then collectively realized what a waste of time that was, as they ditched that crap right away. I don’t think people will be so foolish next time.

I think people who complain about “real world wealth impacting your ability to succeed within the game” are generally the same sort who aren’t succeeding in the game for any number of other reasons, like being horrible players. They should worry less about “advantages” (which aren’t even advantages) other people are getting, and for once focus on improving their own gameplay, instead.

It’s actually hilarious how you look at the people being (faux) outraged about early access… and it’s pretty universally people who barely even play the game.