So the Night Elf resolution is put on the backburner?

This would actually be amazing. I never considered this but it would be really cool if she was the face of the forsaken to the alliance and all they saw, while the desolate council actually ran things and shady experiments and motif still existed but was never seen by the alliance.

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If it were up to me I’d give her a kinda ghostly Lordaeron sub faction made up of rehabilitated Scarlets. They’re a ready made excuse for Undead Paladins. So you could have those Deadly Do Rights riding around and helping zombie kittens out of trees or whatever.

But you’d still have RAS and their brigade of unhinged scientists running around, the Deathstalkers/guard still doing their spooky military and espionage thing. And id have a retconned to be Undead now Natalie Seline turn up as heading the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow.

Figure you could have her, Voss, Calder Gray and maybe like the Black Bride or Belmont running the actual Desolate Council in the UC while Calia and her knights in not so shining armor hang out upstairs in Lordaeron City. As to be the literal first impression the living get. While the real fun and power is below, plying their trades with ghoulish delight.


That still puts the entire survival of the Night Elves on the good behavior of the Horde and lets both agree that Horde track record has been absolutely abysmal.
Renewal will take generations, you can’t destroy an entire kingdom and kill a significant portion of their population and bounce back in a year or two. That takes time. A lot of time.

And demonstrably the Horde seems not be able to control their urges for long… even if this council is super cool now (which I totally disagree with) in any length of time the Horde will slide back to their old behavior as they have done time and time again.

So a better measure of defense is necessary to canonically explain how this “renewal” is feasible. Which can be accomplished by making the borders between the Horde and Night Elves nigh impassable.

Well none of that is going to happen and honestly I don’t want to. I have just had the Horde come in and destroy stuff, we fight a little, they realize its wrong to that and we go back to the status quo but Alliance has to pick up the pieces while the Horde is just sitting in orgrimmar drinking their skooma “boy that sure was crazy!”

I hope we do merge the factions and be done away with all this nonsense but I do want something more than promises from a narrative stand point where security is assured.


The survival of the Night Elves rides on not being hoodwinked again. It took a pretty elaborate and prolonged deception for Saurfang to get the drop on Ashenvale and as far into Dakrshore as he got before meeting resistance. Tyrande after all had removed almost all of the Night Elf defenses to Silithus.

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Are you under the impression the Night Elves have fully recovered and we are now at pre-BFA status? Because thats the only way to make sense of your post.

That’s not how she operates. She can’t even appear in daylight. She wasn’t physically present in the War of Thorns or the War of the Ancients.

The entire thing wasn’t well thought out and I say this after all the changes were made from the original PTR stuff.

This is likely the most honest thing said about this entire thing because I don’t believe they had an explanation, or at least one that wouldn’t piss off a lot of people. That place holder was likely one of the better decisions made regarding the Night Warrior and the Dark Shore Warfront questline.

At this point I am not sure what to imagine their faces looked like at that point:

  1. Daffy Duck after the bomb had exploded in his own face, knocking his bill around to the back of his head
  2. Wiley E Coyote after he realizes he has run off a cliff again just before he starts to fall.
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What do you think about the dark ranger cosmetics being made available?

The Immortality was the Bronze’s doing. If The Bronze Aspect blessed Teldrassil they got it back temporarily until Sylvanas screwed it up again.

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I don’t care honestly. It isn’t something I want but kudos to those that want it if they actually get it.

But having it tied to the mess that was the Night Warrior/Darkshore Warfront means I would leave it unlocked like I did the Black Eyes cosmetic and the entire Warfront, even with the nice looking armors.

I am not going to hamster wheel content that pisses me off.

I largely agree i wish they gave that cosmic skin tyrande had. It looked pretty cool.

Dark rangers is more of a blood elf thing

Ive been sort of pondering how canonical the dark eyes are now that Tyrande has turned the tap off on Nightwarrior juice and become a stable avatar of Mother Moon.

Is everyone else’s eyes going to revert as well?

I doubt there’s any official information on that yet, but my guess would be that it would depend on the individual and what they choose between the renewal and retribution routes.

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No… but they aren’t extinct either. According to the background lore they’re making steps on establishing a new home. That’s part of a process known as recovery.

Not unless you go to the local barbershop and choose to.

Tyrande was the only game NPC to have them.

So it is your opinion that Night Elves with their current devastating losses are still able to hold the Horde back should they decide to invade as well as rebuild and repopulate for multiple generations until they return to their pre-bfa status without any additional changes to their defenses.

Is that correct?

And in a meta sense you are advocating that Night Elves should not be getting extra content geared towards defense and protection against would be invaders.
Did I understand that correctly as well?


Right now, the Horde does not have the resources to make the same kind of march Saurfang did. Nor are the bulk of Night Elf defenses on a desert vacation trip. But you’re still going to insist that the exact same conditions apply?

You don’t seem to understand that Blizzard does not spend a dime on content that’s not geared to whatever story the next expansion is going to be. They don’t update zones unless the update is to enable new story new content. So whatever you or I “Think” Blizzard should do is irrelevant. So unless the new expac directly involves something going on on Kalimdor, nothing will be spent to update it.

This whole “we are too weak now to make a move” has been in the franchise after every expansion and as I have stated multiple times rebuilding a country and a population takes generations.

So the answer to my question is yes?

So thats a no.
I understand your motives now.

The players themselves won’t live long enough for that question to be relevant.

Good thing in the story they could give a reasonable explanation that hints to the future rather than the immediate situation that in no way can give hints to the future should they never revisit that story.

I find it fascinating that when someone voices ideas that would make the renewal storyline actually make sense you feel obligated to join the conversation and give ideas such as “don’t change anything, whatever we have now is fine” or “Blizzard won’t ever do an update unless they need it for the story”

first one is just… how nice and the second one is… yeah no one said otherwise. :sweat_smile: