So the Night Elf resolution is put on the backburner?

One person’s making sense is another’s unreasoning wish power fantasy. Perceptions are relative.


Its not power fantasy to say the Night Elf renewal could use some safety assurances that in their moment of weakness as they recover that they are covered :rofl:


It’s a Crapsack World. There’s no Safety… and no Happy Endings. That’s the world you subbed into.

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Nice pivot but the topic of the conversation is Renewal and how to best make it work.
And as I said earlier.

You don’t want the NEs to get this “renewal”… for some reason.


The night elves will never get a satisfying resolution. In order for killing Sylvanas to feel satisfying, shed have needed to be the BBEG. She was never BBEG material. In order to be BBEG material she would have needed to make a serious power transformation in SL and become the BBEG, and that story would have been better told in the next expansion… no one wanted another expansion chasing Sylvanas. But in order for killing Sylvanas (which most people eye rolled about when it was a possibility before chains of domination went live) to feel satisfying, she would have first needed to become a Goddess of Death level villain, and surpassed the jailer in power and scale of threat. Then, and only then, would overcoming the challenge of Sylvanas deliver enough satisfaction to be a balance to the loss experienced in the War of Thorns.

No. The night elves are not meant to have closure. A once great people is who they are now. Lost homeland is part of your character motivation now. Its not getting wrapped up ever.

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I’m not even looking at it from the perspective of what Elune is or isn’t capable of, only that she is in desperate need of redemption after the events of Shadowlands.

It’s hard to imagine the Night Elves, knowing that Elune mistakenly sent the souls of their dead to be tortured, reconfigured into abominations or obliterated, will just continue revering Elune without her taking even a small measure to aid their renewal.

I have a very different version of “renewal” and more tempered expectations. Silvermoon hasn’t been rebuilt one inch since Burning Crusade was launched. There are pe9ople expecting everything that happened to theNight Elves to be either reversed or the Night Elves become a super nation as compensation… neither fits with the story.

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I wonder about you sometimes. Half of Silvermoon is in ruins, yes. But has it ever been whole to the playerbase? Was something taken away?

We have already established you don’t want it at all.
You are in every thread jumping in to either say it shouldn’t happen, it wouldn’t happen and now you are using whataboutism that it would be unfair to happen.

Lol like who? All I asked is the assurance that the Horde won’t successfully invade for a 4th time. If Renewal is supposed to replace the Revenge Arc on the Horde and Sylvanas then its got to actually deliver and one of the necessity of those is security which currently is none existant.

Renewal is literally the story right now but so far its just words.
Btw, just because Night Elves get something doesn’t mean Blood Elves or other Horde races will not be getting anything. So far Trisfal Glades seem to have been repaired somewhat and Brill is back.
Do you see me crying about it? Nope. I am just waiting to see what NEs get.


Just to check up on your claim I went on one of my mages and used the Ancient Dalaran teleport to check on the area. It’s still in the exact same state as it was following the Battle of Lordaeron. The fact that you’re resulting outright falsehood to try to push an argument pretty much puts to pain any claim of good faith.

The area does have a manifestation of Zidori like all of the other destroyed areas. That may be the reason you’re making that claim, but on that basis, Teldrassil is just as “restored”.

loooooool Ok.
Maybe you should have used google, it would have been faster.

You are one weird cookie aren’t ya?

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Maybe you should have double checked those links yourself. the WOWhead one returns a 404 error and you apparantly missed this comment below the reddit picture in your excitement to try to get one over on me.

Another PTR map of Tirisfal Glades. There are 2 different maps of this zone on PTR. I suspect this one is used when timewalking to the events before BfA.

Maybe I messed up the link in my post.
Here try again.

And it isn’t time walking. Thats for sure, the map is completely changed.
Are you going to apologize for unwarranted accusations or nah?

I went over to the PTR and visited the site it’s still unchanged. Most likely the “encrypted map” is for a quest related instance.

You might want to wary of relying on datamining. For a long while you used to be able to datamine the map for the Azshara Battliefield. It never went to play.

No worries I have tendered my expectations but now that you have proof that Blizzard is at least working on some sort of content relating to these old zones for whatever reason if the idea of “Renewal” which is now the Night Elf theme… should it visit old NE lands it that it should give assurances of security to players that Horde on a long term basis is not a threat anymore by NEs own doing rather than the generosity of the Horde?

Or is that too much power fantasy for you?
Oh and no apology huh? Ok no problem :smiley:

No one has any guarantees no matter how awful their situation was in the past.

I have nothing to apologise for.

Loool. Ok.

You accused me of lying and other things when clearly I was not. But ok. if this makes you feel better. Lets pretend that I was lying.

I will apologise for implication that you were lying. But as it turned out the statements you made were not correct.

Always a smaller box for you to squeeze in huh?

I do believe the person you’re responding to is a troll. I’ve just put her/him/they on ignore. Much happier here. I suggest you do the same.