So the Night Elf resolution is put on the backburner?

Please don’t give blizz anymore bad ideas. Incase they are reading this, some dev might think that’s a great idea :face_vomiting:

As I recall Kerrigan went back to being a Zerg Queen.

I’m pretty sure the creatives avoid reading this forum for legal reasons.

The Blizzard story cliché of “non-evil character or group with supernatural power gives them up” strikes again.

Just like;

  • The Night Elves sacrificing their immortality to defeat Archimonde (temporarily :frowning_face:).
  • The Nightborne choosing to “let the Nightwell die” after overthrowing Elisande’s regime.
  • Archangel Tyrael renouncing his angelhood and becoming human.
  • The Protoss giving up their psychic powers and the Khala.
  • The Dragon Aspects giving up their Titan powers to defeat Deathwing.

Tell me if I missed any.

Hope there was a decent story reason for that. When did Kerrigan give up her Xel’naga abilities?

At this rate, I suspect we’ll see a wave of Light apostasy (handled with all the nuance and intellect of a typical Seth MacFarlane cartoon) from Warcraft characters when/if we get the vaunted “Light Crusade” expansion. :roll_eyes:

TBF, they also got their immortality back. Both the defeat and loss were temporary (until, y’know…)

Non-evil characters who gave up superpowers?

Tyrande and Jaina (not sure if she gave it up or just lost it).

Mu’ru should count since its entire arc culminated in sacrificing its life for the Sunwell, and Naaru are extremely powerful.

Thrall lost his elemental power when he put Garrosh down. Should that count, even if he didn’t know it’d happen?

Sacrifice for the greater good is absolutely a trope Blizzard loves, and we’re leaving a lot out I’m sure.

If I recall, the Night Elves regained their powers over nature, but not their immortality. If they did, when?

You’re right, I forgot “Tyrande gave up the power of the Night Warrior”. I’m not sure about Jaina, and don’t think Thrall counts because he more lost it than gave it up. You make a good case for Mu’ru, though.

I’m fine with the sacrifice for the greater good trope - cliché though it is. I also think good characters with supernatural powers should also be able to make other sacrifices instead.

Oof. You might be right. I was thinking of Stormrage when the available aspects blessed Teldrassil, but I don’t know if they got their immortality back or not.

My issue with the trope is the overuse of it. Blizzard has always been very reliant on it to give things artificial stakes. Tyrande gets a power-up? You know she’ll have to give up that sacrifice and return to her normal levels of power, calling a return to her normal state a “sacrifice” when the net loss is nil. Tyrande is as powerful as she was three years ago in the very beginning of BfA. Which is still pretty powerful. Or a “sacrifice” turns out to actually be the power-up; See Pelagos for details.

Sacrifices lose meaning if you see everyone do it and most of them survive just fine after.

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You know what’s even more eternal then saving souls from the maw, being obliterated in the maw. Let’s be real here, there’s no way Sylvanas’s ‘sentance’ will last that long at all, and even if we say it’s an immense amount of time, let’s say 50,000 years, hell let’s say 50million years. What then, does she then get to spend the remainder of eternity with Nathanos in the shadowlands while the Night Elf souls she purposely sent to super hell stay forever obliterated? Then guess what, that’s a win in her books. Basically Sylvanas is a mary sue who can never lose, only get varying shades of winning.


They did not. The blessing was of Teldrassil specifically, as Ysera and Alexstrasza were impressed at the world trees tenacity in the face of constant efforts to corrupt it. Only they blessed it, making it impervious to future efforts to corrupt it. Nozdormu did not, and his blessing was the one which granted ‘timelessness’ aka immortality.


Hey guys so remember that time skip we mentioned going into next expansion? Well its actually been 10 years and guess what? Sylvanas is back she’s all done!!


Why are people so pre-occupied with only night elf souls. Night elfs are far from the majority of souls you find in the maw and Torghast

I think the overly simplistic version looks something like:

  • They wrote themselves into a corner with how freakishly OP the Night Elves are relative to the rest of the world.
  • The writers who actually liked the Night Elves are no longer in the building.
  • The writers that were left in the building didn’t like them and decided to have them regularly lose military engagements and just generally exist as a punching bag when the Horde turns aggressive (refer to first point).
  • Night Elf fans are left wondering why this was able to happen, why it continues to happen, why none of the primacy, might, or identity of their faction ever sees the light of day (or the moon, I guess).

I sympathize a lot with Night Elves because their situation is like the one (imo) the Horde suffers from (especially the Tauren) but hyper-focused and worse—writers are unable to grasp the appeal of the existing races, only seem to want to write things in a very generic human-fantasy sort of way, and tend to ignore them until they want to make a point relevant to said human-fantasy perspective.

Put simply: NE players have been getting dumped on since Cataclysm and never have anything to show for it. Teldrassil and the souls funneled into the Maw are pretty much the breaking point. The corner they wrote themselves into (the writers) would only pay that bill if Sylvanas was killed, and she hasn’t been. Even saving souls from the Maw doesn’t address the genocide that sent them there. Boiling it down to a very simple expression: she murdered someone, stopped them from getting into Heaven, sent them to Hell, and is only now being charged with getting them out of Hell (those that weren’t obliterated in The Maw, of course).


Hardly “whining” to recognize that the story is garbage now, has been garbage since the burning of Teldrassil, and the subscription numbers back up the claim. Of course, for blind fanboys and fangirls, the truth of this stings.

You need some ointment?

No they did not. Malfurion refused to have it granted back as he considered it stifling the Night Elve’s evolution.

It’s the natural consequence of being the Alliance race that’s located right next door to Orgrimmar.

Horde attacking the nearest Alliance isn’t the point of contention there.

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This is your resolution. Enjoy. Maybe if you’re lucky Blizzard will give you a new capitol.

I am afraid of blizzard doing anything more with the forsaken. I fear anything new will involve Calia and making them basically an alliance vassal kind of like how Baine is.

Calia… shudders

Tbh she’s such a nothing at this point I can’t bother caring.

I do maintain she could be interesting. I feel the Forsaken could use her for propaganda purposes. Have her be the royal figurehead while a new Desolate Council runs the day to day operations of the Forsaken. Wheel her out whenever it’s time to kiss babies and wave to camera. Let her have little pet projects like rehabilitating the Scarlet Risen or doing outreach endeavors.

But that would require putting some thought and effort into the Forsaken and it’s pretty clear to me they don’t want to do that.


The threat management was handled by taking away the role of warchief and creating a council full of alliance sympathizers. Calia spent BFA hanging out with the alliance and probably has more loyalty to the alliance than the horde. Baine has repeatedly snitched on the horde to the alliance and when arrested for treason alliance heroes came to save him. Kinda makes him look guilty of treason if you ask me. Baine spent the end of BFA standing at the base of anduins throne like the rest of his subjects and is his yes man, while thrall spent this expansion being saved by Jaina and being her yes man. We just need one more expansion villian batting any of the other horde leaders to get them out of the way, maybe shame the horde players for the terrible acts we had no choice in for a couple more years, then make the horde players watch as the alliance heroes pass judgement on ANOTHER horde hero. Lets throw in invading ANOTHER horde city. I’m pretty defeatest at this point. Lets go ahead and make at least half the player base happy and give the alliance the utter defeat of the horde they have been looking for. Lets have the Night elves be amazing warriors and help genocide the orcs with Jaina as a sort of revenge. Have high elves come back and go simp for human paladins in Lordaeron. Have a big cut scene where the alliance leaders use their godly powers to execute all the horde leaders except for the puppets they have already put in place. Have the horde dissolved and we’re all annexed into the alliance as second class citizens and boom… we have cross faction play for everything. Not much worse than the story quality horde has had for BFA and shadowlands and at least this way the alliance players will be happy. 50% happy is better than the 0% we’ve been having. I will warn you though that if we cut out the horde we wont need to include Baine and Thrall to pretend at representation anymore so it will be ALL humans going forward. What did we have this expansion? Bolvar, Talia, Darion, Anduin, Jaina. Lets throw in Tyrande to shame us for BFA and remind us that happened but her story is mostly done so she’s out. Baine and Thrall dont need to stand in the background anymore so thats out. Maybe with the horde out of the way some of the alliance races can get some screen time.

(I realized halfway in i’m just frustrated and venting but this about sums up how I feel about the last two expansions. looking forward to more “horde favoritism” in the storywriting in 10.0)