So the Night Elf resolution is put on the backburner?

I would be ok with a large barrier to divide northern kalimdor from the Horde’s lands. I just also recognize that any defense presented in story is only as good as the writer’s ability to control their impulse to make the Horde rock and roll mass murder monsters.


Lets be honest… I don’t think the Blizzard writers are going to be touching another Night Elf massacre by the Horde with a 10 foot pole.
So! As long as the canonical barrier exists then it would work as the necessary building block for the renewal.

Both sides lost their bonus as well as much of their cre fighting power and I don’t think that Tyrande is going to send her defenses to Silithus again any time soon.

For clarification, I was referring to Highmountain, Nightborne, and LightForged that had been neutral at that time but no longer are.

Edit: Hmm, that responded to the wrong person

If Blizzard wants to give a giant army to the Horde. They can.
A giant army that stretches from coast to coast into the horizon. They can.
If Tyrande has to send her million strong army to the void lands. Well by Elune she will.

There is absolutely nothing that stops the writers from doing anything.
My post is blatantly making a statement on the meta situation of Blizzard once again making Horde players kill night elves right after the ordeal they had to deal with for the Sylvanas redemption arc.


Philosophically - if you understand the history of the night elves as a whole - they are the chosen people of the gods who fell. Created in a source of pure power by a deity - a life titan - who took them as her children. Born with a supernaturally strong talent for arcane magic, high skill, great physical strength, high discipline, timelessness, yes, you can say as a culture…a monster or a god, it depends on the perspective. The case can be divided into three parts:

The first case, was the fall, the WOTA was this, the fall from the sin of arrogance, when the whole world had to bleed for it for the arrogance and blindness of a few, but first and directly the night elves themselves suffered from it the most. The world paid the price, but no culture was more affected from the wota, then the night elves themselv.

The second fall was the selflessness fall. The sacrifice of their immortality for the good of the world to atone for their original sin, and to banish the shadow with their own power, which they give up, knowing that it will harm them, for the good of all.

The third case is the case of weakness. BFA, the Night Elves have been gradually weakened by the many wars, a people that once dominated the world unchallenged, as no people before them or after them will ever do of mortal origin, have gone through so much suffering, loss and sacrifice that they have reached a point where they still had some strength, but their “possibilities” were so limited that they could only bring this strength to one point, and could no longer act as originally in the whole world.

Well, the question is now, does this case of weakness also still have a positive effect for the night elves? They now have all three cases, another case they could not survive as a species…so you have only one way…back up…but how?

To analyze this one would have to divide the entire Society then into three parts

Culture (Social&Religious)
Developement in the Future


The old ways are failing, the old rules that applied for millennia are history. The Horde poses a challenge to the night elves that they cannot simply solve with a “we’ll destroy you”. But that should not stop them from trying, this is not a call for “the night elves should slaughter the Horde” but it is a cultural development, the young tasted the taste of ashes, this gift … they will return. I expect - even if Tyrande herself takes a different path - a devotion to the night warrior aspect, away from the classic symbol of Mother Moon, towards militarization out of fear that something like that could ever happen to one’s children or oneself again. Nature is less important than one’s own survival, nature failed one, one’s own deity failed one, but at least it gave the strength to strike back, this deep desire for retribution - embodied - by the Night Warrior aspect, should divide the Night Elf people, and yet also one. For this deep theme of loss, pain and grief…is also what unites the night elves.

Developement in the Future

Creating a clear difference between young and old. Justice or revenge? This is not a concept that applies here anymore, it is not about such simple concepts. It is about the concept of weakness, and its impact. The insecurity that is Teldrassil’s true poisoned gift. It is drive great ambition but also will be drive great suffering. I think the night elves should turn away from the path, they were the chosen of the goddess, but they were also guardians of the world, both they have lost somewhere and with it their true nature. Taking care of others has only cost them more and more, now they are in no position to continue it. Nature, arcane magic, Elune, all that is still a part of them, but their own role with regard to the world itself is no longer the same. They should return to their roots, kinda, but instead of living in extremes, as development, a pragmatic course between the very old, the old and the new life.

Simply taking back ashenvale will not solve the issue here. insecurity will grow.


Where military used to be the night elves’ last resort, it now acts more as their first resort, or at least that should be the evolution.

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The Writers DO answer to the Creative Director who in turn has to answer to Activisionl

That is not at all what i was talking about.

The story is wrecked beyond repair. They have no idea how to “fix” it. Basically, the WC universe is on life support until someone decides to pull the plug.


Was kinda insinuated it felt.

Not wrong, If they’re just gonna go back and retcon like 20 years of lore just to say ‘See look!! It was him the wholleeeee timeee! ;)’ Like I just dont even know where to begin its such a cluster…you know what, and how that undermines the entire universe as a whole.

? id hope so. Why this has to be said I have no idea.

Im not gonna say never, but they’ve defiantly taken a few good ones in the jaw recently thats for sure.

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What would be a resolution at this point? Blizzard is likely to create a new capital for night elf’s in the next world revamp with just as many npcs.

Sylvanas put everyone through a meat grinder. Blizzard is bad at giving resolutions I’m surprised night elf’s got as much as they did. Orcs were ignored of the resolution against the legion for corrupting them in legion expansion.

There is evidence of something on the PTR regarding the Night Elf resolution, but it’s pretty vague for now.

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That is… So annoying. Don’t get me wrong, I love the datamining that says the Forsaken might be moving back home. But I really want to see something for the night elves beyond “file exists”.


It’s some sort of cinematic between the Winter Queen and Tyrande, and involves the tear of Elune is the current speculation.


The Night Elf "resolutioh’ you’re looking for isn’t on the backburner, it’s part of the fairly much eternal task that Sylvannas has been sentenced to. Not just looking to redeem Night Elf souls. For once Tyrande considered the pain of ALL souls, not just those of her own, and sentenced her to redeem every single oneo of them.

The sales ane sub numbers of the next expac will decide that, not the whines of a a dozen posters or less on this subforum.

One of the things that pissed me off back in the day was the whole Night Elves being risen either in:

A) slavery to serve the Horde or
B) because they didn’t believe in elune anymore.

To kill more night elves which really felt like a insult to injury. And when you talked to Delaryn or Sira for an explanation they said “we don’t have time to explain”.

Well turns out they want to give away Dark Ranger customization to hunters. So… thats interesting but not something I ever wanted. The whole situation is a mess but so was the Void Elves and here they are.

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You forgot C… wanting to avoid the Maw.

So they either came back as Dark Rangers or Angry Whisps.

Nothing gets out of Maw so they had no ended up there yet.


At this point, it could only be worse if they had Sylvanas go full Kerrigan and not only leave her Maw penance, but Elune herself retires and hands over her godly position and powers to Sylvanas (just saying that made me feel like :nauseated_face:)

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