So the Night Elf resolution is put on the backburner?

If you go back to Vanilla, the Horde had established Warsong Lumber camp and Splintertree Outpost in Ashenvale. When Garrosh took over, The places I mentioned were under assault and Silverwind Refuge was overrun and made a Horde camp. If you went to Astranaar, there were flyers fire-bombing the place. There were siege machines attacking Maestra’s Post. A new Horde camp, Hellscream’s Watch was established near Astranaar. This all happened well before BFA when, as you say, insurmountable odds blew away what little was left and not even Malfurion’s wall of wisps could hold them back. Oh, forgot about Zoram’Gar Outpost in Ashenvale near the boarders of Darkshore.

Yes Horde as always had the initial victories.
The sentinels were indeed fighting them in both ashenvale, darkshore and yes even Azshara.

Its not like she withheld help or refused take action.
In the books apparently she and varian combine their forces and completely push out the Horde. Which as always alliance victories are behind a pay wall that you have to read about.

Anyway Tyrande agrees to hand over Azshara as a sign of peace since the Horde kept crying about lack of resources.
So really I think you are being somewhat unfair.

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I haven’t read the books and, from my in-game pov from Vanilla thru BFA, if they say the Horde was driven out at some point, they tell a bald-faced lie. It never happened in-game. You rely on these books if you like. As with any position I choose to take, your mileage may vary.

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Then you have a deliberate goldfish memory and I’m not sure why anyone would take you seriously. If you’d paid attention at all you would know that she’d already helped to evacuate a huge number of her people, and had zero reason to believe the Burning would happen.

If she were to die, or were captured, along with Malfurion, that would have been the two major leaders of the kaldorei done for, leaving them without their two primary spiritual leaders. Malfurion alone is incredibly powerful and him dying would be bad for everyone, not just the night elves. In a tactical sense, and in a pragmatic sense (which people keep claiming they want from Alliance leaders) saving him and allowing the Horde to occupy Teldrassil was the best play.

Because once he woke up… you’d have the most powerful druid alive very angry at the Horde forces parked in a giant tree. A tree he can control.

Very little, if anything, Tyrande did during BfA was bad or unsound, it was just Framed as such by the writers to make Anduin and the Horde look better, and players tend to be easily lead.


I dont like to rely on these books.
Anyway even in the game Tyrande is not exactly shown as the cause of the devastation. It just seems Horde is much stronger than Alliance. Thats all.

5 failures I guess are one failure too many?

Point of order but Elune has about as many direct interventions as the Light, which is now shown (sadly) to have at least some will of its own as well. Elune empowers every night elf priestess, and also gives night elves their magical sight as well as Shadowmeld. So she intervenes pretty much constantly, even more so to some extent than the Light, because those blessings extend to all kaldorei, not just a select few.

In terms of averting major disasters, well, her track record is roughly the same as the Light’s, but much like the Light she’s given power to those who did avert it. If humans (who generally believe that the Light does have a will, otherwise they wouldn’t pray to it) haven’t abandoned worshipping said Light after literally everything in the last three decades, night elves certainly wouldn’t.

Hell, in Lordaeron the very conduits of the Light, the paladins, turned on the populace in a moderate number and became death knights. There’s still plenty of Light lovers.

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Also have to add that Elune’s intervention is what makes Wisps, that is why no wisps came from Teldrassil. She intentionally withdrew her blessing thinking to send the dead to her sister.


True but after a point it stops being an in-universe thing and instead becomes… the writers basically making it up as they go along. In that case, it’s basically a plot crater.


It depends on what you mean by resolution. If, by resolution, you mean destroy her with the villain bat. Yeah, that’s not going to happen.

If you mean Night Elf souls, I think everyone has missed something. In the NF quest line, you meet Sylvanas in the maw who says her mission is to rescue the Night Elf Souls and get revenge on Sylvanas. The quester goes and rescue souls and the Heart of the Forest becomes populated with them. Then Tyrande says she can go off an get revenge. In the cinematic, Tyrande says nothing about NE souls, but renewal for “her people”. If it was all about free NE souls, the wording doesn’t really make sense.

I think Blizzard things the NE should are taken care of. Yes, you did free that many souls in the quest. But this is how Blizzard does scale all the time.

Only you and the crazies think that way.

If you’ve paid attention to every mention about the Night Warrior from Maiev through the folks in Ardenweald, you’d understand that the Night Warrior is the incarnation of Elune’s Wrath. Its ONLY purpose is vengeance and destruction. Dismissing that aspect is the only way to start a process of renewal.

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I think that’s definitely the case. Christie Golden has talked before about how she views Anduin as an alternative to toxic masculinity. Another example in the same vein is when someone asked a Blizzard dev why the draenei in WoD so easily forgave Hellscream and the orcs for trying to genocide them. Their answer was basically that the draenei are more enlightened than us, and we should strive to be as understanding and forgiving as they are. Which is example #1323 of this company pushing a “victims forgive their victimizers” narrative.

Anduin and his eternal forgiveness for everyone is the ultimate embodiment of that. It’s no surprise that Blizz has been pushing his morality and viewpoint on Alliance players for years on end.


Legion had Tyrande and a bunch of Night Elves in Ysera’a Death in Val’Sharah. But that was an expansion like Shadowlands where the Alliance and Horde didn’t really show up aside from some characters since all the factions involved were neutral at that time.

A strictly Alliance one might be AU Velen’s Sacrifice in WOD Shadowmoon Valley for the Attack on Karabor with the Dark Star.

Paying off the Burning of Teldrassil experience and attempting to restore trust with their customer base is the payoff for them

After the lawsuits they need some good publicity. They need to look at how some Hollywood Franchises use the Nostalgia Fanservice to get back in their fans’ good graces.

They don’t have many other options. Any thing brand new, like The Jailer and the rest of Shadowlands, runs the risk of a tepid reception.

They have new owners coming in. They need to hit a homerun with this next x-pac. The pressure is on now.


how do you get PEACE and RENEWAL if you are an endangered race? Thats Elune’s big brain dead scheme.

So, what little NEs are left, they are suppose to “turn the other cheek”??

I can see a supermassive abandonment from the worship of Elune in NE society. How can one possibly keep worshipping a God that literally did nothing to stop one’s entire family from being burned alive??

How can NE race still back Tyrande when it appears she was a failure of a Night Warrior?? She accomplished literally NOTHING as Night Warrior. Epicly weak leadership.

Can’t wait to see the bad writing lore team put more fuel on top of this dumpster fire state of a race. :man_facepalming:


The Alliance questing revamp for Cata rolled out unfinished and rushed. A lot of datamined stuff never surfaced like the Twilight Highlands intro where Varian discovered Archbishop Benedictus’ betrayal. I believe the voice over is still available on the web but I haven’t looked for it in awhile.

It then stayed that way for the most part. They did eventually fix Astranar for the Horde to stop attacking after you defeat them in the questing. Originally after the quest was over it defaulted back to Horde attacking again.

I also believe Westfall is still burning but they turned that off for the Legion Invasions so it could be done.

The Alliance victory in Stonard in the Swamp of Sorrows is phased away like it never happened.

If you do the Andorhal quest-chain the Alliance base and flightpath get taken away. Better to never do that quest-chain at all.

Never doing the Theramore Scenario also prevents Theramore or the flightpath from being taken away as well. (There might be a Zindormi to get back. I never did the Scenario so I am not sure.)


Without Sylvanas, I have been care that Overwatch is came present now, but I still like Warcraft lore from then.

How does a forest renew itself after a devastating fire?
How do the night elves renew after the devastation of the War of Thorns?

By doing something they haven’t focused on while being immortal… MAKING BABIES.

The High Elves had 90 percent of their population wiped out by Arthas. They didn’t just lay down and die, they started rebuilding as Blood Elves. They had lost their immortality thousands of years prior.

No… once you get to a certain level, Theramore is bye bye whether you did the quest or not.