So the Night Elf resolution is put on the backburner?

Incorrect. All my characters can fly straight to Theramore regardless of level. If there is a Zindormi in Duskwallow I do not know where she is. I do it every year for Halloween to get the Candy Bucket in Theramore.

Now I have to find Zindormi in the Swamp of Sorrows to restore The Blasted Lands in order to access Nethergarde Keep and the Worgen area at the South End of the Blasted Lands. I can’t remember the name atm. I don’t have to do it for Theramore.

She’s just outside of the city at tom tom coordinates 55.90, 49.60 at the end of the bridge and she has the same option to flip the zone back to what it was before. She also used to be a vendor for the Theramore tabard but her inventory has been wiped clean.

She appears for my fire mage but not my night elf mage who did not go through that event and for her Theramore seems to be permanently in it 's old state. My fire mage can tke the gryphon to theramore but when she lands there’s no gryphon to ride as it’s in i’ts default ruined state.

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For a long time I had assumed Theramore switched to the destroyed portion automatically like they said. But when Demon Hunters became a thing I was able to fly into Theramore with no problems for the Candy Bucket. That was when I realized it wasn’t switched automictically. I tested it on some Paladins (flying) and Mages (teleporting) and went straight to Theramore intact.

Thinking it over, when Cata released I didn’t buy the x-pac right away cause I decided to do the revamp first and buy it when the new Characters got to that level. The Alliance revamp caused me to decide Cata wasn’t worth it. I didn’t end up buying Cata until after MOP released when I had major foot surgery that kept me off my feet for 3 months and I got it for $5 when I decided to try MOP to see if it had gotten better.

My account was inactive when the Scenario released and I have never done it with any character ever.

I had assumed they reversed course on forcing the change at some point.

I have to switch Darkshore and the Blasted Lands but I have done those Scenarios.

I tried it today on my two mages the Human Fire Mage who had gone thourgh the scenario and one who did not my Night Elf Arcane mage. Both are 60.

For my Night Elf It’s old Theramore and no Zidormi it operates just as it does for your mage. For my Fire Mage the default is the destroyed stage. If I go to Zidormi and flip it, it remains in that state and flips back if I go more than two or so zones beyond it.

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This is the night elf resolution. If you still play this game for the purpose of watching blizzard respect night elves you should probably quit.

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Problem as always is that the Horde next door have big torches right across the border.
As long as the Horde threat exists any renewal is just prelude to yet another axe drop.


And you think of that as a problem? It’s like Star Trek, the Klingons and the Romulans are always just one step away from war and the Federation is always just one stop away from provoking either or someone else.

That’s how we get new expacs. Remember what the first three letters of Warcraft are?

I never got into start trek but did the romulans or klingons devastate the entire federation and all their worlds?
And now the federation is suppose to rebuild and fend off both of them?

How much Star Trek have you watched


Probably too much.

The Romulan War was supposed to be pretty bloody, and the Klingons in the TOS days were pretty nasty. Balance of Terror ran on the plot of the Romulans plotting a new war with an untested superweapon. and much of TNG is about parties in both empires trying to instigate a new conflict.

Star Trek is also all about Human Potential Lawful Good Overdrive. That’s actually its biggest appeal to a lot of fans.

That doesn’t answer my question.
Especially since you made the comparison.

I don’t have direct answers. But we do know that the Romulan war was bad enough to inspire Styles bigotry against non humans. In one version of the Mirror Universe the Terran Empire was created because the Humans lost the Romulan War and after winning back their freedom vowed that no race And and apparently relations between Huans and Klingons were destructive enough that a race of superbeings intervened to stop it.

So how was this relevant to what I said about the Night Elves needing to deal with the Horde threat before any actual renewal is possible?


If that’s the prerequisite than there can be no renewal. The Horde isn’t going away and not the Night Elves alone can make it go away… since the Fourth War ended with a grinding stalemenate.

Pausing on self healing until that happens is nothing less than race suicide.

it ended with the Alliance winning but then giving up its own victories the way that you do when you’re playing board games with a child and don’t want to make them feel bad


Anduin patting an Orc on the back “Boy, it SUUUUURE is a good thing the war stopped when it did! You almost had us! Truly! You’re great at war!”

Did we take Orgrimmar? No we didn’t. Saurfang’s contingent reunited with the formerly Sylvannas contingent so technically speaking the Horde actually finished the war in a stronger positon than the Alliance. No one is going to be taking out the Horde’s capital now.

Destruction of the Horde or its playerbase is not the only way to accomplish the threat management.

And the problem is if the Night Elves try to rebuild and renew… the Horde will attack.
And they will finish the job.
Thats a certainty.

A renewal will take generations and the Horde has a track record of going crazy every couple years.