So the Night Elf resolution is put on the backburner?

The Forsaken seem to be doing exactly that in 9.2.5, as brill is being reconstructed.

Nothing on the Night Elf side yet, but it is possible it just has not been pushed on to the PTR yet.

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That literally doesnt matter in terms of getting stuff back lol and looks like blizzard agrees with those strings hinting at something next patch or xpac

I will be kind of funny/tragic if both elves and forsaken lose and regain a hub and gnomes still can’t reclaim gnomeregan.

The Gnomes got an entire city, so there is that at least.

On the cinematics thing, we didn’t get a single high quality cinematic for this entire xpac beyond the launch trailer, did we?

Alliance specific frustration with the high quality cinematics that we have gotten - wrack your brain and tell me when the last time a non-human member of the Alliance appeared in one of those high quality cinematics?

*Edit - I phrased my last statement poorly. Genn was in the BfA launch trailer as were various non-human Alliance red shirts. What I should have said when was the last time a non-human Alliance character was the central focus of a high quality cinematic. Or even better when was a non-Wrynn Alliance character the central focus of a high quality cinematic.

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My hope?
Its coming in the next expansion. I am perfectly fine with Shadowlands being a dumpsterfire that is never revisit.


At this point, probably best that SL is put to bed. Sadly, development cycles being what they are, we won’t likely get anything new until late 2022 or earl 2023. I think that they are going to really have to hit the new xpac announcement in a couple of weeks out of the park. If people aren’t excited about, then they won’t come back after months and months of no-content Shadowlands.

Heck, my guild is just starting Heroic Sepulcher and already I can see far enough ahead that there will be an extended period after we get AOTC that there will be nothing new to do.

And yet the worgen are still not allowed to retake/move back to gilneas :crying_cat_face:


That will never happen unless there is revamp update. Same as Night Elves.

That’s not possible. You’ve seen that souls dissipate and fade away in both the Maw and Torghast, that many Night Elf AND OTHER, souls simply could not be saved. What happened to them can’t be healed or walked back.

You get beyond it by healing the PTSD of the living. (and unliving I guess.)

That’s not going to happen unless it becomes integral with an expac plot. You’re asking for expensive work to be done without a payoff. And blizzard always intended reductions in player capital cities anyway. No allied race got one after all.

Oh no, Blizzard has to spend some effort to please its playerbase. What a horrid request!


If I understand you correctly as you describe it, nothing short of a miracle can really put things back as they were. The only restoration I can see is from Elune’s pov and get the souls out of the maw and into ardenweald like she intended, and that’s what’s happening. Someone has remarked that Tyrande said only Elune can tell her what to do, so from that pov, Tyrande can’t fulfill her role as night warrior (retributive justice) because Elune wants her restorative justice so her choice not to save her ‘chosen’ people seems less heinous.

Up until now my nelf main would have looked at Tyrande (and Elune) and said, “You had one job . . .” I no longer have an axe to grind with Syvanas, but there’s not a nelf toon I’ve made that will follow Tyrande or hold Elune in reverence any more.

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Elune I get it but what is Tyrande’s failure?

I’m guessing failing to stop the horde?

Well she did apparently send her entire army away to chase the azeroth bling bling and then that stuff in silithus was forgotten by everyone.

I guess thats a legitimate grievance. But its just so stupid to do that that buffles my brain an actual character fictional or not would eject their entire army out while the enemy is right by your borders.

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If this makes a Kaldorei stop its an odd choice. Elune has never directly intervened to save the Kaldorei. Didn’t during the Sundering, or the War of Shifting Sands, or the second Legion Invasion, or the Third one.


Same energy as the rest of the Alliance in the EK forgetting the Forsaken has the blight during the Siege on Lordaeron. Even though it has been used against them multiple times since the war in Northrend.

You guess correctly. Ashenvale was overrun in stages, Silverwind Refuge, Raynewood Retreat, Astranaar, Maestra’s Post. There was no response to these aggressions. The Horde was practically invited to overrun Ashenvale and Darkshore.

I am confused as to what you are referencing. The loss of Ashenvale, besides the sending of army away conveniently was not a failure but insurmountable odds.