So the Night Elf resolution is put on the backburner?

B/c every soul has to be saved from the Maw…from eternal damnation. Until that happens, NEs will not get resolution…since how can you get past something like what happened before things are made whole? They call it restorative justice as per what Elune demands.

NE fanbase wants retributive justice…

For your knowledge:
Restorative justice
The first thing that the betrayed person may seek from the betrayer is some form of restitution, putting things back as they should be.

The simplest form of restitution is a straightforward apology. Restoration means putting things back as they were, so it may include some act of contrition to demonstrate one is truly sorry. This may include action and even extra payment to the offended party.

Restorative justice is also known as corrective justice.


Retributive justice
Retributive justice works on the principle of punishment, although what constitutes fair and proportional punishment is widely debated. While the intent may be to dissuade the perpetrator or others from future wrong-doing, the re-offending rate of many criminals indicates the limited success of this approach.

Punishment in practice is more about the satisfaction of victims and those who care about them. This strays into the realm of revenge, which can be many times more severe than reparation as the hurt party seeks to make the other person suffer in return. In such cases ‘justice’ is typically defined emotionally rather that with intent for fairness or prevention.


How so? She literally fled the battlefield and abandoned the city with a mortally struck Malfurion…

At least thats what I remember about the pre-patch…


The main thing that is causing bitterness is we are being told a proper resolution isn’t feasible because the Horde is composed of players just like the Alliance is.

Where was this concern during the Burning of Teldrassil? No where to be found. This sends a message that the Alliance and its players aren’t worthy of such concern. Only the Horde and its players are.

I agree but I think the Alliance should be 100% Sylvanas free for a much longer period of time since there are Sylvanas fans on the Horde side of things.


After Elune’s blunder in funneling Night Elf souls into the maw rather than intervening, she absolutely has to have a direct hand in what ever renewal is coming to the Night Elves.

The Winter Queen also has to figure into it somehow as well, considering that she benefits from the deaths of druidic Night Elves to essentially power Ardenweald.

I’m imagining something like an anima infused seed imbued with the power of the Winter Queen and Elune to rapidly regrow Teldrassil. Elune makes her first physical appearance along with the Winter Queen in a cutscene where they restore Teldrassil together.


Nobody should want this story team handling their stuff.

If they told me they were going to try to make things up to Forsaken fans my reaction would be abject terror. Trust me it’s better this way.


What if they told you that the Art Department was going to handling your stuff?

I would love to see what the art department could do with Mount Hyjal using modern assets, cleaned up from Cataclysm. I’d be happy with that.


Where was the concern for the Horde players who didn’t want to play a N### stooge for the umpteenth time? Nowhere to be found. BFA was a blast of narrative diarrhea in everyone’s face. Don’t play the ‘OUR side got it worse than THEIR side!’ game; it’s what the people actually at fault want because it keeps us both divided against them- not that there’s much we can do about that aside from quit playing.


The whole world needs a revamp.
We all deserve it for the garbage thats been put out for a while.

And all I ask is that after all the warcrimes and all the blood and war.
If Horde and Alliance characters have to interact even at a neutral capacity like in Dalaran or Cenarion Circle. For the past to be acknowledged. For the story to actually have continuity rather than everyone getting collective amnesia.

Saurfang’s entire BFA story was a waste of good animation that meant and proved absolutely nothing.


It showed the internal strife in the Horde and eventually the Horde rejected the whole N### stoog thing.
Far more than what I got thats for sure and at the time I kept waiting for something revolving around Tyrande or Jaina and their issues.

That’s why I wrote that Blizzard shouldnt have done the Burning at all…since it dosent work for the type of game they are making.

But im curious and I’m saying this from a place of complete curiosity, what resolution would you have liked?


Blame Blizzard for having priorities like a corkscrew. If only they hadn’t written Saurfang as an idiot in the first place, they would never have had to even feel the need to show him realizing he was an idiot. It’s honestly too bad that they spent time and money solely on a story not even their one part of one half of their audience really wanted see. It’s too bad that the Alliance characters didn’t also get any to show their feelings about all this (not counting Anduin’s scene with Saurfang in prison. I don’t personally consider Anduin’s perspective on things to have much value).

By the way, does anyone know if there is any way to trigger the Outland scene with Thrall in-game? Or is it something that can only ever be viewed completely separate on their website or Youtube or wherever?


I said nothing that was blaming players directly. Everything I said points back to the Devs.

I also do not believe I am wrong about that stuff causing bitterness.

Further more, I do not think that considering the Horde Players is an invalid reason for not doing a satisfactorily payoff to the Alliance for the Teldrassil experience. But we are still left with no payoff for some seriously wretched game experience. This isn’t going to go away on its own.

The Devs long since should of apologized for the Burning of Teldrassil and then created a new capital city and zone to replace Teldrassil and Darnassus. Along with figuring out something new for Undercity.

All three (Teldrassil replacement zone; Darnassus replacement city; and Undercity replacement city) should have some great fan service questlines attached.


The crux of the issue is that Horde concerns like being made into the bad guys was much more seriously taken, and still is to a degree than the Alliance’s concerns.

What if the burning had happened and instead of Saurfang cinematics we followed Tyrande as she dealt with the loss, the rage, ultimately invoking the Night Warrior?
I mean that’s what I would have done. Tyrande and the Night Elves were almost an afterthought for the entire BFA expansion.


This is indeed a problem, I agree. At least they realized that a good-sized chunk of the Horde players would reject the villain bat ahead of time. But sometimes I think the people in charge honestly think Anduin really is a perfectly relatable role model character for both the Alliance and Alliance players, and thus, minimalized any possible concerns about the Alliance doing much beyond ‘turning the other cheek’.

I wonder what the hell really went down behind the scenes that turned BFA into such a massive cluster#### that made almost literally everyone unhappy.


I made a response to Skarm a few posts up this.

Today I am fine with the Sylvanas penance coupled with a nice long, multi-X-Pac Sylvanas free vacation. Preferably a longer vacation for the Alliance.

An Apology would go a long way. Shows me they have learned something and I am not putting up with some egotistical “Rock Stars” mentality.

Replace what was destroyed. This includes Undercity for the Horde. Edit: In game. No tweets or interview statements.


“No, not work! It burns us, precious, it burns us! Updates old world? Filthy nasty customers, why does they think we keep making fewer and fewer zones and turned so much of endgame into a hamsterwheel-slot machine? Peoples would stop playing if you just gots to buy all the rewards at exalted and didn’t need to fill up the bar again and again and again for an isty-bisty chance at something reach time?”


I think nelf and forsaken players can probably expect a new hub incomcoming sometime.


Honestly I think this is reasonable and especially agree with the last part. Let the Night Elves and Forsaken rebuild.