But they didn’t stack 70% warriors for that run the way warriors were stacked in vanilla so the class is clearly broken.
I can assure you, there is absolutely nothing any druid or shaman is doing that is op either.
Warrior 5th.
Okay then let’s phrase it like this.
Warrior isn’t fun because we’re so weak and didn’t get any cool new abilities.
Also you do know it won’t be 25 forever right?
You mean a beta?
Ah yes take a picture of a streamer that was given all BIS and full consumable for deadmines.
nice try.
b-b-but i wanted to do the exact same thing as i’ve done 3 times now (possibly more on hc) and get the exact same results because i’m a sane and healthy person
the fact things have changed upsets me greatly
Lol look at shadow priest damage, then tell me how bad wars have it.
If I understand “make every class op” right. Shouldn’t they buff warrior instead of nerfing hunter and mage?
The aoe thing was because it was busted sustain, mage still heals well and does nice damage while doing it. Hunter damage is still good, they just aren’t double everyone elses damage
The balancing will come later on.
omg bro I don’t even with these crybaby threads.
Honestly what do you want extensive class balance for level 25 and then delete all balance changes when we get to level 40 and everything changes again?
It’s like level 60 some classes are good and some classes are bad. If you want to be powerful rereroll FOTM or if you want to play Warrior because you like Warrior just do that.
Classic has never been about balance.
I know right? Who wants to play a WoW where warriors have to use consumables & compete in raids to be top dps? This is classic & they’re warriors. Top dps should be by sole virtue of how 1337 they were when they clicked on the pointy icon during character creation.
you can take warrior DPS completely out of the equation
Warrior tanking sucks BAD.
I’ve loved tanking warrior in classic since 2004. My groups have noticed my skilled play as well during that time, often complementing me on great tanking and a smooth run.
In SoD I cannot hold aggro on things. Everyone else got powerful and warriors stayed the same
Yeah, ignore the straight up 10% dmg + movement speed increase for dual-wield Fury or 20% increased haste for 2h along with instant HS that doesn’t eat up auto attack rage. Or just ignore a straight up 25% dmg increase from Berserk/Bloodrage.
If you’re HS queueing while dual-wielding, you will slap even without the best gear at low levels.
or lets ignore what you’re ignoring. The tangible, in game evidence.
Warrior is middle of the pack rn. It’s fine, and will scale into an oppressive monster in subqsuquent phases.
I’m actually concerned that Warrior is doing as much damage as it is rn, because of what that means for future phases where they actually get their core Classic damage abilities.
The fact everything I pointed out went over your head speaks volumes. Do you even know what HS queueing is?
you’re a sperger who latched onto the fury prot meta for speed run nonsense
Tanks are meant to wear shields