So the make everyone OP and ignore warrior meme was true

Are you people ever happy? Who cares about the meta and balance? Uninstal your dps meter and just have fun man. Literally nobody cares


This person complaining about warriors because they want them as top DPS. Warriors are the preferred tank, warriors do decent DPS/sustainable DPS, and warriors in pvp actually wreck when playing abilities right.

Yes mages do high DPS but mana doesn’t last forever.

Only thing maybe for warriors would be adding a little more rage generation.
Everybody wants their class the most OP. Just to say it’s a good class oof.

Most raids I’ve seen meta was just warrior thumpers. Because the DPS sustain.

Yeah we got a little hosed early, end game probably wont change in the slightest though. We’ll be the insane damage gods we were always meant to be, and life will go on.

tbh, i just want gladiator stance.

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It’s been 3 days dude. Everyone, including every single warrior that has access to the internet, knew that warriors would need the next phase to start to reach the standard of OP dominance that they demand.

Rogues are similarly not strong starters up to 25.

Would you be willing to give up your typical power at 60 for more power now?

Oh, wait, you want it all, all the time.

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“You’re OP next phase” “Wait for next phase” “next phase next phase next phase”

Cool. Fine. Great. Wonderful. Why is next phase relevant to this phase? We aren’t in next phase. The current level cap is 25. The current endgame is 25. There’s no reason any class should be underperforming in the CURRENT endgame just because they’ll be strong at a later endgame

Not to mention we don’t even know what’s coming with later phases, so for all anyone knows every other class will have something that completely eclipses warriors still

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or you could stop comparing yourself to other classes and just have fun? nobody’s getting declined for keys in classic. relax

I’m not comparing myself to other classes. I’m comparing myself to the fact that just trying to solo quest and fight at level mobs thanks to the buffs everything got for SoD and the runes Warrior has to compensate not being even causing just one normal mob to be a life or death fight

So basically I’m finally playing a version of vanilla where warriors are being phased out and I won’t have to lose all my rogue leather to them again?

SoD was never advertised as fixing the well established problems classes have. It was meant to spruce up a 20 year old game, and it has done that! warrior struggles to level on its own, why did you expect that to change?

It was advertised as giving every class fun new toys to change up their gameplay and make them feel strong. Warrior feels weaker. It’s not rocket science

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warrior at 25 lacks berserker stance, and related abilities…of course warrior was going to be clunky. At least some new runes gave us some new options. Anyway warrior scales with gear, even at 25, once warriors get gear they’ll do damage. Warrior leveling was always rough unless it was an alt you bought gear for every level. Whether or not the other classes got special treatment…maybe, I don’t know, but warrior just feels like warrior, maybe a bit smoother solo leveling with Victory Rush.

I haven’t played a warrior, but how are they weaker?

I see them running around steamrolling npcs.

They are the most gear dependent of all classes… this seems still to mostly be the case. Good gear they perform well… if the level 25 game is balanced around warriors equipped in 25 BFD gear then they won’t be able to compete with others until they get that gear.

At least hypothetically… right now their runes just don’t feel nearly as impactful as the others.

nobody forced them to play it. a simple internet search could’ve told them EXACTLY what the class was capable of ever since 2004.
this whole “others should now suffer as i have” is ridiculous because it was always self inflicted

That doesn’t make them weaker than they were before.

The danger, as you say, is how incredibly well they scale. So if they’re balanced to be up top at lower levels, they’ll be way ahead at higher levels.

i see ret paladins running around with leather lmao
if anything, only your dinky little daggers are “safe” from them. they’ll take your one handers too because “i’m le tank now”


every class does have fun new toys, did you not pick up the runes?

that is a lie. You lied just now

they did not nerf warrior in anyway before release, they just added new spells. Warrior is objectively stronger now with victory rush in its leveling kit. Getting a new spell does not magically take away any power from the old kit.

Do not lie to try and win an argument

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nobody is being forced to play warrior right now either. yet here we are.

Good job not reading. I didn’t say they were nerfed, I said they feel weaker - because mobs as a whole had their health and damage boosted to compensate for the power of runes, and the runes that Warrior got are not strong enough to compensate

You want to talk about bad arguments look in a mirror

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Seems pretty good to me