So the make everyone OP and ignore warrior meme was true

I’m speaking purely in-terms of DPS, but nice deflection + ad hominem while still demonstrating that you know nothing about warrior tech.

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Bear tank is also rage starved, rage gen isn’t good low level when you aren’t getting spit slapped.

Shields are nice for some raid bosses but dual wield tank is the way to go for better threat unless you want to mark skull and x for literally every mob pack and then whine for dps to wait for threat. Scholomance for example there is no reason to be using a shield beside rattlegore or baron, with the amount of spellcasters the shield just slows you down

Yeah the runes thats not even half the powers other classes got.
wow 20% haste to 2H compared to what ??

chimera shot and mage fire dot ?? LOL

There is a really bizarre amount of hatred directed at Warriors. So much schadenfreude from people who got out-DPS’d in Classic 2019.

It’s level 25… classes are stronger and weaker through different parts of the leveling process. Also this is a season, it’s not a permanent era server so just have fun or dont play. Jesus christ.

bad. that’s all there is to it. warrior bad by miles? ur lost, warrior is in the middle. what a cry baby thread

Yes, 20% Haste is big with a good 2h. You’re just taken in too easily by bells and whistles.

exactly why balance druids were buffed dude. pay attention.

Where’s your healbot?

Disabled because Warrior can’t interact with it in any meaningful way


Hard to measure when warriors are not 60 in raid gear… Warriors scale with AP and Crit, give them that and flurry and good enough gear to have endless rage and their DPS goes from humble mid pack to absolutely stupid in 3 sec.

? Healbot is an addon that I use for healing

Idk about you but you should learn how to play with the runes. I’m pulling packs, multi rending and destroying everything.

Dual wield with Endless Rage/CBR/Raging Blow. I was consistently doing 100+ DPS in raid

Glad I’m not the only one, been doing some damage in dungeons with this setup

In dungeons, I prefer a 2H and Flagellation over Raging Blow and CBR. With the massive amounts of AoE, I usually can’t pool to 80 rage fast enough on trash

Yeah that link shows Warrior as 5’th overall. Exactly the same as the picture i linked.

I’m just going to suck it up until I can get my WW axe and then eventually bloodthirst or mortal strike. My warrior is only level 11 but I’m fine with sucking for a bit if need be.

Warrior has always been about paying the crappy leveling tax to get the big payoff when you get raid gear. is fine