So, the foruns are on fire

Forum on fire!

Forum on fire!

Burning, burning with ragefire!

Sorry couldn’t resist. :slight_smile:

You, fox thing… i like you

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Considering how badly they’ve been acting for awhile now i’d rather see Blizzard add a story where her and all the remaining High Elves make up with the Blood Elves and join the Horde. They more than earned the tears they would shed. I’m just that sick and tired of people like that throwing temper tantrums like little kids when they don’t get exactly what they want. If Blizzard still had any standards at all they would permaban them rather than cave in to people who act that way.

Thank the Light I’m always on green unnatural fire, on further reflection… does anyone else smell mass burning?

any cute vulpera want to be my bf/gf i don’t discriminate, im very lonely and would love to feel the soft touch of an adorable fox women (or man)



‘‘FORUNS’’?? Is that when the forums get diarrhea?? :rofl:

I have to be honest. I’ve been having a lot of fun on here.


what’s wrong with my message

im asking for companionship, is that too much to ask?

everyone needs love :heart:

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It is nice that they are adding more customization options. I’d like to see a little of that love going my way, please! I have some sick mogs that I can’t wear on this non-redhead nelf guy :L

It doesn’t seem too fiery, but I’ve muted a few threads, so maybe I’m not seeing the real extent of the inferno! :fire:

“Let me talk about how little I care, in this fresh thread”

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