So, the Dalaran Questline

but literally not a council. as explicitly and specifically stated by Khadgar at least twice during the questline.

Well if Professor X says this collective leadership group totally isn’t a council, who am I to argue?

I literally dont, this makes no sense. War is war, and we had on screen genocide via multiple quests since 2004. The only difference is you had to read them back then and there were no cut scenes.

the narrative still need to address or at the very least ACKNOWLEDGE Jaina ragequitting the KT during Legion though. that happened.

I Mean, do people even care about that still? It’s like when Ahsoka left the jedi order, because the council were wrong. Jedi order fell, she was right, new order comes in, she is a jedi master.

Also how Qui-gon almost dipped the jedi council as well. When an order falls, why even acknowledge something that doesn’t matter anymore.

I really cant anymore with this…Just say you dont like the direction the story is going, but at the end of the day, it is their story. At this point in real time, there has not been a war between the factions besides a small skirmish in 7 years (even longer in game).

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They perhaps should of made a passing remark at the least, given I know the dev team must be aware a number of people still carry a chip on their shoulder from the pruge days

…even if that was over a decade ago.

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Still wrong.

They’ve brought up stuff adjacent to the purge in both DF and now in TWW. They’re specifically and knowingly writing around it so as not to awkwardly bring up that time Jaina committed a warcrime against a mostly civilian population. Because she’s one of the good guys and they don’t want to do the narrative work of reconciling that.


it would be nice for the narrative to acknowledge Jaina actually doing something wrong for once.

but beyond that, it just doesn’t make sense(to me) for Jaina to just walk back into Leadership of the Kirin Tor like nothing happened, without acknowledging how she ragequit the KT during an Invasion by the Burning Legion and resolving that.

for me, it isn’t even honestly about the Purge, it’s about the ragequit in this case.



I was a bit disappointed the hologram of Kel’thuzad didn’t recognize at least this about Warlocks or undead (Then again, I am just using Darkfallen skin and probably the NPCs do not recognize as easily like maybe a DK or a Forsaken by other NPCs)


Probably the 90% reason a large chunk of the current player base like her nowadays! Well said haha :joy:

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He’s not wrong. If a characters popular, it’s usually because of their looks and rarely for anything they’ve done. Goes all kinds of media. :dracthyr_heart:

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Indeed. They’re so terrified of tarnishing our golden girl with any acknowledgement of her old shame - still in arrears of closure - they cooked up a mana bomb space race for her to moralize about. Just utterly shameless.


Oh man you guys are on fire I loving all this back and forth sassiness and humor induce arguments! We need Alynsa here as others and it be perfect! :grin:

Such passion, such humor, such fire I love it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It’s because it is emblematic of the way both factions are treated.

Horde do the bad thing? They have to feel guilty about it (when they’re allowed screen time) until the next bad thing they do.

Alliance do the bad thing? No, they did not do that. They certainly did not invade a sovereign during Wrath, even after sending someone into Orgrimmar to find out what happened and learning it was rebels and not the Horde. Jaina did not pure (with fireballs) the blood elves simply living in Dalaran. Bombing the goblins fleeing their exploded island? Certainly not the Alliance!! And if those events did happen, certainly the Alliance was actually totally and completely justified for doing them.

It’s not as apparent when you main Team Blue, or have only a passing interest in the story. But when you’re the also-ran faction whose relevance only exists to blow up Alliance cities and lose wars so you can feel bad about “muh honor” after, you kind of want to see something that was actually done to your guys acknowledged for once. And seeing Aethas just being a good puppy while nobody bothers to mention Jaina’s actions, even to retcon them somehow, is pretty annoying.


Listen, I need a catapult, a mana bomb, a blood elf screaming bloody murder and a few azerite bombs. Oh, and a world tree.

We’re going to do some experiments with how explosive a tree can be :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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My issue is always when the Alliance does bad stuff it is usually so cartoonishly out of character it feels very obviously forced and mildly confusing.

Like those goofy purge squads that burnt Vulpera caravans in BFA.


On a serious note though. The alliance has done some dark things in the past. The problem is that blizz has NEVER, not once, had the backbone to make it stick for more than passing moment before they either retcon it or bury it forever.

Couldn’t even give us morally grey werewolves for crying out loud.

The BIGGEST issue is that the alliance is soo morally pure that it’s extremely unrealistic. Even for a fantasy setting such as WoW. I wish blizz wasn’t so severely allergic with doing ANYTHING interesting with the alliance


See, to me the examples I listed are the ones I picked because they seemed the least… Dang freaking weird. And you can acknowledge them having just freaking happened and are bad, without betraying the Alliance as a whole.

Jaina? Theramore happened, now the Horde’s got a magic bell that can probably do unspeakable things. Just have the narrative tone down the burny parts, have her admit it was a grave overreaction, and we’re good. Throw in a line about “a debt owed to the sin’dorie people” if you really want to oversell her remorse.

Varian? Yeah he invaded Undercity. Have you met the man??? You can totally acknowledge in the narrative that his actions heightened tensions between the Horde and Alliance, and nobody bats an eye. Simply acknowledging this as a part of how the (Mysteriously not the 4th War, even if it was longer) war came about and nobody will do more than shrug.

Gobbos? Just say that captain went beyond his remit. The Alliance as a whole doesn’t even have to take ownership of the dude going all “no witnesses”.

Each of these is an easy thing to just… Own for the Alliance. And yet.

But yeah, most of the rest is like… “So this is totally a rogue group of Twilight Cultists or something wearing Alliance uniforms? Or did someone forget which faction they’re righting for? Is this just trying to be edgy, because I think it cut its own self. I do not take this seriously.”


The Purge is always gonna be awkward because of what it is—A piece of a larger narrative that only got half cut. If, as was the original intent, the Divine Bell was used in Darnassus and killed a lot of people, the Pruge would of, if not been better, at least felt something akin to proportional. The amusing thing is the bell being used got cut because they did not want to beat on the elves too much. If only they had known what their future selves were gonna do.

Instead they cut half of it, and didnt have time to adjust the rest to suit the softened story…so it felt wacky.