So, the Dalaran Questline

I find it as absolutely disappointing as the Gilneas storyline, perhaps even worse. A complete and total narrative shift with most of the survivors having perceived guilt over the actions of the Horde and Alliance in blatant manipulation of the Kirin Tor, so the answer is just to… Dissolve? Stop being grand?

I genuinely do not like it.


If it means an end to everything involving magic or Arcane being the domain of humans in floating city, I’m all for it.

If it still ends up being that, just with no floating city, I don’t see the point.


No, it is mostly to make a new version of the Kirin Tor that doesn’t follow 100% from the old ways. That is it. They went from Old Republic Jedi to Luke’s Jedi Order in legends.

But the whole thing is first, they need to rebuild.


They are changing ways, they will go back to being a decentralized network working towards a common goal. I think ultimately they will end up to the Blue flight what the Timekeepers are to the Bronze. This would align with the last Exploring book where the Kirin Tor had already began breaking down their camps and integrating with Blue dragon settlements and facilities.

Also… It is a nice touch they gave every single kirin tor survivor distinct NPC dialog if you talk to them.


my favorite was the gnome that said “I don’t care about these people, I just cared about my favorite spot in the city”, more or less.


It was heartbreaking, but yeah, that whole “we kept a manabomb hidden in Dalaran” plot was out of nowhere. How the heck did you hide it from Jaina Proudmoore after MoP? Aethas woulda flipped too, y’know what, Aethas woulda been the guy who accidentally TRIPPED over the bomb.

Oh dear lord, they bribed Aethas again!

I am not sure they meant to say they kept a mana bomb but kept the detailed notes on how to build one, which the Nerubians stole and in the process of making one nearly nuked their civilization.

I am more surprised they did not mention all the Pillars of creation… which had been placed back in Dalaran… or the Forge of the Guardian…



At the very least I expect the Pillars to be in The Last Titan.


Hopefully without the Kirin Tor being an all consuming blob for anything arcane related we can get more from other races.


Bring out the Draenei crystal tech arcane spaceships!


It would actually be super hilarious if the new Draenei city did fly, and they made a big point of all the anti-crash safety features after Dalaran’s ignoble end.

…not that Draenei can help but crash things, but that is besides the point.


I liked the questline, I think it was a satisfying send off to Dalaran. I’m really hoping this frees up magic storylines to be moved to race and faction specific groups and build out our factions rosters of mage heroes as well as world building for magic universities in Azeroth. While the Kirin tor works with the Blue flight and acts more akin to the IAEA in our world


I hope they didn’t kill off “most” of the Kirin Tor. Maybe the leadership, but not the majority of the members. It’d be a terrible thing and make the setting emptier. Plus, I’d like to see how many of the named NPCs lived.

Maybe we’ll know more about who survived in the upcoming patches. They even implied more were coming after the meeting already ended.


They seriously wrote a questline in which Jaina Proudmoore and Aethas Sunreaver take a retrospective on the Kirin Tor’s chequered past and ignored that time one of our quest givers purged the other one and his entire faction from it. That’s so cowardly and shameless this whole thing just falls flat for me.


Blizzard really loves whitewashing the crimes of their favorite antagonists.


blood elves still complaining about the purge. So soft people.

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my mind initially edited your statement into ‘akin to the IKEA in our world’, with all the mental imagery that implies


There is a stay awhile and listen after back in Foundation Hall where they expressly say pretty much everyone who was not there for the final sendoff is dead. Also Jaina is in charge of the rebuilding?

So… the Kirin Tor is down to at most fifty people? Most likely, half that.


A bunch of adepts and drops outs, yeah the kirin tor is all but gone. Basically they got Ordered 66.

Now we just need to see if the new jedi Kirin Tor order will go the way of Legend’s Luke Skywalkers Jedi order that lasted for thousands of years…or Disney Luke skywalker’s jedi order that lasted all but 20 years.


I like the quest very nice… I personally didn’t have any emotional investment on this organization and after Mist of Pandaria Remix I was done with them… Also I admit Jaina dealing with the Mana Bomb and certain artifacts had me giggling thinking of my Horde friend that if he was still playing he be talking saying: “Sure a likely stooory hmmm yes, lets let you take such dangerous artifacts off our hands, its not like you teleport them away if you were a Dreadlord!” :rofl:
I miss my Horde friends, but they gone to other games now… :smiling_face_with_tear:

Joking to the side, I can appreciate the effort and detail it went into it for does who love it, it was very well done IMO.

It does made me wonder and hope that the Forsaken as Necropolis Nation with the assistant of some Ebon Blade and Illidari members to keep things in check would consider abilitate the abandon Scholomance for Dark Casters and Classes as other races and nations open their own Arcane Academies and such now that the Kirin Tor is out of the picture.