Time will prove me right, as it has done several times in the past. You will be satisfied about the High Elves flavor in the future but for now this has to do.
Yes. I don’t remember where this has been stated but those classes were introduced due the Three Hammer storyline.
With an obvious different model unlike the one you’re posting on that is a direct copy and paste from BEs, along with the skin tones that effectively gives a second visual theme in being able to choose void or non void elf.
But you’re correct in at least NB retain their own Highborne theme and I agree that shouldn’t be shared, and I also agree the NEs didn’t see a copy paste go to their AR on the opposite faction the way Blood Elves did.
You can literally just look at a Nightborne and then look at this to see what anyone means by the fact VEs have an unaltered Horde model with the visual options gifted next as well
Not this and the title to this thread suggest alliance is getting a horde race,of course we have one ,geesh, If it’s about customization come on stop fighting about it at least you got it.
That’s because they were blood elves once just like forsaken were human once. Unless the forsaken are not part of Horde there nothing to complain about.