So the alliance gets a Horde race?

I’d point out again the devs have never counted the High Elf population of Dalaran as such its why they have time and time again reflected on them being a rare site in the Alliance.

I would say the goal post feels a bit moved though to needing evidence they left the Alliance they were part of the Lordaeron Alliance but not the current iteration at least outside of what could be argued a coup on Jainas part because they solidified what their role was by pre Legion quests, if the evidence in question is that its clear their intended to be portrayed as neutral, like the Horde having a part of the ruling body of Dalaran.

But yeah neither of us can prove the point.

I want to add I do admit calling the SC neutral is a bit tricky. I’m arguing they’re part of Dalaran, so on paper they’re whatever Dalaran is. But calling them neutral makes it sound like they don’t hate the Horde, and they certainly do that I am not contesting because I recognize the Sunreavers also having leanings but it doesn’t effect what nation their apart of or the fact the nation is neutral.

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Well, although we typically think of neutral in terms of game mechanics as being equally accessible by both factions, in terms of lore (the position Khadgar wants), it seems to be more like Switzerland. That the Silver Covenant doesn’t act without the Kirin Tor’s consent, and thus adheres to the Kirin Tor’s state of neutrality, is more of how that term applies to them.

Of course, this is ignoring the Silver Covenant’s cameo at the end of the Fourth War, and the lack of presence of the Kirin Tor.

Again, they’re too vague.


I do not mean to sound hostile in any way asking this but what is it you need to see it as Playable High Elves?


To my knowledge only Vereesa was there, supporting her sister Alleria, in regards to their other sister Sylvanas who was the BBEG. We dont see any SC forces there so likely not a Dalaran thing or lack thereof but a personal thing for Vereesa.

We also see Vereesa take SC members to fight the Amani, though if I remember right they were kinda invited to help…

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If we go by this logic, then we don’t have the other playable subraces as well. You are free to think this but this is not what the game reflects, regardless which faction you want to attack/defend here.

Why would Horde want an Alliance race? Would play Alliance for that.

The only other Silver Covenant presence is in the form of their siege engines, the same ones which can be spotted at Windrunner’s Overlook in Crystalsong Forest. Alleria and Vereesa go out on a scouting mission. Whether that’s two elves or them and their respective forces (Ren’dorei and Silver Covenant) is not clarified.

Also to just go off this a bit, Anduins cinematic makes it very clear this is a battle for Azeroth at that point, with Horde rebels at their side, and we can’t argue the Horde was in the Alliance war effort? Because that battle was for Azeroth and neutral Dalaran whose leader hates the faction conflict wouldn’t stand in the way of those fighting for Azeroth if Vereesa wanted to stand with those fighting for Azeroth.

Otherwise where was Dalaran in the rest of the fourth war? Outside of proving Vereesa was on the side of those fighting for Azeroth.

Notice how all void elf players are never proud of being void elves.

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Very shakey. There are no troops around them and could easily be a misplaced doodad from previous versions that just never got removed.

Honestly I’d just discount that one as an error more than anything.

It also however doesn’t mean that Vereesa didn’t arrange for a siege engine for a personal matter. Its not technically deploying troops and thus doesn’t bring up issues with Dalarans Neutrality. That feels like a reach though and I much more lean towards the its a misplaced item rather than lore accurate show of the SC being involved.

As you say though it is not clarified.

While I think this too is shakey its just as viable as thinking the SC was involved as I mention above.

I am Very Proud of being a Void Elf. If I weren’t so close to character cap I’d have quite a few more of them even.


If you actually read the lore High Elves are, and always have been, part of the Alliance. They’re getting a race that’s long overdue and should’ve been a thing to begin with instead of Velfs. They’re not getting a “Horde race”.


Do you think blizzard actually got bullied or the alliance players just cried and cried for a bone.

It’s a joke.

The cynic in me see’s it more as a jab at players that wanted High Elves than anything else. Same with Vereesa’s presence.

In order for me to see High Elves are a playable race, they need to be a playable race.

They are not. There are no player characters running around labelled ‘High Elves’.

If a race is available on the character creation screen, then it is a playable race. If it is not available on the character creation race, it is not a playable race.

These are the facts.

You dancing around them to support your own agenda does not change that.

Oh just stop. Blizzard even said Sand Troll customizations are to be taken as playable Sand Trolls. If people want to say they’re High Elves, let them. This is such a silly thing to get all riled up over. It has zero effect on you.


I don’t think Blizzard cares enough to actually bother with that myself.

I think they were rushed and put in a version or two where Vereesa did bring troops then removed it cause they were concerned about player response, and forgot to take out the one siege engine.

One is a mistake the other is intent. I just don’t see blizzard as very good at intent. lol

Ok, but does that just mean you want the placard changed to say High Elf or what? What are you looking for specifically?

Not to plug my own post, but I went into this about Blizz giving Void Elves instead of High Elves and then trying to make us feel like Void Elves were what we actually wanted lmao.

Blizz seriously needs to stop trying to force what they think we want down our throats and give us what we actually ask for.

Devs quotes say otherwise when speaking on how rare of a site they are, as does Quelthalas who left the Alliance even before the third war.

For nearly 7,000 years, high elven society centered on the sacred Sunwell, a magical fount that was created using a vial of pure arcane energy from the first Well of Eternity. Nourished and strengthened by the Sunwell’s potent energies, the high elves’ enchanted kingdom of Quel’Thalas prospered within the verdant forests north of Lordaeron.

Blood Elf History

During the Third War, however, the high elves were nearly scoured from Azeroth. Led by the death knight Arthas, a Scourge army stormed into Quel’Thalas, slaughtering almost ninety percent of the kingdom’s population. Arthas then used the mystical Sunwell to resurrect the fallen necromancer Kel’Thuzad, irrevocably tainting the fount in the process.

Fearing that the befouled well would obliterate his dwindling race, Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider gathered a group of Quel’Thalas’s defenders and destroyed the fount to avert catastrophe. Although the high elves were spared from continued exposure to the Sunwell’s dark energies, in the fount’s absence they suffered terribly from withdrawal. As a result, Kael’thas desperately searched for a means to help his people—whom he had renamed the blood elves

(^ Taken from the Horde core races section, because Blood Elves are High Elves and a core Horde race.)

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Dwarves got warlocks, mages and shamans in cata to symbolize wildhammer and dark iron dwarves joining the alliance.

There was no " dark iron dwarf" , for the same reason there’s no “bronzebeard dwarf”

They’re literally not. They’re a political distinction my friend. The fact that Blood Elves broke away to join the Horde cements that. The number of them has zero bearing on their allegiance.

The High Elves have been part of the Alliance since the Second War. The High Elves are, and always have been, Alliance.

Before Quelthalas withdrew from the Alliance sure.

The majority of High Elves are Blood Elves.

And if High Elves from OL are in fact returning then perhaps more are as well

Also the other way around the rarely seen few and far between High Elves that are Alliance broke away to stay Alliance.