So the alliance gets a Horde race?

I don’t disagree with this.

As I said earlier, being neutral doesn’t preclude a group from being aligned with one faction or the other. I believe a nation or order can both be neutral, and a part of a faction.

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Which is well and fine but the context and principle is what matters and you can’t ignore that, especially when the argument is if her and her organization are neutral towards the horde.

Just once expansion later they’re butchering them at the isle of thunder and I seriously doubt “butchering” was the order that Jaina gave, they enjoy killing the horde.

The dialogue from Anduin seems to read that he asked Jaina to let the Horde help but Khadgar moved to give them Kirin Tor admission, so like the SC they are citizens of Dalaran which I argue is neutral. Though both have their clear biases.

There are no playable High Elves in WoW.

I know this because when I go to the character creation screen, there is zero options for a High Elf race. There is an option for a Blood Elf race and a Void Elf race but not a High Elf race.

Try it, you will see.

But in the event, that the option for High Elves has suddenly appeared, please screenshot and post because it would make me very happy :partying_face:.

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Just to point out something, Anduin is the person who once asked Garrosh, ‘What if the Alliance joined the Horde?’ He’s about as neutral as you get within a faction as well if we’re honest. Khadgar was disappointed the Horde and Alliance were going back to war with one another in BFA, but if the writers hadn’t decided Khadgar needed a break because he’d been used two expansions in a row, I think we can both agree he’d have been Alliance and constantly urging Anduin towards making peace and trying to build channels of communication towards that goal.

I can’t say the Silver Covenant is neutral to the Horde, no. I don’t think anyone can. That doesn’t mean they’re not, ‘neutral,’ all the same, being under Dalaran’s roof.

Khadgar has been aggressively neutral since BC, he detests the faction war and has made that very clear.


Alteraci Humans for the Horde!


Indeed, and thus him doing his best to end the war would be logical.

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Yes it does.

The SC formed for the express purpose of protesting the horde joining Dalaran, they obviously aid Dalaran in their endeavors but are not bound by law to them otherwise they wouldn’t be seen aiding in faction conflicts period, and they have, the SC are the high elves who already resided in Dalaran and opposed the horde, both of which are still true today, both points even shown by the Windrunner comic, Vereesa and her family living in the silver covenant headquarters then saying how Silvermoon should return to the Alliance a few pages later.

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Tbc Zandalari empire joined The Horde, so all troll kind joined the Horde


Right but where I disagree is where you think he would be Alliance while doing this, he would be neutral while having strong connections and ties to the Alliance sure.

It all depends on whether or not Dalaran is a part of the Alliance, and as has been pointed out, we have no evidence of a vote ever being held by Dalaran to leave the Alliance. Until we have that, Khadgar is still a member of the Alliance on paper.

Notice how all high elf npcs are horde friendly in vanilla.

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Were they? I have distinct memories of running from the Highvale back in the day on my troll hunter when I stumbled upon them. (Back in Vanilla)

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They weren’t. Horde had quests to kill highvale elves lol


Thats what I thought… Plus theres always those few high elves back in SW. I kinda doubt they were Horde friendly. Oh and a few in Theramore.

This “neutral”-stuff is nonsense. I can’t do Sunreaver daily quests as an Alliance-player as much as Horde-players can do the Silver Covenant-ones. If they truly wanted them to be neutral, we would have already made both tabards and mounts available for both factions.

This isn’t the problem here. The bigger problem is that acknowledged sub races are put into the main race. This is especially true for the Mag’har Orcs and for your faction this is very evident in the Wildhammer Dwarves.

You lack the fundamental understanding why they did it this way but I’ll provide you with the reasoning and also an answer how this might change in the future. The original character creator, as you might remember it, was very limited and based on the banner graphic which represented the available slots. If you can’t remember it, feel free to check out older pictures, you’ll understand what I mean. They lifted this restriction by changing the character creator to have more freedom but at the moment we have still some rule sets active based on the old system. To give you some examples:

  • We have officially Blackhand Orcs playable - but why don’t the racials reflect this?
  • We have officially Wildhammer Dwarves playable - but why don’t the racials reflect this?

Because of the limitations. Same goes for the Void Elves and future Dark Ranger Elves too. If Blizzard would release the Dark Rangers tomorrow, then they will still be Blood Elves given the preset options.

The possible future update will likely based on race alone and a fluid racial system. This would mean that the racials would be reworked with some preset ones and others based on the the secondary presets you choose. All Orcs might have a stun reduction but not every Orc is green and can go berserk but some have ancestral powers or something completely new. I think we will see such a system down the line because it’s the only reasonable to do if they continue to add more sub races to the game.

There is no need for it. Everyone who understands a little bit game design and has played the game for a long time can see how the character creator has evolved and what is within the reach for future updates. This is not a Silver Covenant/Sunreaver situation, it’s fundamental designing knowledge which has been discussed to death on the EU forums I have read in the past. A dwarven player made this concept which got also some likes on twitter from the official developers.

ALLIANCE is the least popular faction but instead of making them like the Horde they’re making the Horde like the least popular faction

But no playable High Elves is the fact.

You can dance around it all you like but the fact is there is no playable High Elves as proven because you cannot choose High Elf on the character creation screen.

Void elves are getting blood elf options… are you living under a rock?