So the alliance gets a Horde race?

Cause the Sunreavers are not neutral and neither are the SC, these are unfounded misinformation by obtuse lore skewers like our boy Lann here. :man_shrugging:

Very odd for the leader of the “NEutRAl” Silver covenant to be at a meeting of Alliance leaders during the Legion invasion. Hu?


Buddy, Void Elves didn’t get “Blood Elf” customization, they got Thalassian Elf customizations.

Void Elves & Blood Elves are both the same race, just different seasoning.

Night Elves & Nightbourne evolved separately from eachother over 10,000 + years. Blood Elves & Void Elves have existed apart from each other for about a year or two lmao, they even both speak Thalassian ingame.

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They are Horde leaning like the SC are Alliance leaning but both are apart of neutral Dalaran.

I have this post bookmarked from a thread because it’s just a good read might want to give it a read. I don’t want to take credit for someone else’s well put words hence I’d rather quote it but I agree with it none the less.

Yeah sorry, Fyre has less lore credibility than even you do shes one of the most patheticly horde biased posters on the forums, citing her is essentially admitting how delusional your lore views are, especially towards the Alliance.

Sorry. :man_shrugging:


A source is a source.

That said, speaking for myself, I just can’t trust anything Ion says, specifically in regards to the lore. He’s been contradicted far too many times. He once said Zandalari Druids wouldn’t have dino forms because it wouldn’t make sense with Druid lore, and then the next day Zandalari dinosaur druid forms got datamined. He stated Blood Elves had, ‘evolved beyond,’ blue eyes and wouldn’t get them, and a week or so later, Blood Elves had blue eyes.

The man is excellent at designing raids, less so when it comes to lore. He argued there wasn’t a place for High Elves to come from as adventurers, but that ignores the number of outposts and settlements they do actually have.

I just can’t really take any kind of value using him as a source for lore. He’s the lead developer, but he’s proven time and again he doesn’t know lore.

Indeed, but again, there is no evidence that this vote to allow the Horde membership into the Kirin Tor, is a vote to leave the Alliance.

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What I do not understand is how most of the “Elf players” are RP-players but don’t know anything about the lore they associate with themselves. And even if you leave this aspect out purposely, it can still be proven by game mechanics and accessibility restrictions.


A testament to the Kirin Tor being neutral.

But I’ve seen you and other credit the art director with proof that the new options are not VE options but as proof that High Elves are confirmed when its nothing more than RP tools / the art director speaking would be a testament to art assets would they not?

In any case Ion regardless if you choose to take his words, his words re solidify the previous sentiment so the importance isn’t that he said something it’s that what he said re solidifies what was already said because your previous argument was that the rare site comments were prior to Dalaran being released into the world.

Also on this note and to our earlier conversation

I think that solidifies the initial implications of High Elves returning home, because the blue eyed customization did come much later.

The only misinformation is coming from Blizzard. Lannisterian’s stance is reasonable, even if it defies what should be common sense.

Blizzard itself is terrible when it comes to defining the lines between neutral organizations and the factions. They never provide the necessary information to really solidify updates. Take the Stromgarde battlefront. When Turalyon is in command, the Alliance are flying Silver Hand banners, but the Silver Hand included Paladins from the Horde as of Legion.

What does this mean?!

We never learn. We’re never told. We’re left to ponder and speculate and try to figure out if the Horde Paladins left the Silver Hand at the end of Legion or if those banners are there by some kind of mistake or what.

Its been the same with Dalaran since Wrath. As far back as Vanilla, Dalaran was part of the Alliance: friendly to the Alliance, hostile to the Horde. The Horde even had quests to kill Kirin Tor mages. Nethergarde Fortress, a Kirin Tor base, was Alliance-only.

Then in Wrath, Dalaran allowed the Horde into it’s city. In Wolfheart, Dalaran was invited to the Alliance summit, when only Alliance nations were being given that invitation (it wasn’t as if Kul Tiras had been issued one, unless I’m forgetting something). In Cataclysm the Horde goes right back to killing Kirin Tor NPCs, except we’re told that was actually a mistake by the Quest Designers. Come MoP, Dalaran puts its full support behind the Alliance after the Purge.

This game is a mess of trying to sort out where the line between factions and neutrals begins and ends.


This isn’t very nice I quoted that post because I couldn’t paraphrase it any other way and I’m not going to take credit for someone else’s points so it just seemed easiest.

The Horde doesn’t have High Elves, the Horde has Blood Elves.

The Alliance doesn’t have High Elves either, they have Void Elves that with new customizations players can role-play as High Elves. But they will be fake.

Advocating bullying, regardless of the provocation, does not say good things about your character.

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Well I don’t think either of us are going to change the others minds but essentially I think we understand where we’re coming from which was your initial question I think

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Blizzard shouldn’t have to spell it out and connect the dots for every single player who chooses to believe their own reality even if all available clues point to the contrary, while you’re right in how terrible they are at making it simple, the SC is not one such example.

The silver covenant is not a faction the horde is allowed in or even capable of gaining reputation with and actively listed under the ALLIANCE vanguard, this should be more than enough proof for most people, at that point if you choose to ignore the clues blizzard leaves, that’s on the individual.


No. Both factions have playable High Elves based on the given restrictions. Otherwise we had to deny the existence of the Mag’har, Troll, Dwarven sub-races as well.

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I don’t have a source to specifically state Dalaran left the Alliance in Legion, but we agree that they’ve taken a neutral stance. What this means in regards to the Silver Covenant, particularly with their minor cameo at the end of the Fourth War, is vague.

Honestly, I think Blizzard plays a game of, ‘Shrodinger’s Lore,’ where they keep it vague on purpose and only try to clarify after people come to some sort of popular opinion.

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I think it’s why when people bring up High Elf populations on the Alliance there is disagreement, people don’t deny the SC exists they dispute Dalaran being an Alliance nation when arguing its neutrality, but I don’t think anyone denies the Sunreavers / SC are leaning one way or the other but that doesn’t revoke their neutrality, or at least if thats the pov you take (which it isn’t but im just elaborating)

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Its not as if the Silver Covenant hasn’t mobilized to support the Horde. Zul’Aman in Cataclysm is an example. So I think there is some support to the idea that they’re a neutral organization, even if they’re also an extremely biased one. There was no mention of the Kirin Tor commanding the covenant to assist the Horde in the Ghostlands, after all. That said, the Silver Covenant out there also act as the Alliance player’s go-to for going out there.

Blizzard doesn’t explain things well enough in the lore. I don’t think its an unreasonable conclusion to say the Silver Covenant are, ‘neutral.’ I also don’t think that neutrality precludes them from being Alliance.

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Vereesa specifically quotes to Vol’Jin that she is there strictly to defend her and the SCs homeland and not to support the horde.


I understand that, but even she has to accept defending her homeland is supporting the Horde indirectly.

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Silver Covenant/Sunreavers are faction-exclusive groups based on the idea of two elf groups standing on each side. High Elves for the Alliance, Blood Elves for the Horde. It is this simple. Nothing stops you from playing an High Elf on the Horde-side but if you want to be a Silver Covenant character, then you have to be an Alliance High Elf.