So the alliance gets a Horde race?

When you start being exposed to fel again. Which works opposite to void, and could cause you to explode.

Bruu the green eyes are almost a permanant mutation. In the lore “some” of the Blood Elves have had their eyes revert back to blue and some turn gold, but not all.

If Alleria can keep her original eye color we should be able to also


I would yes because the devs have long held that High Elves affiliated with the Alliance are a rare site, few and far between.

You’re arguing that Dalaran isn’t neutral but if their population of High Elves count as Alliance then they wouldn’t have said they were a rare site on Alliance.

Gotta love when Hordies like this reach hard knowing Horde favortism is real and no end in sight.

Well then get to sucking some fel. Because they likely changed it since void and fel don’t play well together. Unless you are ready for your siphoning slime arc.

This was the stance around Burning Crusade, yes, but over the years Blizzard has done nothing but shove High Elves in the face of Alliance players. They can say one thing, but when they do the opposite?

Again, taking into consideration the time of the statement, it makes sense. During Vanilla and BC, Dalaran was closed off beneath a bubble, and all of it’s High Elves were inside of that bubble, meaning the only ones we saw were those at three different lodges in the Eastern Kingdoms, a handful in Stormwind, and some in Theramore. Also one at Menethil Harbor who later got moved to Auberdine.

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Aboutta roll up some Felweed

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And when Dalaran did open up from its bubble they service both Horde and Alliance players. And voted on re entry of Horde not at Anduins command but their own choice.

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Lol, there you go!

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Indeed, the Nexus War and the conflict against the Lich King, as well as a division within the elven populace of Dalaran itself, led Rhonin to declare neutrality. It’s still questionable whether or not Dalaran left the Alliance at that time. Dalaran was invited to the Summit of Alliance nations in Wolfheart, and they would’ve been the only non-Alliance state to have received such an invitation. Dalaran has always been in this weird place in the lore, and the Devs themselves can’t seem to make up their minds what to do with it for long.

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“theres only a couple and that they arent out there like the void elves are," the Horde is waiting for you quote

That was from 2018.

So the idea High Elves affiliated with the Alliance are a rare site was re solidified. Which removes Dalaran from being Alliance and solidifies the SC as a neutral organization under neutral Dalaran (in addition to the other reasons their neutral, like the main leader being neutral, the city servicing both factions, the fact they sat the fourth war out until the very end when it became a matter of “for Azeroth”, and the fact they voted on Horde re entry at their own choice not Anduins command)

Could you provide a source for that? Or was that Ion’s interview at that one Blizzcon?

Also to the point of Dalaran readmitting the Horde per Anduin’s request:

You’re right in that Anduin didn’t give an order for the vote, but he did want the Horde allowed back in Dalaran, as per Velen’s suggestion of working with them in that dialogue.

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You are the “Alliance” race, after all you are Night Elves…


The music, the physical appearance, the Highborne heritage, the architecture, the nocturnal themes, all were given to us, what more to ask?

Void elves didn’t get any ancient high elf holdings, no resemblance whatsoever with the music, no architecture, not sharing the sun and light themes. Also elves has always been an alliance race, they didn’t get Trolls in exchange


Right like they could have kept the brown skin for Horde high elves so that our elves could keep that whole Sunfire elf theme but instead… they gave the alliance our race… like what???

Notice how the Nightborne have clear differences and I can’t make myself look like a Night Elf.

You can literally make a void elf look like an exact copy of a blood elf… and you get extra options that blood elves can’t get.

Same skeleton =/= copy and pasted model.

Yeah it would be pretty much this.

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It’s Alliance-leaning. If you don’t think so, please provide a picture of this character you’re using with the tabard and one of the two Silver Covenant mounts attached to us.


We were all neutral during Legion. Also if the SC are neutral, so should the Sunreavers. But the Sunreavers fled to Silvermoon when they kicked out of Dalaran, why?

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What in the world are you talking about and where is this information coming from?

Ions interview at blizzcon re solidified the HEs being a rare site for the Alliance he even said they aren’t out there like the VEs are and their a crack elite squad as it is. Calling High Elves a rare site is accurate because the SC and elves in Dalaran aren’t counted as part of Alliance numbers because they are neutral, Alliance leaning sure but that doesn’t make them Alliance.

Can’t include links but “Calling of the Council”

This quest specifically shows Khadgar vote to invite the Horde back into the Kirin Tor.

Ansirem Runeweaver is the only person besides Jaina to vote “nay”.

So Khadgar doesn’t just invite them to stay in the city, he specifically offers them membership in the Kirin Tor.

And most of the rest of the council agrees with him.

Not entirely sure what you mean, the diversity options are to be applauded on all races that they apply to (ie: human skin toned races) the issue is Void Elves prior to being given the benefit of a second visual theme would have been blue, ergo the argument is they shouldn’t have been given the natural human skin tones that BEs had because Blood Elves fulfilled the generic fantasy elf for Thalassians already.


Give us every night elf customization then

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