So the alliance gets a Horde race?

Yeah but that’s and interview. They also said that Tyrande would get her revenge, that the Alliance actually won the fourth war. And they have a history of changing things lorewise but not reflecting it in game. Sometimes for gameplay purposes. Like Suramar still being invaded by the Legion when we defeated them four years ago.


Yeah that’s what he says, but see my other reply.

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It’d be so nice if they made better use of phasing technology and bronze dragon NPCs just so we can see the fruits of our labors.


It also doesn’t specifically say they figured out how to make more yet. Just that they welcome those interested and they’re seeing if they can undergo a similar process. It doesn’t say they’ve done it yet.


Blood elves were originally an alliance race known as high elves so i guess horde got alliance race that alliance got back


Yet Jaina left the Kirin Tor for wanting them to side with the Alliance / disliked they allowed Horde back inside, ergo the neutrality.

If Dalaran was Alliance they wouldn’t have been able to refuse the call to war during the Fourth War and yet the only time Vereesa shows up is the final battle that Anduin makes very clear isn’t about factions but a fight for Azeroth and it involved the Windrunner family drama.

Blood Elves eyes returning blue happens much much later. The implications of HEs returning home though happens as early as post BC

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Blood Elves were never a part of the Alliance. After Kael’thas renamed them, he sought to rejoin the Alliance, and assisted Garithos towards that effort, but we all know where that went.

The only, ‘Blood Elves,’ in the Alliance are characters like Valeera, and the Void Elves, but they renamed themselves before officially joining the Alliance, so they don’t really count, in my opinion.


Alterac / Fogsail humans for the Horde

Or Nathanos dead humans and we can later complain for RP tools to get living humans under the Alterac / Fogsail arguments


Blood elves are high elves though…


Not exactly. They joined to serve a debt. Then left, then came back, then left to escape penalty of death. It wasn’t the strongest allyship. And was a thing of the past before WoW itself. And now Belves have been with Horde for a lot longer than the Alliance.


Fair, though he is the storywriter for our game, and we got normal skin tones / eye colors & now coming hair colors for our Void Elves.

I’d say considering all that it leans heavily in favor of Void Elves recruiting those Elves in Telogrus Rift.

Would be like if during an interview he mentioned something like “the Darkspear were originally a near extinct island tribe, but their numbers have been growing as tribes of similar interest seek them out.”

We never got anything like that for Trolls, but if he said something similar to this like he did for Void Elves then it’d give more logic behind Horde Sandfury Trolls.

Maybe even potential body toggle for thiCC jungle troll model :sob::pray:

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Quel’thalas also left the Alliance some time ago too. Disregarding the Blood Elf rename I mean they were already not in the Alliance.


After leaving the Alliance, Belves siphoning of power to survive, and then joining the Horde, there grew very vast differences between Helves and Belves socially and politically.

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Green Eyes WHEN

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Guys, GUYS!!!

The devs went for this cause it was low hanging fruit of the laziest kind, it was literally an eye color for Belves and hair + skin colors for Velves. The lore is the excuse they used to deviate our attention, no more and no less.


Also it seems to be a favorite go to line from HE fans especially but maybe from others that Garithos didn’t represent the Alliance he went rogue or acted on his own, so then in my eyes that disqualifies seeing them as Alliance during their time together because I’ve also seen people try to say Kael’s time with Garithos did count as being Alliance.

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Jaina’s reasons had nothing to do with, ‘siding with the Alliance,’ (they already were), but readmitting the Horde to the city. This doesn’t mean Dalaran left the Alliance.

I think point is somewhat debatable. It’s quite possible the Kirin Tor could’ve simply provided token support, the way Quel’Thalas had done in the Second War until the Horde invaded southern Eversong (modern Ghostlands). The modified Portal chamber may very well have been a part of that for all we know. Blizzard is notorious for not telling us something, and only revealing it later, such was what Jaina did during the Legion invasion. Some people believe she did nothing but sit and watch the world burn, and then we learned she spent the entire time fighting demons as well.

If a future lore book, interview, or tweet informs us the Kirin Tor took a less active role in maintaining supply lines or such, I wouldn’t be surprised. Would you?

While there are implications of High Elves returning to Quel’Thalas, we seem to lack a single definitive case of it still. Like Dalaran providing token support to the Alliance in the Fourth War, I wouldn’t be surprised if some interview, lore book, or tweet revealed some High Elves had returned over time.


“So the alliance got back a original alliance race”

I fixed the title for you, now of we could just ditch our elves so we can go back to being the horde and not alliance V2


Well, I don’t think the Blood Elves were Alliance when working with Garithos simply because they hadn’t been re-admitted. It’s more a matter that Garithos had allied himself with former members of the Alliance, temporarily.

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Blizz just needs to drop the bomb & give Horde playable Dire Troll.

Blood Elf & Nightbourne players would become an endangered species.

Imagine a Dire Troll Prot Warrior dragon charging a group of puny Alliance on Ashran bridge lmao