So the alliance gets a Horde race?

I think the worse part is that we know they exist but Blizzard won’t throw them at us :frowning:



I really wish I had the recolors but the Mechagnome ones especially for me.


I’m just stubborn.

Oh I know what you mean, was just pointing out how blatantly bad that attempt was. And I kinda feel like in those situations that I need to point that out so it doesn’t end up being taken as a given that that was what I was saying.

But like I started with, I’m stubborn

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Technically, they did belong to the Alliance first…


So the horde got an alliance race, first. Cry me a river little baby.

Yes, give horde some humans that betrayed their people. I’m down with that. There were a ton of Kul’tirans that aided the horde.

what lol


Oh just them. Bah.


Haha. I mean there are other points in time where there are betrayals among the factions. I don’t see why it can’t happen in general.


But the Alliance isn’t getting a Horde race.

High Elves belong to the Alliance.
Blood Elves belong to the Horde.

When playing a Blood Elf, you cannot select blue eyes (as that’s a high elf colour)
When playing a Void Elf (with High Elf options), you cannot select green or gold eyes (as those are blood elf colours)


Blood Elves are High Elves and blue eyes is a small addition to our main visual theme.

Alliance High Elves are few and far between a rare site, and VEs receiving an impactful second visual theme at the expense of Blood Elf visual uniqueness is a shame.

Also posting on my blue eyed blood elf, what’s more is the implications High Elves are returning home and that I can’t wait to see elaborated on.

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No, they’re not.

They may be the same species, but lore wise they do not consider themselves kin. The High Elves were exiled and choose to keep their original name and allegiances rather than become Blood Elves and join the Horde. They’re still not welcome in Silvermoon City, even Alleria Windrunner was exiled from Blood Elf lands.

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any citations for these claims?


Where is Auric these days

That’s a whole lot of wrong in one post.

Firstly, the Blood Elves took on that name to honor the dead from Arthas’s attack on Silvermoon, that takes care of the idea that they don’t think of them as kin. It honors their past rather than denying it.

Next, only one lodge of High Elves was exiled for starting trouble, the rest basically never came back from where they were.

You could also put that as those who call themselves high elves now do not honor the losses of their homeland and abandoned it in favor of joining in with a group with which the high elf nation was only loosely allied to for a short period of time.

High elves are welcome to make a pilgrimage to the Sunwell as is their right as children of silvermoon as stated in the NB intro questing.

And yes, when just your presence is enough to nearly blow up the great big font of magic crack that keeps all the high elves no matter what they call themselves going, you’re going to get told to stay away from it.


While high elves and blood elves are physiologically the same race,[11] high elves generally do not get along with their blood elf brethren. This is owed in part to differing allegiances, as most modern high elves remained loyal to the Alliance following the Second War, disobeying royal edicts from their reclusive masters to return home.[8][57] The blood elves are primarily loyal to their own, and remained in Quel’Thalas, later forming an alliance with the Horde. Other high elves are exiles, having been banished from Quel’Thalas after the return of Grand Magister Rommath from Outland. The practice of draining arcane magic was considered immoral by these elves, who opposed its use. Unwilling to lead a nation divided, the newly-named regent of Quel’Thalas, Lor’themar Theron, chose to exile the dissenters.

With the betrayal of Prince Kael’thas and the restoration of the Sunwell, Lor’themar has taken steps to re-establish cordial relations between the blood and high elves. However, these efforts have had mixed results. Aethas Sunreaver, Halduron Brightwing and Tae’thelan Bloodwatcher have also expressed an interest in mending relations between the children of Silvermoon, though to what extent appears to vary depending on the individual. The high elves, or at least Alleria’s high elves, have been granted a representative at the Sunwell in the form of Auric Sunchaser. While he does not consider himself a blood elf, he seems to have little quarrel with the sin’dorei, whom he calls the “children of Silvermoon”.[60]

An important note about Auric. He appears at the Sunwell only once, and that is during the Quel’delar quest chain which was introduced in Wrath, long before relations between the High Elves and the Blood Elves crumbled. What his status is now is unclear. I seriously doubt he is in Quel’thalas given his ties to Alleria, who is now another exile.

You can indeed select blue eyes on a Belf.

Blizz said the blue eyes would come back.

Someone should tell that to Alleria, Vereesa and Lor’themar…

I still think The Horde should have been given the Dark Iron Dwarves.
The alliance could have been given the Zandalari Troll or Highmountain Tauren for all I care, they are just different flavors of our original races.

if they hate each other then why do they come to defend them? why do they still consider quel’thalas their homeland? why did they choose to work exclusively with the farstriders during the legion invasion?

as for auric, hes just another high elf in quel’thalas helping his group settle back in. thats the end of his story and the allerian stronghold elves story it seems

thats literally about it for the modern ‘high elf’ story, or did i forget something?


Modern high elves are a rare sight, and are commonly mistaken for blood elves.[13][14] In consequence, there are very few high elves left on Azeroth today. High elves did not gather in any significant numbers and are a very small group of individuals

high elves are blood elves. some live in dalaran and only a few individuals live in alliance territory and arent out there fighting for the alliance like alleria and the void elves and theres nothing more behind them. there is no army or population behind the mage trainer. in fact just as their canonical status that i just posted above shows they are so rare to the alliance populations that they are always mistaken for blood elves. lol, but they are an alliance ‘race’ so why are they always getting mistaken for a horde ‘race’?

you know what the real kicker is? since you reject the devs commentary, by your own logic blue eyes for blood elves can only come from ‘high elves’ living in quel’thalas


You are playing that race.


What are excepting Alteraci Humans at this point?

I thought the Horde didn’t want any Humans in General. :thinking: