So the alliance gets a Horde race?

As you post on a Nightborne…if anything, Horde got extra races than Alliance did.

Void Elves, just a copy cat version of Blood Elves.

Lightforged Draenei, just a copy cat version of Draenei.

Kul’Tiran are just bigger humans.

Dark Iron Dwarves are just copy cat versions of Dwarves.

Mechagnomes are copy cat versions of gnomes.

You claim Nightborne aren’t Night Elves, making that a brand new race, for the Horde, along with Vulpera.

I don’t want to hear you whining about not having copy cats, when your side got more actual newer races than the Alliance.



Ztrolls are made with the Darkspear.

But the Horde can manage to split themselves in half to save their own despite being on the losing side.

Narratively writers fail to make the Alliance cool and appealing. They make them the fuddy duddy faction.


Yeah Zandalari and Nightborne can’t use all night elf customizations but two eye colors

I still think UC should have come before Teldrassil, by the end of the war Anduin doubts his entire forces PLUS Horde rebels could take on Sylvanas and just her loyalists, but UC was overwhelmed…? When they knew after Teldrasil they’d be coming… all the questing in EK for forsaken portrays them as a war machine, I can imagine Sylvanas just nuking the beaches they land on with plague as or before they land so they you know can’t land but for reasons we just start with them already at the gates of UC lol

UC should have happened first tbh imo


I mean Kalimdor was the Horde’s home base, there was no need to mobilize any troops for the Horde. They always have troops at home. And it was a surprise attack on Dazar’alor, I’m not sure the Horde mobilized fast enough to really prevent the damage the Alliance really did to Dazar’alor which was regicide and destroying their fleet.

Alliance was all but pushed out of Kalimdor, so they’d have to send people there, while the Horde was already sitting nice and comfy defending it from any possible threat. I really think it just falls down to basic military priority in this case. The Horde was diverted into a feint during Dazar’alor and then the Alliance basically struck from the port while they were busy up there. It’s really the distance thing, I think. Or resources.

But you’re not wrong about them failing to make the Alliance cool and appealing. You’d think doing that would have been a massive blow to the Horde during the war but they just kinda shrug it off.


This. So much this. Everything works narratively better with this simple change.

Also would have been nice if Genn trying to stop Sylvanas’ march on Teldrassil lead to it burning and he just blamed it on her.

They could still have had most everything play out the same otherwise but Sylvanas would be far more redeemable, and the assaults and war would make so much more sense.


It also opens the possibility of Sylvanas forming a deal with jailer at that point out of desperation or descending into madness from losing UC. Instead of this weird lol she’s been with him since Cata



Blizzard could have done this so much better.

No, I think Blizz just hasn’t realized that they never made the Alliance bros that have your back no matter what. Even if there are major differences in culture and beliefs.

They are too stilted. They need to make them cool.


Blizzard: ShAdEs Of GrEy

This would have been a far more morally grey narrative.


I think they need to do it fast cause the faction balance ain’t too hot right now too cause of it.


They painted themselves into a corner with the Void Elves - this was an out of nowhere, ill-conceived fever dream that tried to split the High-Elf difference, and in the end, everyone lost.

They were a bad idea with terrible execution that no one asked for, but it’s not like they could throw up their hands and just say, “lol, nevermind” and full on replace them. This is trying to split the split difference yet again, and while it’s a bad solution, it’s the only solution they can really work with.

Making the Void Elves into the High Elves people actually wanted would take a great deal of work, step on the tentacles of those who actually like the Void Elves for whatever reason, and throw out a lot of the work done for said Void Elves. Bringing the Void Elves up to par would take probably even more work, and be an investment in a race that, again, no one asked for, and a lot of people really hate.

Ultimately, they just… shouldn’t have created the Void Elves. The Nightborne should have gone to the Alliance, and the Horde should have gotten something else. Undead Elves in Ghostly and Corporeal flavors maybe? Some lost segment of Kael’thas’ Felblood Elves, or Fel-Variants of the Nightborne? … Something with some grounding and establishment in the existing lorespace. Either way, the Horde already have their “city” elves, and they got all the good, well developed races from Legion as well.

Either way, it’s too late to rectify now, sadly.


If it was written as the Silver Covenant trying to save the Hinterlands High elves but they all end up being changed by the void it would have been better than void elves just being Blood elf heretics


Love how some people such as yourself come to the forums, thinking that you know more than others, than act like you have more of a say over everyone else, then come up with some comment like this after my reply

to this:

Once again, always love twisting the narrative to your post to suit what ever you want.


I mean, the origins were absolute gibbering nonsense.

A handful of Elven outcasts tinker with bad magic and everything goes pear shaped? That’s not the foundation for a playable race - that’s a questing sub-region. Literally -

If they wanted to build this into another full playable race, they needed to put in far more effort in shoring up the numbers. Alleria comes back, puts out a call to any Thalassian who’d fight for the Alliance, and maybe then you get Void Shenanigans. High Elves the world over jump at the chance to reunite under one of their race’s greatest modern heroes, and there’d probably be a significant number of Blood Elves who’d be willing to ditch Lorthemar for her side too.

There. Now you have the High Elf connection, the numbers, and Alleria as an explicit racial leader rather than this Umbric character. And that’s not to say he can’t still exist and have a role - a full blown race needs more than one major character after all.

Either way, however it should be done, how they did it was not the way to do it.


Is not possible due the novel which was released during that time.


No, Nightborne being at Horde is fine. Both the HMT and NB should have been a neutral race because both sides helped them during Legion. I really hope that the faction restrictions will be changed with 10.0

Blizzard (or at the very least Greg Street when he was with Blizzard) has been on record saying they regret making Pandaren Neutral, so future neutral races are… doubtful, at best.

Splitting the difference, the HMT going Horde and Nightborne going Alliance would have been the better fit.

Same. I want my Nightborne Garrison in Lunarfall and not Frostwall.

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Never existed. High elves are always, and always will be alliance members. You got the rejects.