So the alliance gets a Horde race?

Actually the Horde got the Alliance race in the blood elves, not the other way around.

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Blood Elves are High Elves. Horde has the majority population and Kingdom.

The Alliance High Elves are few and far between a rare sight.


Historically this isn’t very accurate. Even in the Third War the high elves weren’t really interested in giving much aid.

At the end of the Second War they pulled most of their support for the Alliance.

Honestly the High Elves aren’t as Alliance as everyone thinks they are. They’re really out for themselves more than anything. Some small pockets however did retain loyalty to the Alliance. They’ve just always been relatively small in number.

And by the end of Kael’Thas’ story in WCIII its really not a surprise they choose to go with the Horde especially given the weird behavior of the Night Elves and Dwarves in their starting zones.

Couple that with an Old War Hero of theirs being in charge of a bunch of former Scourge who now fight the Scourge still ravaging their lands, and they’ve even got a strong ally with the Forsaken on the Horde side.

Seems to me to make sense at least. shrug

You obviously did not play vanilla.


Y’all took our high elves

If I had Nightborne unlocked I would make one with a guild called “Posture Pals” because they stand so . . . odd. Kind of looks like they just watched a video on good posture, you know? :laughing:

Didn’t know you own them in the first place ,besides would the elves in general be changing anyway.

Quel’Thalas, you mean. Independent High Elves seemed happy enough to support the Alliance, considering they made up two of its units.

Again, you mean Quel’Thalas. Plenty of High Elves continued to support the Alliance and remain as members. Even Kael’thas, since he was a member of the Council of Six.

Again, you’re discussing them as a monolith, as a single united whole, when that hasn’t been the case for a very long time. Quel’Thalas and its peoples, the Blood Elves, are not Alliance. High Elves, however, largely are.


Aye. Quel’thalas and Silvermoon itself, the government of the High Elves.

See above?

I’m discussing their government and the majority of their people.

No one is a monolith.

Historically high elves have never been super into the Alliance.

Their lead up to wow and their going Horde made sense.

Alleria is a particularly good case of a pocket group who did support the Alliance given her rank and the forces that willingly went with her on a suicide mission for the Alliance.

Like an alien trying to acclimate to society without looking suspicious :alien:


you are making a post with a Nightborn a race that comes from Nightelfs and resembles Nightelfs…
really now??

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I’d argue on this point, and I think even the Devs know it, but at the end of the day, an Asian Poll made the decision, not what made sense lorewise.

Granted, Lorewise the Alliance doesn’t make all that much more sense than the Horde either. The ideal outcome would’ve been a third faction, the Illidari.


Op,is a fine example of the change a race has gone through being blessed by Aezroth and yet here she is yelling for no change ,ironic.

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Since you appear to be someone who likes it when other people are miserable, maybe you can take solace in the fact that the alliance elves can’t be paladins and will randomly go voidy while in combat. In some ways this was more cruel than just telling them no.


For now.

Considering WoW lost its crown recently, on top of all the lawsuits, it seems like they’ve finally hit the last, ‘break glass in case of emergency,’ option and are listening to their playerbase.

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Hard to argue on this when blood elf npcs were friendly to Horde since vanilla

“‘Not what made sense lore wise” says someone who actively chooses to ignore the story Blood Elves have that fit better and always did Horde.

Can you provide this poll

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Honestly I’d argue the original concept of feral aggressive night elves fit the Horde better than the Alliance

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I’ve pretty sure you’ve seen this link before, Lann.

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Oh yes… Quite friendly to the Horde…

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