So the Alliance are just supposed to forget

Or you know, a tauren village during cataclysm.

“alliance dun nofin wrong” players should go dumpster themselves.

She dies in a heroic self-sacrifice to save Azeroth. We know how this story ends.


Only demigod we have is Vol’jin who may be a loa but doubt they will let him stick around the Horde if that happens or even let him do anything as usual like they did when he was warchief. Possibly the most powerful character we have is Oculus cause he’s an expert in teleportation magic and working with portals and you know Blizz will have an Alliance outdo him in that sooner or later.

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That’s not how story telling works.

I can’t overcome a moment where the Alliance king is IN orgrimaar with a superior force after the deaths of thousands of people under his care (civilians) and command (military) and the destruction of countless amounts of land (not including the destruction of the holyiest of places for the Pandaran who still manage to decide to sometimes go Horde) and he turns around and leaves without doing anything…ANYTHING, but hey he said the Alliance would be watching. Well i am sure that was great comfort to all those people that lost everything and everyone.

There is no way to overcome that level of writing no matter who you think is godpowermode or whatever you are on about.


She won’t die. I have my gold on it, I swear to the Light and Uther’s grave.

Blizzard knows that we’re expecting them to do a Garry Yellscream 2.0, and they’re going to “surprise” everyone by doing the opposite.

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It’s meaningless because there’s no history involved. You had no idea those people existed before this.

Again, if the horde was to defeat some newly made-up characters next patch while the Alliance got to LAY WASTE to a major horde city, you’d see what I mean.

What else would qualify as a fist bump? An overwhelming victory as the horde had with Theramore and Teldrassil.


Imagine being so arrogant that you think we want to team up with you


A zandalari calling people arrogant.

This is the meme of all memes.


Sorry im not as invested into RP as you


It’s ight, fam :ok_hand:

You mean like Delaryn Summermoon?


And thats not how a video game works.

Did you expect him to dismantle the Horde and then WoW to just be sunset/shut down after MoP?

What exactly did you expect the Alliance to do?

I think nearly everyone had an idea the Zandalari existed before BFA. They aren’t newly made up.

You have had an entire expansion of an overwhelming victory.


Alliance needs a strong leader who will cleanse Azeroth of the horde.


How about being part of a faction that isn’t constantly consuming itself. There’s your ‘fistbump’ moment now go cry elsewhere, Whinemonger.


What moron thinks theyre made up?

Theyre in Zul’Drak during wrath ffs


Oh, so Teldrassil is back and all those dead night elves are living their happy little lives again? Gosh, I was unaware!


And do you think the Horde has?

You are the ones capable of wearing a title declaring yourselves ‘Conqueror’ of our major city.

Where is the Horde’s fist bump moment attaining ‘Conqueror of Stormwind’?

Honestly, this need for vengeance regarding bad writing is what is ruining WoW for me at the moment.


Mentions Teldrassil when its not part of the War Campaign
No one of note dies in War of Thorns.


OP makes like 3 posts a week crying about the horde. Theyve become comical


That was not our BFA warcampaign, that was the pre expansion event.

And not everyone ok the horde considers that a “fist bumping moment” hence the impending civil war.

The alliance has had plenty of victories.